I asked the left to give me proof that Trump is racist towards blacks – this is what they have – IOTW Report

I asked the left to give me proof that Trump is racist towards blacks – this is what they have

Some nitwit who bit his pillow for weeks after Trump’s election started a new site called PESTerity, oops – Presterity, a site dedicated to TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT TRUMP!!!!

Here is the part where they detail Trump’s racism towards blacks.

Black Americans

Trump’s history of bias against black people is long and well documented. In 1973, the U.S. Justice Department filed suit against Trump and his father for violating a 1968 law that barred landlords from discriminating against people of color. (Source TIME) Although the Trumps settled without admitting guilt, media coverage reflected the general understanding that their rental practices had been discriminatory. A New York Times headline read “Trump promises to end race bias.”

At his casinos in New Jersey, the state Casino Control Commission levied a $200,000 fine against the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in 1992 because managers there removed African-American card dealers when a rich gambler requested it. Trump appealed, but the court upheld the fine. Trump and his first wife, *Ivanka Trump, would also have black employees cleared from the floor before they walked out on it. A 1991 book written by his former casino president John O’Donnell said, “And isn’t it funny. I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

The book also said, “I think the guy is lazy,” about a black worker. “And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”




  • 10/10/2016 “Donald Trump Gets a Basic Fact Wrong About Black Americans” (Washington Post)
    “When Trump addresses black America by talking about urban centers, he overlooks the diversity of America’s black population and the unique issues that affect the millions who live in the rural South and the suburbs.”
  • 11/21/2016 “Black Wealth in the Age of Trump” (The Atlantic)
    “My impression, especially from listening to an interview of one of Trump’s black surrogates Darrell Scott, is that Trump’s proposal to address black economic deprivation is to ‘gild the ghetto.’”
  • 12/24/2016 “Trump’s pick for attorney general is shadowed by race and history” (Washington Post)
    “Sessions’s long record in public life reveals a man who has hired African Americans for senior positions who speak highly of him, but who has been sharply criticized by civil rights groups for his positions on voting rights, same-sex marriage and gender equality.”
  • !snip!

-The lawsuit was a class action suit against ALLLLLLL landlords.

-You mean Trump casinos kept black employees away from a high-roller who was racist???? YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME???!!!!???

The high-roller was mobster Robert LiButti. I’m sure this pansy-ass,

Jan Miksovsky, would take a stand against the mobster!!!

And I’m positive the employees of the hotel/casino were delighted to be removed from the premises when this mobster a-hole was on the floor.


-“Trump and his first wife, Ivanka Trump, would also have black employees cleared from the floor before they walked out on it.”

Bullcrap. There is no proof of this whatsoever, and logic would tell you that Trump wouldn’t have HIRED BLACKS IN THE FIRST PLACE if he was that kind of man.

What’s his “proof”? A former disgruntled casino president, JACK (not John, moron) O’Donnell, who had a wild hare up his ass because three of his fellow workers died in a helicopter accident and Trump didn’t speak kindly of their business acumen after their death.

So, do you think this guy had a motive to simply make things up about him? O’Donnell wasa rabid Hillary supporter.

Back then, Donald Trump’s ego was as big as it is today. He was short-tempered, he was judgmental without facts, he judged people based on their clothes or the color of their skin. His attention span was so small it was almost impossible to have a strategic conversation with him about the business. He would say something one minute and change his mind the next. He would demand something be done one way, only to criticize that directive later, never taking blame. He never said he was sorry for anything. He was crude and sexist toward women, he was a philandering fool publicly. He would humiliate his wife without a second thought.

Sounds like a guy who couldn’t cut it in the Trump organization and saw his better as a scary monster.

-The rest of the pillow biters’ screed is nothing but a restating of facts, ones where Trump condemns democratic control over predominantly black cities, the implication being whenever Trump says “black” it’s meant as an epithet.

You see, Trump can’t even say “black” without this guy thinking it’s a slur.

Also, you cannot criticize anyone who happens to be black. That’s racissss, too.

Stupid guy. Stupid site. Not listening to a guy who can’r fill out his shirt collar.

ht/ illustr8r

*As Merry Mouse points out, these TRUTH TELLERS and indefatigable sentinels can’t even get his ex-wife’s name right. It’s Ivanna.

Ivanka is the daughter.

15 Comments on I asked the left to give me proof that Trump is racist towards blacks – this is what they have

  1. You know the thing is with people like this is they’ve always existed. But they’ve been impowered over the last eight years because Soccer Moms decided hey, let’s vote for the toatally unqualified community organizer. In fairness it wasn’t just women. I occasionally run into some asshole guy that will say shit like “I can’t believe I voted for that guy twice”. The last one may still be unconscious.
    My point is, I expect these assholes to shrink back into their rightful places.

  2. Sad, sad, sad. How do you people not understand the racist Trump is? He has been one all of his life. He is a white straight male, of course he is racist! As well as every other ist there is. Oh, and phobe can’t forget that.

    Ice storm here last weekend, high temperatures in the upper 40s forecast the rest of the week. Snowflakes melting everywhere, I love it!

  3. He’s such a racist and misogynist he has appointed men and women of color to Cabinet posts. Shame on him!

    The Left is playing an ancient 78 record they pulled out of the dump and it’s too scratched to hear.

    Did I see this on IOWTR?
    The Democrats haven’t been this angry since Lincoln freed the slaves.

  4. All unrepentent whites are by default, racist.

    Only self-hating whites who disavow their culture, traditions, race, and actively speak-out against their own interests are legitimate uncle-Tom house-honkies.

  5. HUD was sued for deliberate housing bias in the 1980’s. Public housing was systematically segregated under the auspices of 5 presidents including LBJ and Jimmy Carter.

  6. “He never said he was sorry for anything. He was crude and sexist toward women, he was a philandering fool publicly. He would humiliate his wife without a second thought.”

    You’re talking about Bill Clinton, right? If you can’t find it within yourself to be morally outraged over the philandering, wandering and infidelity of pedophile Bill Clinton, then you have NO moral authority to feign ‘righteous indignation’ over some delusional projection.

    And Trump being a black-hating “racist” (because he promised a better way for the black community other than what decades of democrap rule had done for them): only if Trump promised more welfare checks, more urban crime, more drugs, gangs and baby mommas, more deaths by drive-bys, more hip hop pants hanging down to the knees and a major expansion of the fine Plantation[tm] living democraps have sold to blacks ever since the grand old days of slavery, THEN and only then would democraps and libtards see Trump as a pro-black community man about the ghetto–working hard to keep the black community down ‘n out, in the gutter and in need of more government.

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