I Can Hardly Write This One – Our Friend LadyGun12 Has Passed – IOTW Report

I Can Hardly Write This One – Our Friend LadyGun12 Has Passed

LadyGun has been with iOTW from the start. I spent time with her in Texas, along with Col Angus. We were friends. She was the sweetest.

Doc sent the email. There isn’t much information other than a relative discovered her unresponsive in her home.

Let us pray.

70 Comments on I Can Hardly Write This One – Our Friend LadyGun12 Has Passed

  1. I will miss her comments, her humor, and her silly avatar. She always raised my spirits…

    May God send comfort and strength to her family and friends, those near her and those all over this country.

  2. This news saddens me deeply, not only for her family and friends but also because we will be experiencing news like this more and more. Rest in peace ladygun and may God receive your soul and comfort your family.

  3. Lo, There do I see my Father
    Lo, There do I see my Mother and
    My Brothers and my Sisters
    Lo, There do I see the line of my people back to the beginning
    Lo, They do call to me
    They bid me take my place among them in the halls of Valhalla
    Where thine enemies have been vanquished
    Where the brave shall live Forever
    Nor shall we mourn but rejoice for those that have died the glorious death.

  4. I met her here in the iotw mosh pit and remained friends on FB for years.
    I will remember her quick wit and almost encyclopedic knowledge of politics (and grammar!). And I will always remember her smile.
    RIP Ladygun.

  5. We all are one step from being gone.
    For those we leave, may they be blessed and rejoice in speaking of good memories of our love, joyfulness, friendship and caring.
    Until we meet again, Thank you LadyGun.

  6. I am at a loss as to what to say about such a force of nature as LadyGun12. I cannot claim to know her in any way other than from her comments, but she definitely had much to say and was not afraid to say it, but she was able to say her piece with an admirable economy of language that got right to the point.

    Like so many here, I saw enough to make me want more, and it saddens me both for myself and for so many here whose lives she so clearly touched much deeper than mine that there will be no more in the circles of the world.

    She has gone to her reward and sits at the feet of the Lord as we speak, and she is now beyond the cares of this world and the weakenssess of worldly flesh, so let us take concern for those she left behind, for it is they who mourn even as she is wrapped in joyous light.

    To them I say that absent from the body is present with the Lord, and with the Lord is right where she wants to be. She will be with Him for all etenrity and maybe share with those who’ve gone before. Perhaps even now one like Moe Tom may have come to her and with the inconsequential concerns of petty human affairs and the pains of age and infirmaty left behind, they can truly delight in the company of each other before the Lord who made them both.

    It seems we mourn ourselves for what we lose of those that have gone on. It is our loss, but their gain. But be comforted, true friends and family of this lady, that beyond the grave lies more than memory and that you may be reunited by and by.

    Let us pray.

    Dear Lord, we come before you today in gratitude for the life You lent us that touched us in the brief time of abiding here, and for the Blessed Assurance that her life indeed continues with You. We thank You and praise You even in the depths of our greif that you raised her to be with you and that you offer that same salvation as a freely given gift to any who turn to You, that we may have hope beyond this Earth. Please touch those who mourn her today, let them lean on You for the strength to do all that needs to be done, and let them know when all is concluded that she rests in Your arms today and forever. It is in joy for her that we can find through the tears for ourselves that we pray to You for Your peace that passes all understanding, in the merciful name of Jesus, amen.

    “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”
    Revelation 21:4

    God Bless,

  7. She’d been struggling lately. These cold months are rough on us seniors. Always sad for us left behind but I’m happy for LadyGun that she’s fully in the presence of Christ now. Until we meet again.

  8. Sadness here; rejoicing in eternity. Life is an endurance test that we all must ultimately fail. I trust LadyGun is being rewarded with more than a participation trophy. Condolences to family and friends.

  9. Oh, no!!!! My son and I were so fortunate to have met her and another Texas IOTWer (Sick Toy)when we traveled to Texas for my son’s gymnastics competition. She was such a sweet woman with a good heart and sense of humor. I’m very sorry to hear this. She was a true lady and a patriot.

  10. LadyGun12 will be truly missed. I wish we had met before she went home to be with the Lord. Sad to hear another iOTWer has passed on. May the grace and mercy of God comfort LadyGun12’s family and friends.

  11. I’m sorry that I never knew her in person, but those of you that did and told your praises make me think that I might know her a little., loved her comments. they were a treat when they appeared…..Then FUR posted the pictures of the dogs and I think you all did know her a bit, but the dogs expressions say you were lacking in your knowledge a wee bit more….Slainte!….

  12. This was definitely a stab in the heart to hear. She was truly a sweet, funny and witty person. We drifted apart over the past few years, but used to have great conversations about politics, college football and life in general.

    RIP sweet Lady – run free with your pups!


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