I Am Ashamed of My Conservative Colleagues Who Have Fallen For the Left’s “Send Out a Shield” Tack – IOTW Report

I Am Ashamed of My Conservative Colleagues Who Have Fallen For the Left’s “Send Out a Shield” Tack

What happened to all the conservatives that saw through Cindy Sheehan’s “shield”? Cindy wasn’t able to get away with a thing simply because she had a son, Casey, who was killed in action.

Trump stands up to another leftist who trots out his shield in order to shape immigration policy regarding muslims and suddenly Trump is the bad guy.

My, oh, my, there are so many frogs unaware that they are slowly boiling.

Ann Coulter says everything I would like to say, and more, in her latest column.

ht/ nm


12 Comments on I Am Ashamed of My Conservative Colleagues Who Have Fallen For the Left’s “Send Out a Shield” Tack

  1. It’s a lot more dynamic than it appears. Follow the money. Think Brexit. Case in point, Meg Whitman. How much money do you think she makes off of Global Trade per year. And how much do us average working stiffs lose. I’ve personally lost a lot. Trumps my last hope. Trumps our last hope.

  2. If I remember correctly, Khan went full retard on Trump FIRST, as Hillary nodded her bloated head which is connected to her waddled neck.
    Nevertrumpers don’t even know how hard the left and the GOPe are laughing at them right now.

  3. With an old man pimping Sharia Law like it’s a $500/hr hooker, why would he have a son in the US Military? Whose idea was it for him to sign up? I’m not buying the “hero” story at face value. Like Bergdhal, I’d want to hear from the son’s fellow soldiers before believing that narrative.

    Meanwhile, I’ll judge the situation strictly on the old man trying to peddle US Citizenship for a fee and promoting Sharia Law over the US Constitution.

    None of this adds up.

  4. It seems everyone lost sight of what Khan was really about, and how easily he could have been defeated.

    He and his wife were trotted out to make the following point: We are Muslims immigrants. Our son served and died in your military. That made him (and by connection, us) the best kind of Americans. Trump wants to stop Muslim immigration, therefore he will be keeping out potentially great American Muslim families like ours.

    The correct response: Thank you, Khan family, your son did make a great sacrifice. However, military service is no proof that your family won’t still support jihad. The San Bernardino killer’s brother served in the Navy. This same family brought America both military service and radical Islamic jihad. There is no way for us to tell whowill be great and who will go bad, and both can come from the same family. Sorry, the ban stands.

  5. I am not buying the son as a hero line. I want to see some evidence. Some first hand accounts of people who knew this so-called hero. In fact I would like to see the body dug up and his identity verified before I even listen to this little muzzie crapweasel. I say deport this grifter and scumbag back to Pakistan or to the hole from which it emerged.

  6. If you didn’t need more proof he is a plant…

    KHAN: Yeah. And I hope his surrogates are listening so they can take note of it what I’m about to say. I have no concern, I have no link, I have never been of that thought of that. I assure you I am an educated person. There is and I hope that other not so thoughtful Republican leaders are listening, there is constitutional amendment in the constitution of United States and that is called equal protection of law under 14th Amendment. Sharia Law as we have titled, there is no such thing as Sharia Law.

    These are laws of various Muslim countries which are hodgepodge of British laws, French laws, Portuguese laws. In there, there is tremendous discrimination of genders which disqualifies them under the constitution of the United States, cannot be implemented, cannot be brought. How can I be a person that has read this, I preach that, that I do not stand for any

    Those laughing at his pocket constitution left a mark.

  7. Kahn would have been forgotten about 5 minutes after his idiotic pocket constitution waving in a room full of people that hate the constitution if Trump had ignored him. Trump made Khan a democrat star by attacking him and his wife. Even Rush Limbaugh said Trump’s response was a mistake. Yeah, daddy Khan is a scumbag, but his kid charged at a suicide bomber heading into a crowd forcing the bomber to detonate himself early saving hundreds of lives. Humayun Khan was a Captain and all his soldiers liked and admired him. Humayun Khan was awarded the Bronze Star posthumously in 2004. His sacrifice should not be tainted by his asswipe parents.

  8. Menderman I don’t agree.

    The MSM was not about to let that go. You know why the Gold Start Familitys that Hillary called liars were never an issue? MSM. They aided Hillary all the way.

    Trump said and did nothing wrong. He simply plays by his own rules.

    For the life of me I don’t understand why anyone on the right stirs the pot letting the left call the shots. Loyalty means pointing out Trump called his son a hero, Khan is a dishonest man and his livleyhood depends on Muslim immigration, reminding us that being Muslim means very well his wife many have needed permission to speak, that his son was killed by fellow Musllims in a war Trump was against,.

    Instead we get blowhards constantly trying to remind us how they are so much better or smarter than the one man willing to put it all on the line.

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