I can see him doing the crazy chicken – IOTW Report

I can see him doing the crazy chicken

“Don’t bring a waltz to a gunfight” – Michelle’s Big Beaver

40 Comments on I can see him doing the crazy chicken

  1. Hey hipster, nobody is telling you that you have to carry guns. That is a personal choice. Just like you have to choice to wear a butt plug when you are out holding signs in public making a fool of yourself.

  2. looks like he woke up and had a big bowl of stupid for breakfast.

    conflating dancing and armed response to an attack ?

    well stupid, go ahead and dance while I shoot this guy attacking you.

  3. Gads, I hope this isn’t an example of a college student. His grammar and punctuation are horrid.

    I remember many a western movie bad guy making someone, ‘Dance’. Is that what he means? Good luck with that.

  4. “We shouldn’t have to carry a gun.”

    Yup, that’s true. You shouldn’t have to.

    Also, puppies should never grow up and grandmothers should never die.

    As soon as you find that door into Narnia, Mr Winkelaar, you be sure to let the rest of us know where it is. We’ld all like to live there.

    But until that shining day, I’ll carry my gun. Because this is the really real world, and it plays for keeps.

  5. UPDATE: I was right in my post yesterday “Gaydar is Real.”

    A wobbly / floppy neck is the #1 indicator. It’s a “tic” they can’t control, they tilt the head or jiggle it to make a point while talking and I say to myself, “Uh-oh! He’s gay alright!”

    Draw a vertical straight line up his body, and when you get to his head, it tilts a little bit doesn’t it? Told you. You know the gays by their floppy/jiggling/tilted neck. They can’t stop themselves.

    Works every time.

  6. I understand what he is trying to say. Stick with me a bit, it’s a little deeper than just what he is saying.

    The thing I have noticed about the left, and Godless complainers in general, is that they expect heaven NOW! Right now! “If there is a God, then why does ___________ happen?”

    They either forget or deny that evil currently walks the face of the Earth – that’s where they fail, and always will fail, at creating Heaven here. They cannot conceive that everything has it’s purpose, right now, towards God’s plan – even the evil.

    They believe this life they live is all there is, so if it isn’t perfect, (whatever they think perfect is), then God can’t possibly be real.

    It is actually an expression of God’s touch to desire Heaven in the first place. They just refuse to recognize it.

    It comes down to their lack of understanding who God is so they install themselves in that vacuum.

  7. This idiot is a “Political Action Specialist” at “Education Minnisota” a group representing teachers and students. This is a typical left, perk-protecting group of teachers and it’s not a surprise they’re from Minnisota. It will be funny when he gets done in by some immigrant gang-banger that Minnisota gave refuge to while dancing the sharks and the jets gang fight scene from West Side Story (thanks Dianny, had a mental block over the name of the damn show). I wonder what they’ll put on his tombstone.

  8. Famous line from Slim Pickens in Blazing Saddles. “What in the wide world of sports is a-goin’ on here? Y’all are dancin’ around like a bunch of Kansas City faggots!”

  9. He would be part of the acceptable collateral damage. He can “take one for the team”. “The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.” – George S. Patton……..but in this case, we can make an exception.

  10. Last I heard, the piece-of-shit mosque that radicalized the Filthy Mohammedan Savage shooter at Pulse, has burned to the ground. It was on Midway Ave in south Ft Pierce Fla, only a few miles away from Fur’s crib in St Lucie West.

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