I am Sick and Tired of Sick People – IOTW Report

I am Sick and Tired of Sick People

-I am glad there are still a few people in the world willing to humiliate themselves for our entertainment

-Humans have reached a new level of uselessness

-Sirens make sense at the end

-The men in the white coats are coming!!!!!


The problem is, there are no more men in the white coats.

18 Comments on I am Sick and Tired of Sick People

  1. I’m sick and tired of mental illness treated as anything other than mental illness. It even goes further, where mentally ill people are called brave and heroic.

  2. Are they going to allow this fake jap collie to shit in the back yard like normal dogs doo? And who’s gonna clean up after it? I love collies but this is ridiculous, it ain’t no Lassie. And it has awfully big paws for a collie. Next, we’ll have a jap pretending that he/she/it is Godzilla or transmogrify into Mothra thru metamorphosis.

  3. There is no mental health system now, and there hasn’t been for quite awhile.

    …one of the reasons I stopped running Squad and did not attempt to make it a lifelong career back in the day was because I was burnt out on mentals. This was a depressingly large category even in my bucoloic little city, and an incredible exercise in futility. My time was shortly after they demised the State instituions of crazy learning and spewed their denizens out into an unprepared community with no real notification or other coping mechanisms other than “Call 911 if things go sideways”. Well, 911 was me at the time, and all I could do was strap ’em down, treat any obvious wounds or poisioning on self and/or others, and buck them down to the General hospital in the center of town where they would breifly visit a room with no sheets or pillows or anything else they could use to suffocate themselves or others, where a brainpeeper would be summoned to ask them three questions they mostly knew well at the time, being re-re-recidivist; and on answering those three questions the shrink would 9 times out of 10 tell them to go thou forth and sin no more. At most they would get a 3 day jolt and an adjustment to meds, then turned back out with little to no monitoring in the same situation they left.

    Medical control of crazy is a complete fiction, BTW. Even if they TAKE the meds, the meds may actually make things WORSE (look at the disclaimer on any “antidepressant”, it works about as well, or even as contrary as FakeVaxxx and they damn well know it), and many patients run out, don’t take them because they are NOT responsible people, or simply stop taking them on their own because “I like the way I feel without them”. There is no oversight and no consequences for their supposed doctors if they go out and burn houses down or kill someone or themselves, just “Oh, well, that med does that sometimes”.

    Complete bullshit. Just a way of pretending to do -something-.

    …and this was in 19 dickety 2.

    Things have gotten worse since then.

    FAR worse.

    …because of overuse of medicines, the general anxiety that being ruled by Communists causes, the SPECIFIC insanity that Communist promote to further their agenda, the fact that Communists have deliberately destroyed the medical profession starting with MENTAL healthcare, media driven “trends” specifically engineered to increase fear and confusion, and the fact that we simply are not allowed to let children act like children (especially not let boys act like boys), this has caused a WHOLE lot of crazy even WITHOUT people who would be crazy for medical or genetic reasons.

    Plus we import OTHER people’s crazy. You know that much-villified Trump truth, “They’re not sending their best”?

    THAT has gone on for QUITE awhile. Look up things like the Mariel boatlift where Castro used American asylum to dump his prisoner and mental population on Florida’s shores in 1980 where they remain to this day, and you’ll get some idea as to how we are the safety valve for every country below the Rio Grande, and THAT has been put on HIGH since then too.

    …but I opted out of being legally obliged to help crazy some years ago, so why should this bust MY onions, huh? What am I on about?

    Like its possible to avoid it. Har har, jokes on you.

    …Any place of any size has its crazy people wandering around. It’s not the all of it but a large part of the “homeless” population emerged just as they were closing the booby hatches, and that is NOT a coincidence. You throw people who don’t know how to take care of themselves because they are mentally incapable of doing so on the street, and that’s where they STAY, as an omnipresent threat to themselves and others, and a constant drain on taxpayer funded resourses as well as a driver of economic blight.

    But that’s not what I’m talking about either.

    …no, mental illness has been spread far and wide. I have to deal with mental illness IN MY OWN FAMILY. Friends of mine have to deal with mental illness in THEIR families. People HERE, on this blog other than me are dealing with mentally ill family members. Look around, tell me you don’t know someone personally who has been touched by mental illness and I’ll have to say you simply don’t know them well enough yet. it’s gotten pretty ubiquious, mostly by design.

    And here’s the kicker; THERE’S NO ONE TO HELP YOU.

    …mental illness is no longer considered a problem to be solved, but a diversity to be celebrated. Mental illness is treated as an opportunity to make much money with pharmaceuticals that cause more harm than good, therapies that are little more than affirmation sessions, “Doctors” who have little interest or incentive in actually healing their patients, hospitals that discharge as quickly as possible, no long-term care that wouldn’t just make a BIGGER monster out of the mentally ill, and as a vast profit center since Obamacare forced health insurers to no longer limit payments for mental health as they once did to set amounts and/or periods of time. A good mental illness can fund a long, profitable 9-5 career (AFTER HOURS CALL 911 they tell their patients), and a lavish retirement just off a couple of patients that NEVER need to have any results other than not dying, and even THAT is OK if you can blame it on the poison you give them. What reprobate Democrat doctor who has no fear of God or respect for his Oath WOULDN’T want to keep that gravy train going?

    What they call ‘mental health care’ these days is an Orwellian oxymoron, on par with “WAR IS PEACE” “FREEDOM IS SLAVERY”, and “DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENTH”, to name but a few. There would be little gained by putting folks in a modern asylum other than making it easier to haul off the inevitable suicide victim, as they wouldn’t do a damn thing but turn the crazy up to 11 there. Look at how the schools now foster turning kids crazy and not telling their parents they are DOING it for an idea of what would happen in such a place. No, asylums in The Current Year are not the answer.

    Although I would imagine they will make a HUGE comeback.

    When Democrats do as all Communists inevitably do and declare not liking Communism to be a mental health issue worthy of confinement.

    History already tells us where it goes from there.

    …so be careful what you wish for when you wish for the return of the loony bin.

    You just may end up being a plank owner there.

    And the men in the white coats may trade them for trenchcoats and dark suits; but the person they come for, will be YOU.

  4. …don’t forget the Caligula effect.

    “Caligula : Do you think I’m mad?

    Claudius : Mad?

    Caligula : Yes, sometimes I think that I’m going mad. Do you – be honest with me – has that thought ever crossed your mind?

    Claudius : Never. Never. The idea is preposterous. You set the standard of sanity for the whole world.”
    -Robert Graves, “I, Claudius”

    …powerful men set the legal standard for “sanity”, and at this moment the putative “leader” in our Country is a demented, narcissitic, murderous pedophile psychopath with his brain apparently raddled by neurosyphillis.

    This sets the bar pretty low, if they want to continue to pretend this is normal.


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