I am so sick of giving this lecture to cheeseteeth know-nothing dummies, but here I go again – IOTW Report

I am so sick of giving this lecture to cheeseteeth know-nothing dummies, but here I go again


Okay, moron.

Try and follow along, you dumb bastage.

The issue isn’t that you didn’t care that Bill Clinton was getting a blowjob in the oval office, it’s that Bill Clinton cared. He cared if we found out, so much so that he was willing to tamper with a grand jury witness and obstruct justice. The penalties for such actions would be severe, but he weighed the risks and decided to go for the coverup despite the repercussions if caught.

This is a very dangerous situation that threatens national security.

It meant our commander-in-chief, the holder of the highest office in the world, was ripe for blackmail if somebody should have found out about his secret dalliances and threatened him.

THAT, my idiot friend, is the issue. Who knows what Clinton could have done, or did do, if approached by people with a dossier full of pictures?

If Clinton had an open marriage and didn’t give a crap there’d be no issue. But he did give a crap, a big crap, and that is unacceptable.

Got it now, pal?

11 Comments on I am so sick of giving this lecture to cheeseteeth know-nothing dummies, but here I go again

  1. Of all the types of breath there are, I love the wasted kind the most.

    Just kidding, of course. Sort of. I quit trying to fix stupid years ago. It’s good that there are people still working on the problem, though…


  2. Of course there are a number of reasons the Clintons conduct is at the very least, reprehensible. Not to be ignored is the fact that Hillary participated in the character assassination of the victims of Bill, and ran the Bimbo Eruptions unit. They should both be wearing orange jumpsuits. I can’t stand those morons that try to rationalize what the Clintons have done!

  3. Can’t I just dislike Bill Clinton for being a scum back serial sexual assaulter and rapist?

    Hillary the enabling coat tail clutching enabler is as bad for playing victim and then assaulting Bill’s real victims all over again.

  4. Exactly! Many years ago a lib acquaintance said that they had an open marriage and so it was OK. I asked her why, in the 60 minutes, “we all have troubles in our marriages, vast right-wing conspiracy” interview, she didn’t just say, “We have an open marriage and it is OK with me that he is banging interns”? I still cherish the goldfish-like, open-and-close mouth stupification response from that moron.

  5. The guy with the highlighted response really needs to put this in his pipe and smoke it:

    During the period of Clinton’s dalliance with Monica Lewinsky, he was once so cleverly stealthy in his movements that he actually fell off the Secret Service radar for about 15-20 minutes. Agents were scurrying madly about the White House trying to locate him.

    Aren’t you glad that we weren’t attacked by an enemy nation during those 15-20 minutes?

  6. There is a worse crime than his exposure to blackmail.

    Bill Clinton took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. During the investigation, he perjured himself. By doing so, he denied a citizen their constitutional right to a trial by jury of their peers. He violated his oath of office by denying a citizen their constitutional rights. That makes him unworthy of the office and deserving not just of impeachment but removal from office. If he had an ounce of integrity he would have resigned.

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