“I Believe Survivors” Slogan is Leftwing Idiocy Boiled To Its Essence – IOTW Report

“I Believe Survivors” Slogan is Leftwing Idiocy Boiled To Its Essence

Words mean things. Being a “survivor” requires that you made it through, and continue to make it through, a traumatic event that definitely happened, and that you were definitely a part of.

You were on a bus that flipped over on the highway because the bus company bought cheap tires to cut costs. Most of the passengers died. You survived. You are a survivor. You’re not a survivor if maybe you were on the bus. You’re not a survivor if  you claim you were on the bus, but can’t prove you were on the bus. You don’t get reparations from the bus company because you send them a letter saying you were on the bus… 36 years ago, and no one can place you on that bus.

Who doesn’t believe an actual survivor, meaning, a victim who is well documented to have had their traumatic event?

What low IQ Alyssa, and others like her, mean to say is “We Believe ACCUSERS.”

(*Unless your name is Juanita Broaddrick and you are accusing leftwing royalty of rape. Then they don’t believe you so much. In fact, they work hard to get your rapist, and his nasty wife, back into the white house.)

“I Believe Survivors” is a sign that does not require being printed and displayed. It’s an obvious expectation. Everyone believes survivors.

Holding it is insulting virtue signaling, implying that there are people who don’t believe survivors, and if you do not believe an accuser you are a survivor denialist.

I hate the left and their Orwellian and idiotic wordplay.




24 Comments on “I Believe Survivors” Slogan is Leftwing Idiocy Boiled To Its Essence

  1. For a party that frets over “optics,” you’d think someone would have told lightweight Alyssa to move to another seat.

    As Brett Kavanaugh was giving the Democrats and the Left his righteous anger, I thought it Schadenfreude that this horrible woman who has been slandering him on TV and social media had to sit there and take it. Sadly, she lacks the self-awareness to know that her own behavior and actions were being so thoroughly condemned.

  2. I believe Mary Jo Kopechne was a survivor…for a little while, until she drowned after being left in Ted Kennedy’s Oldsmobile Delmont 88.

    Democrat Ted Kennedy was indeed stumbling drunk, as he often was, yet was allowed to have a career that kept good men off the supreme court.
    He left a good woman to die because of his cowardice and avarice.
    So fuck you Alyssa, and fuck that dead pig Ted Kennedy.

  3. And we are supposed to believe this wasn’t political. DiFi inviting and putting front and center an aging liberal activist Hollywood actress that wears a low cut dress with her breasts hiked to her chin and has the nerve to be trying to video and tweet until her phone was finally confiscated (she should have been escorted out). They are a joke.

  4. I’m going to survive the believers.
    Actually, I am in hopes to thrive.

    The bus story above- in the 1980’s while I was going to school in Phila., there was a bus accident in a residential area. People actually tried to get on the bus after the accident, and there were more injury claims filed than there were seats on the bus. I learned a lot during that period of my education. Still learning stuff on this day too.

  5. Wait a minute here. I am a survivor. I made the trip to Washington DC in the 8th grade, like thousands of other students have, back in 1988. It isn’t just little girls that Biden gropes, he took me aside and grabbed my crotch and told me I couldn’t tell anyone or he would have the Secret Service arrest me.

    I just remembered yesterday after talking to my neighbor and he mentioned the Washington Nationals, it triggered my repressed memory.

    I keep hearing about Ford not getting her say because there was no FBI investigation. Well I want to not get my say sitting in front of a Senate committee too.

    Well Biden, prove that I am wrong. You have all the facts you are going to get.

  6. Toby,

    What you’re describing is EXACTLY what I had in mind. But I switched it to a highway.
    We played a clip back in the day of people running onto a bus that was involved in an accident.


    I will look for the clip.

  7. I didn’t even know who she was until this very moment. However I kept telling myself while watching that she’s a vile disgusting progressive piece of shit. My progdar is still spot on.

  8. I remember a prominent CEO in California that had his life absolutely destroyed by a false accusation that he abused his daughter.
    It was years ago and a therapist talked this girl into believing she had repressed memories.
    The therapist was a loon and talked her into it over many years of therapy.
    This shit happens and people get destroyed, yet nobody goes back to say they are sorry.

  9. @BFH- I’m channeling my hippocampus over here and coming up with a few search terms for the event in Philly. SEPTA and Oregon Avenue seem to be the most searing memories. I’ll see what I might find…

  10. This is a direct result of the ignorance that permeates the very aether around which all of us are ensconced (actually, we’re not, but that’s part of the ignorant part).
    Y’see, I, too, believe “survivors.”
    Airplane crash survivors.
    Boat capsizing survivors.
    Socialism survivors.
    izlam survivors.
    Death-camp survivors (see Socialism survivors, above).
    Gulag survivors (see Socialism survivors, above).
    Waiting in long lines to buy a crust of moldy bread survivors (see Socialism survivors, above).
    IRS Audit survivors.
    FBI “Investigation” survivors.
    Senate “investigative” committee survivors.
    Asbestos inhalation survivors.
    Narcotic withdrawal survivors.

    But I have a difficult time with “Survivors of Unicorn Attacks” and “Leprechaun Antics Survivors” – maybe it’s a cultural thing – I don’t know.

    The MAIN problem I have with Ford’s “survival” bullshit is that she doesn’t know, or can’t express, what actually happened, when it supposedly happened, where it supposedly happened, or how she “survived” any impending (alleged) danger. Thus – it falls into the realm of fantasy – or diseased dreamery – or sick disingenuation.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. It annoyed me to constantly see her behind kavanaugh. I usually do not comment on how someone looks, but her lips were annoying me, like a kardashians. I will have to say I like the kardashians more. She was glaring at him. I was hoping something would stick in her head and listen to what he was saying. One could only hope.

  12. There is a bajillion false bus related injury claims for philly. There are even lawyers that specialize in bus injuries. I couldn’t find the specific accident I mentioned, which happened maybe in ’82 0r ’83. No surprise there. I even found a ‘Crash for Cash’ scam in the UK, but I on’t put a link here for that, as there is just too much else that is more important. But the leading line for the article spells out the scam:
    “‘Cash-for-cash gang filled bus with 26 fake victims then staged accident with car to make bogus compensation claims totalling £250,000′”

  13. Laugh @Bongo – good one! That’s why she has never been invited or interviewed for the Actor Studio. Just like anyone else that was, has just a ploy to get their no-talent self’s from their connected relatives basements. Created by one of the most worthless actor lee strasberg to profit after learning his parents just did not want him around and were too cheap to pay for summer camp. His best performance was Hyman Roth, when he had his back to the camera, not worth the time, but when Sean Penn talking about his time leaning method acting there is hilarious,,, Thanks Jeff Spicoli

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