I Beg Your Pardon, Is Melania Renovating The Rose Garden? – IOTW Report

I Beg Your Pardon, Is Melania Renovating The Rose Garden?

Washington Examiner

Melania Trump announces plan to renovate White House Rose Garden

First lady Melania Trump announced her plan to revamp the White House Rose Garden, fulfilling a role traditionally performed by the president’s spouse.

Her design for the garden aims to symbolize “hope in the possibility of a bright future” amid spiking coronavirus cases across the country, Trump said, according to a White House statement on Monday. Among the upgrades include a new walkway, flowers, and bushes. More

33 Comments on I Beg Your Pardon, Is Melania Renovating The Rose Garden?

  1. “Her design for the garden aims to symbolize “hope in the possibility of a bright future” ……. ”

    Hope maybe, but realistically there is no possibility of a bright future.

  2. She’ll have to use lots of ‘systemic’ (anti-Progressive) fertilizer on it.

    (But don’t “beautify” it like Ladybird Johnson tried to do with America while her Mississippi shipyards were making hundreds of millions building ships during her husband’s ‘guns-‘n-butter’ Vietnam war.)

  3. She has carried herself with such poise and class throughout the fustercluck that the graceless dhimmirat congresssomen have been dishing for four years. Unlike any of them , she is a lady who deserves respect.

  4. “Hope maybe, but realistically there is no possibility of a bright future.”

    Kill yourself. I’ll even help. You have no reason for living. All you are is a burden on others. Be responsible, end your suffering.

  5. I hope the renovation includes rototilling Michelle’s vegetable garden and putting in some visitors can really enjoy, like some nice perennials.

    On the other hand, if Michelle was willing to work the garden herself, I would let her keep it. Otherwise, rototill it, There are better ways to use the grounds of the White House.

  6. “May I buy you a gun?” was a line my father once uttered to one of my sisters at the dinner table when she was being very negative. It’s a little more diplomatic, Aaron. Plus, where’s the Christian encouragement to buck-up and improve one’s outlook on life? A lot of people are discouraged right now but it’s not the end of things nor a reason to encourage suicide. I disagree with you.

  7. Is that idiotic vegetable garden still there?! That’s the first thing I would have nuked:


    (That and potato sack races in the WH will be all that I remember about the dark days of the Obama Regime. Oh, and the Mao tree ornament. And those two mutts (the dogs) eating gourmet dog treats made by the WH kitchen staff. Also that weird “art”, the rug and the furniture in the WH family dining room. And no one will ever forget her wearing a lace tablecloth sticking out the back of her pants with a laced-up, backwards-facing sweater.

    We have the most beautiful First Lady in all of American (and world) history and we don’t need her, airbrushed into perfection, on magazine covers to know that.

    (Abigail was quite a looker, too, though. It was the hat.

  8. Jimmy — Aaron’s okay. He’s IOTW’s own bare-knuckled commenter. If it absolutely needs to be said out loud, Aaron’s your guy.

    My response to comments like Anon’s is to pray for his acceptance of Jesus Christ. One has to be pretty depressed to have no hope. I empathize. No way I could put my feet on the floor every day without Christ. I don’t know how non-believers do it. It would be grueling.

  9. That’s O.K. Jimmy. You’re a better person than I am.

    I’m a sinner.

    Thankfully with my Church’s salvation plan I have full coverage as long as I make payments in the form of confessional visits.

  10. Actually my plan is to collect enough atheist souls that I’ll show up at the pearly gates with a wheelbarrow full of glass jars that have signed contracts in them. Each soul bound to me forever…for like…. five bucks. 7.50 for redheads.

    Then we begin the negotiations. No way Saint Pete is gonna’ let me go to perdition with a wheelbarrow full of innocent souls.

    Plan B is of course to go into real estate in Hell. Lake of Fire views are probably at a premium.

  11. Here’s my problem. For all we know, the person in the #1 slot above is just being completely honest. And, it’s possible they’re the most wonderful person in the world who is carrying more responsibility than any of us. When I meet people, I like to leave the door open to discovering that. They always teach me who they are.

  12. Jimmy, if they’re truly honest….. I will shed a tear into the pillow I use to smother them.

    I’m not a monster after all.

    I dunno’, all this gardening talk gets me all worked up. Hell, the English even had a civil war based on rose preference. Can’t blame me for being passionate.

  13. Revamp of WH Rose Garden…
    The WH has had enough “Bushes” to last another 200 years,
    Plenty of Color, Perennials, Evergreen, no more Bushes.*
    * double entendre

  14. :puts on headphones, slides back under vehicle:

    Yeah, dude was probably Canadian anyway….

    ♫♪♪ Standing tough under stars and stripes
    We can tell
    This dream’s in sight
    You’ve got to admit it
    At this point in time that it’s clear
    The future looks bright
    On that train all graphite and glitter
    Undersea by rail
    Ninety minutes from New York to Paris
    Well by seventy-six we’ll be A-OK ♫♪♪

  15. The ‘Mike Memory Garden’ was NOT EVEN done by Mooshelle, she never saw a garden, in her LIFE in Shitcago, it was all optics, like that entire bullshit presidency, BUT I digress.

    Now at least the BEAUTIFUL flowers that are in the garden…will ACTUALLY resemble one of the occupants.

    Posting from a place called Wisconsin Dells, WI this wonderful evening. I have always liked Wisconsin, Frank Lyoyd Wright country.

    Anyway, we did 400 miles, exactly today, and met for lunch with some GREAT iOTWers in North Illinois and got back on the road.


  16. @Abigail

    “No way I could put my feet on the floor every day without Christ. I don’t know how non-believers do it. It would be grueling.”

    It is grueling. I was an atheist early in life and it’s no cure for depression. Jesus Christ is the only way.


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