I apologize for ever having made Polish jokes – IOTW Report

I apologize for ever having made Polish jokes

The Polish seem to be one of the smarter European countries.


Multiculturalism, political correctness and mass migration are responsible for terror attacks in Europe, Poland’s interior minister has said. Blasting Western Europe’s response to terror — holding marches and drawing pictures of flowers — as ineffective, Mariusz Blaszczak said governments should protect their citizens.

After it emerged that a Tunisian living in France was responsible for the terror attack in Nice this week, Mr Blaszczak said it was the result of years of multiculturalism.

Mr Blaszczak struck a decidedly different tone to other Western leaders, linking mass Muslim immigration with terrorism. Speaking about France, which has seen over a dozen Islamist terror attacks in less than two years, the minister said that by rejecting mass migration his government hopes to avoid the mistakes made by many Western governments.


ht/ The Big Owe

20 Comments on I apologize for ever having made Polish jokes

  1. Good for Poland! They have a society that although it had to suffer through Communism for decades, they at least did not develop the crappy stuff we have here.

  2. Diversity is our strength-how great is it to see someone calling bullshit on this crap?

    Why does everyone want to come to white countries? I know, it’s rhetorical. Stay in your own damn country and do something about the level of shittiness there. Don’t bring your failed culture to my country.

    It’s like all those Californians that poured into CO back in the 80s-they fled their oppressively taxed & regulated state only to put once solidly conservative CO on the path to where it’s at now-legal dope, one of the most REgressive SCs in the country, a far left Governor and on the brink of passing a single payer system which will outlaw private health insurance and more then double the state’s budget.

    There’s always someone looking to piss in your punch.

  3. Did you hear about the Polack who thought asphalt was rectum trouble? Old joke that I heard as a kid from one of my friends dad’s who was a German Lutheran from Minnesota. Having said that I like the Poles, they are a good, decent long suffering people who have undergone a lot more problems than most other nations being stuck in the middle between Russia and Germany.

  4. The Poles know what communism is all about. They have no use for American liberals. There are statues of Ronald Reagan and Pope Paul 11 in Warsaw which shows their respect for two great anti-communists. Long live Mr.Blaszezak

  5. The Poles are WAY ahead of the game. They’ve been sh!t upon for about 900 years by everyone from Huns to the Soviets. Poland has disappeared from the map of Europe on multiple occasions. They KNOW.

  6. “… said governments should protect their citizens.”

    What a novel idea!

    Hey, Obola, you paying attention? It’s a new notion from Eastern Europe!

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Proud Polack here (on my mother’s side) and get this, I’m a blond as well!
    Think of all the jokes I don’t understand!!!

    Za wolność Waszą i naszą
    (for your freedom and ours)

  8. I just recently reread James A Michener’s large book Poland. It’s a typical Michener book taking in all of Polish history from Poland’s origin in the middle ages up to the recent present of the early 1980’s. It’s worth reading just for a basic understanding of Polish history even if it’s mostly fictional. And the Poles did beat the Muslims back from the gates of Vienna thus saving Europe from an earlier takeover of Europe by Islam.

  9. Eastern European chicks are hot.

    Lithuania lies just east of Poland. I loved a full blooded Lithuanian lady years ago, my oh my. She was quite a joy to be with… shoulda held onto that one….

  10. Poland was one of our stronger allies in the “Coalition of the Willing” in our wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq, both conflicts which then Ozero pissed away in entirety.

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