I Came, I Saw, I Thought About Rome – IOTW Report

I Came, I Saw, I Thought About Rome


How often do you think about the Roman Empire?

That’s the question being asked to men across the world following a video by Saskia Cort. The influencer was discussing her dating experiences with men when one woman replied that her boyfriend often thought about the Roman Empire.

The sentiment was then echoed by a number of others, sparking an online phenomenon and resulting in women everywhere turning to the men in their lives to ask: how often do you think about the Roman Empire? More

Time tries to explain this fad. Here

Carl Benjemin discusses this strange phenomenon on The Lotus Eater’s Podcast. Listen

15 Comments on I Came, I Saw, I Thought About Rome

  1. Jethro THURSDAY, 21 SEPTEMBER 2023, 18:02 AT 6:02 PM
    “I actually think about the book “The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” quite often, realizing we are following in their path, but at about 10 times the rate.”

    …mankind never improves, he just gets better weapons…

  2. They were talking about this yesterday on the radio. One jackass said 4 or 5 times a day. You could tell he was a desk jockey and listless. Personally, I think he wanted to wear a leather skirt, some sandals & get ASS FISTED. (SOY BOY)

    I like Air-conditioning, Clothes washed in detergent (not urine-look, it up), & GAS POWERED CARS. I HATE CORRUPT REPUBLICS WHERE BIRTHRIGHT CHARTS YOUR DESTINY. F.U. TURDEAU, BIDEN, BUSH etc.

    I think about FOOD, MONEY, BOOZE & PUSS about 95% of the time.

    1950-2000 Was the PAX AMERICANA(American Peace) & then EVERYTHING went to SHIT after 9-11 when the government started to Fuck EVERYONE until the second FUCKING by GlobalCOOF-19 Scam-demic.

    Hell, Even Music was good!

  3. All civilizations follow a similar pattern: From primitive beginnings they rise and thrive. From strength they become complacent, effete and ripe for conquest by jealous, hungry barbarians.
    The new entity, built upon the ashes of the conquered will tread the same path.
    The bigger they are, the bigger they fall.

    …So, get ready.

  4. …no one will know OUR history…all of our records, all our stories, all our transactions and correspondence no matter how public or private is digital, easily subject to change, and even if the media survives they will not have the time-locked technology to open it. Our machines will be incomprehensible to the future as they are just components linked by etherial algorithms, our way of life unknown as all our images are on phones that don’t even survive upgrades let alome the storms of time, and whatever clothing may survive will only reinforce the idea that we were a lost and confused people as the distinctively biologically male and female skeletons will be found wearing each other’s clothes.

    What we know of Egypt lies in its architecture and hieroglyphics. What we know of Rome is in its sculpture and scrolls.

    With our legends committed to vaporware servers, our architecture limited to brutalist temples to Government and exhausted, cheaply built collections of cubicles, and the only sculptures allowed to survive of inadvertently suicidal drug dealers and ridiculous abstracts of oddly connected sections of only parts of the bodies of erstwhile ciliv rights figures entangled with no context whatsoever, what mind in the future will be able to sort our cultural detritus and draw any sort of conclusion as to who we were, what we thought, what we looked like, or what caused our demise?

    The Miidle Ages had its castles. The Renaissance had its cathedrals. The 20th century arose in Art Deco skyscrapers.

    Our time is characterized by abandoned factories, forlorn shopping megaplexes, and houses of worship sometimes indistinguishable from the strip malls they occupy. Odd potions containing nonhuman RNA will be found in vast structures with a totem of two snakes around a staff before it. And what ritual may be ascribed to the millions upon millions of non-biodegradable masks they will find all over the world?

    …the future, if any survive to have one, will be baffled by our times. There is a period of history known as The Dark Ages due to the lack of information we have about it. Futurama posits that the dawn of the Third Millenium will see the Second Millennium as The Stupid Ages.

    I suspect that OUR time will only be known as The Lost Ages.

    Both for the lack of information about it,

    And the obviousness that we lost our way in whatever DOES survive.

    Rome took a thousand years to fall.

    Our downfall only needed a tenth of that.

  5. Having lived in Italy for several years I was surrounded by the remnants of a once great society. I lived on the Domitian highway overlooking Dante’s gate to hell and the remnants of the aqueduct were in the neighborhood.


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