I Am Reaffirming Radiohead as My Favorite Band – IOTW Report

I Am Reaffirming Radiohead as My Favorite Band

Does the artist have an impact on the ability to enjoy their music if they are people you wouldn’t pal around with?

Who is your favorite band?

Would you like a different one more if they were politically or culturally different?

55 Comments on I Am Reaffirming Radiohead as My Favorite Band

  1. I have come to terms with the fact that if I only listened to music from people I agreed with, I probably would not listen to much music.

    That is not to say, however, that actions cannot be so egregious that I would stop listening to certain artists.

  2. NO!

    I recognize that those not of my political persuasion can still dazzle me with their talent in their chosen endeavor. Pat Metheny is a great example, I love his music and abhor his politics.

    I also recognize that people being social animals, many will gravitate to the median of their profession just to “fit in”. Actors, reporters, and professors will embrace leftist ideology because it is easier to get along with co-workers.

  3. I like Knopfler and Dire Straits. I’m not aware of his/their politics. Like RadioMM, I’ve made my peace with the fact that most entertainers are lefties, just hope they stfu about it.

  4. I don’t really care that much. If I disagree strongly with their politics or other actions, I simply download the music, movie or show.
    Or as Abbey Hoffman put it, “Stealing from the phone company is an act of revolutionary love.”

  5. I love music (RAP is NOT music) some I can pass on, like “New Country” like Tom Petty called it bad 70’s Rock with a fiddle.
    But I really can’t stand that no talent ass clown springsteen!

  6. I’d put Lord Huron barely in first with Radiohead and Counting Crows fighting over a close 2nd with Tragically Hip and Glorious Sons placing third.

    It’s hard to settle on just one favorite I like a variety but those are top of the rotation right now, also Beatles Rubber Soul, Revolver and St. Pepper are probably the best 3 album set of any band.

    I’ve been obsessed with Sammartini lately, if you enjoy classical music from the transition period from Baroque to Hyden, Mozart and Beethoven classical era, you should give Sammartini’s late symphonies a listen. There’s a good case to be made those giants were influenced by Sammartini in their day.
    Late symphonies part one
    Late symphonies part two

  7. Radiohead is my favorite band too. OK Computer is a masterpiece and Let Down is probably my favorite rock song.

    I do enjoy Japanese Bands too, so politics isn’t an issue there. Wagakki Band it too notch if you can get past the Shigin singing (which isn’t in every song), but they’re tight, they rock and they put on a show.

  8. ‘Steely Dan’ is my runaway favorite. And I don’t give a shit about Donald Fagen’s politics. Although he hasn’t given any clues about them, there still is that reference to ‘Mr. Gore’ from “Weather In My Head”.

  9. It’s kind of funny how multi-millionaire musicians profess socialism.
    Hypocrisy? Stupidity? Trying to align themselves with the guys who hand out the contracts – who are also multi-millionaires professing socialism?

    Unless the musicians overtly blather their bullshit about politics, I won’t know about their politics – and couldn’t care less. When they become obnoxious, I quit listening.

    Mostly they strike me as imbeciles with musical talent.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. My favorites would be the Statler Brothers and the Beach Boys with

    Tijuana Brass making my top three choices.

    As said above; STFU about your politics while entertaining.

  11. A cool thing about my music collection, I run sonic analysis on all the songs. This finds albums that are similar sounding. In other words, if you like what you’re listening to, you should also like sonic similarities.

    If you like Radiohead’s OK Computer, you should also like the following albums. These albums are limited to what’s in my personal collection. Do you like these more or less based on similarities and/or political differences?

    Nick Cave & the Bad Sheets
    Lovely Creatures

    Gentleman’s Blues

    Tears for Fears
    Everybody Loves a Happy Ending

    Brothers & Sisters

    Alice in Chains
    Jar of Flies

    Paul McCartney

    Matchbox Twenty
    Mad Season

    Joe Walsh

    Geggy Tah
    Sacred Crow

    Days of the New
    Days of the New II

    Neil Young
    Sleeps With Angels

    Sonic Youth
    A Thousand Leaves

    Vauxhall and I

    The Best Of

    Ben Fold Five
    Whatever and Ever Amen

    The Blue Room E.P.

    57th & 9th

    Showroom of Compassion

    Don’t Panic

    Blues Traveler

    MTV Unplugged

    Dierks Bentley


    Ben Harper
    Fight for Your Mind

    Sonic Youth
    Sonic Nurse

    Pearl Jam
    No Code

    Blind Melon
    The Best Of

    The Black Crowes
    The Lost Crowes

  12. When I was younger I would read People and other mags, watch the Tonite Show and other interview pieces on celebs & musicians.
    I haven’t done that in decades.
    I try not to know.
    Of course it depends on their politics now.
    I tried to be fair but that ship has sailed.
    Fuck assholes like Green Day, Sheryl Crow & Whoopi!
    God bless Kid Rock, Travis Tritt, Ted Nugent, John Voight, Jim Cavizel, Patricia Heaton, Tim Allen & Jason Aldean!

  13. Even before I read badco’s reply, I was headed down hear to say: Steely Dan, hands down”. I was aware of them much earlier but when “Aja” came out when I was 12, I bought it as one of my first ever albums (too big now for 45s). I love some more than others but I have never heard anything by them that I DISliked. There are not too many other bands about which I could say the same.

  14. Another thing about music is timing.
    Growing up in the 70’s some music hit perfectly, others were meh to me.
    Years later I grew to love them.
    I hated Al Stewart’s “Year of the Cat” being played on the radio, yet today I listen to that song all the time and now really appreciate the sonic artistry.

  15. I don’t have a “favorite band” these days. If I hear a song I like, I will download it. Even back when I had bands I liked, some of the music on their albums was crap. One of the nice things about digital music is I can download individual songs for a buck 25.

  16. Most of the bands mentioned above, I have never heard of. I could not name a Radiohead song. My favorites – Commander Cody and his Lost Planet Airmen, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Beach Boys, Beatles, Merle Haggard and the Strangers.

  17. You asked three questions.

    1. I most likely would not “pal around” with a musician whose music I liked unless the friendship happened first or it started as a complete accident.

    2. Don’t have a favorite band. Do have preferred music performed by various artists, groups, bands, choirs and orchestras.

    3. No.

  18. Loco,

    They aren’t my selections other than they simply exist within my library. If they weren’t similar in sonic features, they wouldn’t be chosen. The albums are chosen by sonic analysis that uses a sophisticated neural network to analyze each track in the music library, cataloging a wide variety of characteristics of the track. Think of it as things like female vs male, vocals vs not, sad, happy, rock, rap, etc. All these various characteristic constitute a “Musical Universe” and the server is determining where that particular track exists within it.

    For the math-savvy, the Musical Universe consists of points in N-dimensional space. But what’s important is that this allows us to see how “close” anything in your library is from anything else, where distance is based on a large number of sonic elements in the audio.

  19. Herb Alpert is the greatest, Jellybean. My parents had all of his albums in the 60s, and I wore them out as a kid. He also worked with the Wreck Crew, which is my favorite “band”, and sometimes I wish I had been born earlier and with the talent to be in that gang. What a life, what a place and time….

    And PHenry, I knew at the age of five that I was a heterosexual, just from that album cover.

  20. I listen to rather obscure bands from the 80’s, usually from Scotland or the UK who have long broken up. Their past or present politics really doesn’t matter anymore.

    Anyone listening to The Big Dish, Frazier Chorus, The Lilac Time or Railway Children? *crickets* lol

    However, yeah, I used to be a big fan of John Mellencamp way back when. He has so many iconic albums but…dude. See ya.

  21. Always had a particular fondness for Ian Hunter.
    “You’re never alone with a schizophrenic” is a great album.
    Also some Todd Rundgrens album ” A wizard, a true star” is a very interesting album as it goes all over the place with no stoppage between changes.

  22. My music tastes run the gamut. Classical, blues, jazz, metal, pop, good old fashioned rock ‘n roll, avante garde…. my collection is pretty deep. For me, it’s extremely personal…hard to describe. in short, if you like it, then it’s good. Simple as that.

    Superimposing politics on top of that makes things harder, but it can be managed.

    This week I’ve listened to Wilco, Wes Montgomery, Steve Vai, Otis Redding, Mr. Bungle, and Paco deLucia to name a few.

    However, for the record, my favorite artist/band is Van Halen…moreso Eddie Van Halen for what he brought to the world of guitar. But I’m a guitar player, so there’s that.

  23. Todd Rundgren called me to go on tour. This is after he publicly stated in May 2017 “If you’re a Trump supporter, don’t come to my show”.
    I did the obvious joke when I received the phone call, “Hello It’s Me.”
    He went on and on for a couple of minutes about the tour, rehearsal schedule, salary, etc…
    After he finished, I was silent, and he said in the awkward silence “so what do you think?”
    My reply, “You don’t want me.”
    “Why not?” he asked.
    “I support Trump.” CLICK

  24. Some of the bands I listen to the most – Buffalo Springfield, Hollies, Sadies, Flying Burrito Brothers, Corb Lund, Long Ryders, Beat Farmers, Animals, Tom Petty, Wilco, The Cyrkle, Doors, Steppenwolf, Standells, early Bangles, Rolling Stones, Love, Yardbirds, Deep Purple, Outlaws, Skynyrd, Guess Who, Who, Byrds, Zombies, Smithereens, Kinks, Status Quo, Tull, Monkees, Jimi, Cream, Pretenders, Cracker, Glass Harp, Penny Arkade, Clear Light, Foreigner, Bad Company, Guadalcanal Diary, Sloan, Cheap Trick, Police, Social Distortion, early Floyd, Tragically Hip, Midnight Oil, Bettie Serveert, S.C.O.T.S. – I could go on forever.

  25. Saw Todd in the 80’s in my small town when he was part of Utopia. Remember it being a bunch of synthesizers and didn’t know any of the music they were playing. Was somewhat disappointed actually.
    After the concert we went to a nearby basement bar called the “Pub”.
    While we were there Rundgren, Roger Powell and the other band members i didn’t know then came into the bar. They were all nice folks and were very approachable.
    There were no politics involved but that was the early 80’s and it was a very different world.

    Those dudes were some serious stoners. I can still remember their eyes when I was talking to them.

  26. @JB – I must be up to a thousand CD’s by now + albums. Anything that fits the basic Beatles/Byrds/Buffalo Springfield template I usually like. Obscure bands from the 60’s 70’s 80’s are always good. Someone here turned me on to Corb Lund. He’s fabulous. I really miss record stores – I have to stock up at Zia’s when I’m in Tucson.

  27. @chalupa

    Yeah, the lack of record stores sucks. Fortunate enough to have two small independent stores I can visit when I need a jones. My physical music collection (cds and vinyl) is in the 500 – 700 domain. My digital album collection is prolly 3 – 4k. I’ve yet to compile it all onto one hard drive.

  28. When I travelled overseas I always shopped at the local record stores.
    Germany had a store with at least a quarter million CDs.
    Spent hours there.
    The UK had a lot as well.

    I really liked Spanish bands when I was in Spain, even though my Spanish is rudimentary at best.

    The band Amaral with their CD “Pájaros en la cabeza”
    was a really good listen.
    (English: Featherbrain or literally, Birds in the head)
    It’s about revolution of course, the Spaniards are always experiencing something of the sort…


  29. In no particular order:
    Blue Oyster Cult
    Grateful Dead/The Dead/Dead and Company
    Jethro Tull
    Social Distortion
    Pink Floyd
    Alvin Lee/Ten Years After
    Jefferson Airplane
    Allman Bros
    Gov’t Mule
    String Cheese Incident
    …and many more.

  30. Not my favorite, but Infectious Grooves are interesting, to say the least. Clutch are also an excellent add to any play list if you like straight on rock. For those who are metal heads & I mean METAL, Acacia Strain rules!

  31. my favorite band (I have several) is the Allman Brother Band … & ‘yes’ I did “pal around with” them … more than a few times

    great, down to earth folk who just loved to play music … & get high

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