‘I am 100% Antifa’: Alleged Portland shooter was previously arrested—and released—for bringing illegal loaded gun to a riot – IOTW Report

‘I am 100% Antifa’: Alleged Portland shooter was previously arrested—and released—for bringing illegal loaded gun to a riot


The man being investigated by police in the fatal shooting of a Trump supporter in Portland identifies as Antifa and is an ardent Black Lives Matter supporter. Michael Forest Reinoehl was previously arrested at an Antifa riot in July and charged with illegally possessing a loaded firearm and other crimes. He was let go and the charges were never pursued. He allegedly went on to kill Aaron “Jay” Danielson on Saturday night in downtown Portland.

The Oregonian was first to report that Reinoehl, 48, is being investigated by Portland police for the homicide. He has not been formally named or charged. more

28 Comments on ‘I am 100% Antifa’: Alleged Portland shooter was previously arrested—and released—for bringing illegal loaded gun to a riot

  1. This is such an heinous act of evil that I have barely been able to contemplate it since it happened. These are the senseless, most evil, things that cause the angels to weep.

    It could have been any one of us, here at IOTWReport. Please be careful, my friends. Freedom of speech is worth dying for, but it is also worth living for. Jay (I know I would have liked him and he would have insisted I call him “Jay”), was way too young and way too good to be slaughtered by a cowardly, twisted soul.

    Rest in piece, Jay. Our prayers of comfort go out to God for your family in their darkest days ahead.

    Please be careful. We all know there is unspeakable malevolence hiding among those amateur rioters.

  2. He can claim whatever he wants, but the Democrats and their allies in the media have made it clear that they recognize him as a main stream Democrat.

    His participation in riots that have been sanctioned by Democrat elected officials, and apologetic has been offered up that makes it clear that in their view said participation is not only normal, it is to be expected.

    Democrats, including the Vice Presidential nominee, have been active in setting up funds to bail these people out of jail and Democrat Prosecutors have not recognized their behavior as illegal and have ordered them to be released without charges.

    They recognize him as just your run of the mill Democrat.

  3. @ AbigailAdams AUGUST 31, 2020 AT 10:40 AM

    I have been posting since I first came here that people do not fully appreciate the depravity of the subhuman pieces of shit. I have counseled people to never concede “good intentions” to anyone who is a dedicated follower of the progressive movement.

  4. Real tough guy. Murders an unarmed man. Fucking scum.

    Entering these AOs without weapons and back up for your 6 plus absolutely no police protection isn’t a good idea.

    There was already a sniper in CA that shot at a Trump parade. I would expect a lot more of that.

  5. Reinhoehl is 48. What kind of worthless piece of shit is rioting with Antifa at that age? I sure wonder what his background and criminal history at 48 is. The DA that let him go on previous illegal weapons charge is complicit in this.

  6. This is the Clackamas County DA: https://www.clackamas.us/da/bio.html

    John Foote. And here is the letter he sent to his department:https://dochub.clackamas.us/documents/drupal/17ddb99e-f725-4bd0-9fb5-8a4d728153f4

    “The peaceful protests we have seen across America are inspiring.”

    “The prosecutors and staff of the Clackamas County District Attorney’s Office join those who are standing
    up, kneeling down and shouting against racism, inequality and police brutality. It shouldn’t need to be
    said, but clearly it does; racism and bigotry have no place in our society or our criminal justice
    We will continue to work to identify even implicit bias within ourselves, and create a system that
    is fair, just and equitable for all.”

  7. The progressive movement has been invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death since its inception. The Democrat Party is a wholly owned subsidiary of the progressive movement. How this can come as a shock to anyone is a mystery to me. I have been forecasting it for months. It isn’t that I am an Oracle or anything. History repeats and what we have been seeing is no anomaly, it is the rule whenever and wherever progressives achieve critical mass.

  8. @ AbigailAdams AUGUST 31, 2020 AT 11:10 AM

    Actually the DA office joins those who are rioting, burning, looting and murdering. May every one of their immortal souls burn in hell for all eternity.

  9. “…illegal loaded gun to a riot.”

    The law makes no distinctions whether a firearm is loaded or not when used in the commission of a crime. “It wasn’t loaded” is never a positive defense against a weapons charge.

  10. We are at war, whether or not some of you will admit it. DO NOT go into the war zones without training and back-up, and a plan for exfiltration. This is no longer a ‘free speech’ issue; this is a ‘they want you dead’ issue, as they seek to overthrow our constitutional government.

  11. His family ID’d him to Portland police from his FB pictures.

    The murderer is Michael Forest Reinoehl. And if the accounts of him from his past is any indication, he’s been a problem to himself and others for a very long time.

  12. “…wherever progressives achieve critical mass.” -JDHasty

    …sustained by coordinated leadership over the media and progressive local governments.

    Our COVID and rioting responses are two prongs of their strategy to bust-up the United States, destroy our dollar and military and render the United States into a much reduced vassal state of the Chinese-led, global elite.

  13. @Odin2013 — yes, it is a war, and the last time I was prepared to go to war I was given 8 weeks of basic training, including weapons training and PT, so that I could perform my job as a noncombatant. It’s 40+ years later and it’s highly debateable I could get up at 5a. and run two miles, let alone have the ability to “form up” with my unit. Any suggestions?

  14. A June 2020 story in the Baker City Herald reported that Reinohl, of Clackamas, “and his teenage son were both arrested early Monday after an Oregon State Police trooper saw the pair apparently racing at over 100 mph in separate vehicles on Interstate 84 near North Powder.”

    The article indicated Reinoehl is 48 and was “charged with driving under the influence of a controlled substance, recklessly endangering another person and unlawful possession of a firearm. He was also cited for driving while uninsured, driving while suspended, and for speeding.”

    The story says an officer found “a loaded, concealed Glock pistol for which Reinoehl did not have a concealed handgun license.”

    His teenage son faced charges of “driving under the influence of marijuana and unlawful possession of a firearm,” the newspaper reported.

  15. The Goddamned “warlord” in Seattle was passing out AK & AR variants indiscriminately from the back of his vehicle.

    Washington laws are very strict. No one in position of authority in Washington, Seattle, King County, and they are all Democrats did a thing about it.

    Of course he was let go, it would be surprising if they didn’t give him a box of ammo and list of people to target when he was released. PDX is no different politically that Seattle.

    They certainly have provided him with all of the “moral ammo” he needed, and that includes Democrats on a National level.

  16. This shooter is just one of many mental mutants belonging to ANTIFA. The conflicts continue to ratchet up in violence and intensity and will continue to do so. I think this is timed to erupt on midnight Nov. 3rd. Liberal politicians continue to do a masterful job supporting these bastards and the violence they do to Trump supporters. This is only going to get worse and it’s not going to be limited to Progressive cities or densely populated areas.
    In my opinion people need to stop wearing any MAGA wear. If you have MAGA bumper stickers, remove them. Situational Awareness is really important right now. If it doesn’t feel right, it’s probably not. Watch your surroundings, watch the shadows and equally important watch your neighborhood. Watch for unfamiliar cars or trucks at strange times. Lock your dead bolts. Install dead bolts. And above all stay armed and remember, hesitation will get you killed. This is going to get bloody.

    Edit, Wait until you get a load of Kate Browns latest. A good example of the support ANTIFA gets.

  17. Sadly, but as expected, the Governor of Oregon blames the deceased victim.

    This is the ridiculous way Forbes is reporting this incident:

    “Oregon Governor Condemns Right-Wing Violence In Portland As State Police Return To City”

    “Oregon Governor Kate Brown announced on Sunday that state police will return to Portland, where nightly anti-racism protests have taken place for almost 100 consecutive days, to assist local law enforcement following clashes between Black Lives matter protesters and Trump supporters that saw one right-wing protester fatally shot on Saturday…”

    https://www.forbes.com/sites/isabeltogoh/2020/08/31/oregon-governor-condemns-right-wing-violence-in-portland-as-state-police-returns-to-city/#76fbf2d5208e .

  18. JDHasty
    AUGUST 31, 2020 AT 11:13 AM
    @ AbigailAdams AUGUST 31, 2020 AT 11:10 AM

    “Actually the DA office joins those who are rioting, burning, looting and murdering. May every one of their immortal souls burn in hell for all eternity.”

    …remember when you could get fired and brought up on charges for dereliction of duty?

    …yeah, me neither/s…

  19. @ JDHasty

    I. as a lot of folks here at IOTWreport. have looked evil in the eye and know that it does not relent, does not pause, does not take a holiday, and will use any method necessary to achieve its ends.

    We can no longer afford to be sheep, impartial to others sufferings, or assume we are casual bystanders waiting for the bad people to go away. Each of us must pledge that it ends here at our doorstep and within the boundaries of what we see. Come together to fight our ancient enemy and his minions.

    Joe Biden is a minion of Satan, Kamala Harris is a hand maiden of Satan, Nancy Pelosi is an evil demonic serpent.

    Let’s dump them and let President Trump drain the swamp and destroy the serpents.


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