“I can’t breathe” – IOTW Report

“I can’t breathe”

Apparently he couldn’t.

61 Comments on “I can’t breathe”

  1. What happened between him sitting on the sidewalk and then laying in the street?
    How did he get from sidewalk to street?
    There was just a brief statement (completely glossed over) regarding resisting.
    I’m one of the people who would like to see all of the video evidence before making a decision.

  2. These asshole cops murdered the guy ….. period. No amount of excuse making and prevarication has any application here.

    Don’t think that these assholes with badges and a uniform won’t do it to you if given the chance. Especially since the Wuhan virus has provided them with the excuse for abusing citizens. Sadly, I believe that there are more bad cops than good ones (based on first hand experience), and this video is evidence of it.

    My opinion comes from my own experience with these jerks. All cops aren’t complete, lying, immoral assholes, but there is more than a “fair share” that are. And the “good cops” won’t dare cross the “thin blue line” to call out the scum that are responsible for this kind of garbage because they have their own pensions to worry about and they don’t want to be ostracized by the scum they work with.

    And the courts cover up these crimes in most cases because the cops are bringing in “revenue” that keeps the court system afloat financially. It’s all a freakin’ scam to steal money from honest, decent people like everything else in govt. is intended to do.

  3. Don’t for a minute think that all cops are somehow just doing their dangerous jobs and should automatically be given a anything goes pass in all situations. Prime example of humans being trusted is our DOJ and the FBI. Who’s covering up whom/what??

  4. It’s very interesting to me as a 34 year veteran and father of a former police Sergeant how individuals such as yourselves need us to preserve your freedom and safety but expect it to be done antiseptically and without the use of force.

    He is a clue for you LEO haters, our countries enemies and our countries criminals do not cooperate, they fight, they resist, and they will kill you where you stand given the opportunity.

    You always want the warrior wolf between you and chaos but you never expect it to bite defending you. You break the glass, sound the alarm, and then run away and carp from under your beds.

    Not for one minute do you consider the goal of every soldier and policeman is to simply to survive one more day and do your damndest to ensure your buds survive, but know in your heart you or they won’t survive the day, but you do it anyway because duty to putzes like you is why we do it.

    You never lay the responsibilities for personal bad choices on the criminal, just on the officer that has to respond to those bad choices.

    Well here’s a clue, in the chaos that is the battle bad shit happens. You do bad shit before bad shit happens to you.

    I want you to reflect on how many soldiers and LEOs lay under the ground today and ask yourself if you strapped on a weapon and stood between citizens and terror what choices you would make.

    Until you have faced the beast yourselves shut the fuck up.

  5. He could breathe well enough to complain. It was clear that he didn’t have his weight on that knee. If officers have to deal with this type of BS then they deserve more powerful stun guns. The perps medical condition my of caused his death. What drugs was he on?

    Don’t resist arrest and fight cops. Eventually, our courts will turn all our Leo’s into the equivalent of British Bobbies (pussies). Then you will hear the public bitch and moan even more.

  6. Cisco.
    We’ve both been here for a while and I appreciate you. You’re a great reader and contributor. But you just illustrated the problem perfectly. You blur the lines between military and Law Enforcement. That’s a problem. If this happened in the big sand box with a military member, personally, I don’t care. A good portion of our militaries job is to kill the enemy. An occupying force. Do you honestly think LEO is an occupying force here domestically? Because you’re not? Problems started with the militarization of our police force. Your job is to protect and serve not to convict and eliminate. As far as rescuing your average Joe. It’ll be over by the time you get there 99% of the time. I carry and train a lot.Cops scare the shit out of me. If I am ever forced to protect me and mine my big danger at that point is getting shot by a cop. I’m sorrry but your argument frames the problem perfectly. Hell my ccw instructor and one of the guys I’ve paid for training is a retired Sargent with Sacramento Sheriffs Department and a Post certified trainer and he says, don’t trust cops, they are not your friends. Our law enforcement needs to do a couple things. Read the damn Constitution, get rid of all their damn military toys, and get back to protecting and serving.

  7. @Cisco Kid May 27, 2020 at 5:18 am

    > know in your heart you or they won’t survive the day, but you do it anyway because duty to putzes like you is why we do it

    That’s the least dishonest thing you can come up with? At the moment?

    You already know, that were your duty to putzes like us, you wouldn’t have a job, to do. Nobody — soldier, police, postal — can kill their employer, and continue to be paid. Your employer calls putzes like us, “enemy”. You gear up to kill their enemies.

    If the “doing it to us, for us” lie works for you, and yours… good for you… all. But, since you already grasp the result of “them”… and a refusal to agree to disagree… how can you claim to “misremember”? The result of “them”? And a refusal to agree to disagree?

  8. There is a common denominator related to BLM rage in Democrat-run cities. Blacks are at a 300% greater risk from police in Democrat enclaves than in Republican ones.

    Los Angeles
    New York
    Dearborn Heights
    Portsmouth, Virginia
    Wilmington, Delaware
    North Charleston, South Carolina
    Charleston, South Carolina
    Baton Rouge
    Falcon Heights, Minnesota
    Charlotte, North Carolina
    San Francisco
    Salt Lake City

  9. mickey moussaoui
    And what does that precisely have to do with a handcuffed perp being executed by four cops, one of which looks like he just are every donut in town? Unless it was done intentionally by someone to cause more racial tension at this critical time?

  10. The video between him being sat on the sidewalk against the building and the cop kneeling on his throat would be interesting to see. What transpired during that time?

    And why is that portion of the video not shown? It looks like it was taken from a security camera, so it must exist somewhere.

  11. Bubba’s Brother
    That’s why stories like this air, to instill the hatred.
    You will never here about the thousands of people helped daily across America, by LEO’s.
    Yes, there are a few people that make it to a position of authority, that should not.
    But no respect is give the thousands that show up every day and do their job. To make their neighborhood a better place.
    All media spin.

    It has gotten waaaaaaaaaay easier to spot the people the believe MSM and is generally followed up with TDS.

  12. @TimBuktu, exactly.
    If the guy went from standing to being on the ground out by the cop car something happened. The cops were probably wired right up with adrenaline and nerves but the cop should have gotten off the criminal’s neck.
    Like the woman in Central Park who lost her job and dog after the black guy who is an alphabet person activist and admitted in the transcript he put on fb that he confronts people on breaking the rules all the time. If you see the entire video the guy sounded like he was trying to entice the woman’s dog away from her and threatening her. But the media won’t show anything but the edited version Cooper put out to make himself look like a victim of racism.
    Never believe a partial video.

  13. Saw that yesterday. These murdering thugs need to be imprisoned then tried for murder. They killed that poor guy.
    Wth has happened to law enforcement in this country. Another reason to pull up stakes and leave this country. Countrys lost its damned mind.

  14. Beachmom

    Did you watch the video? He went from seated cuffed, arms behind his back, to laying in the street with some dick kneeling on his neck. So unless he had a handcuff key hidden in his ass, there shouldn’t have been much adrenaline flowing except for his.

  15. “Until you have faced the beast yourselves shut the fuck up.”

    that ain’t gonna happen.
    they killed him.
    they should be in jail right now. No bail.

    don’t be a beast yourself and think you’re otherwise

  16. It has been the goal Democrats and the MSM to instill hate, racism, mistrust, for a long time. It doesn’t matter what you hate, the Democrats are the solution. In the the end it will be Trumps fault or the privileged white guy.

    Go back to Charlottesville, the majority of people arrested were not from Charlottesville. So people were imported to incite the riots. Media spin.

    I don’t believe that all the packing plants suddenly all contracted covid at the same time unless it was planted at these location to further an agenda.

    Another thing that has been instilled in people is the sense of entitlement. The the idea that if you are unwilling to work, the government should provide for you. If the government doesn’t provide enough, you have the right to take it from others.

    I grew up in a farming community and shoveled a lot of shit as a kid, or clean a hog confinement building with a fire hose. It wasn’t my favorite thing to do, but it was what was required that day to get paid.
    To hear young people complain about working a Walmart, sorry no sympathy.

    I used to tell my son, “If your looking for sympathy, you’ll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis.”

  17. Forgery?

    At a deli?

    Isn’t that … sorta “white” collar crime?
    Maybe that’s why the cops killed him!
    He shouldn’t have “resisted” and they shouldn’t have killed him.

    izlamo delenda est …

  18. ” how individuals such as yourselves need us to preserve your freedom and safety”
    I take care of that myself. Frankly, you guys usually deal with the dregs of society with brute force first and common sense last, and don’t have enough sense to realize all citizens don’t deserve to be treated like criminals.
    Remmeber that “innocent until proven guilty” thing?
    Seems too many cops love being judge, jury and executioner.

  19. Late to the party here but Bad Brad has it pretty much correct.

    Once someone is arrested a “special relationship” has been established. About 60 years of case law has refined and defined this concept; once an officer confines a person to the point where his freedom to leave is curtailed then the officer is responsible for his welfare from that point on.

    It matters not what the suspect did before, whether there was a struggle or a resistance. Cops are paid a lot of money, they have the power of life and death, they must show good judgment, restraint, and proper demeanor, at all times.

    The guy was restrained, not going anywhere, that knee to the back of the neck was not only not justified, it was against protocol and what ultimately killed that guy.

    Once the suspect showed distress in breathing, he should have been sat up and assisted, his breathing and his vitals should have been checked continually.

    The one cop that had his knee on him and caused his death, he should be charged with murder and needs to go away for a very very long time.

  20. Cmn¢¢guy: “It has been the goal Democrats and the MSM to instill hate, racism, mistrust, for a long time. It doesn’t matter what you hate, the Democrats are the solution.”

    It has been this way for decades, but Obama militarized the police as he pussified the military. This is one part of his legacy that should be rectified yesterday. It will take years to heal the wounds of Obama’s ‘transformation’.

  21. Knee-neck cop has killed before.

    No surprise their union is spinning plates to try to control the narrative.

    I’m pissed that cops did this. I’m also pissed the numerous bystanders didn’t intercede to stop the crime of murder.

    Minneapolis cops best be sure their insurance premiums are up to date. These street thugs just made targets out of the entire department. It’s gonna be a long hot summer.

  22. How is a man who is restrained and sitting on the ground a threat to life?

    No, the cop’s action was deliberate assault against a man already in custody.

    A jury would not find otherwise.

  23. 8 minutes? Four cops couldn’t think of something better to do with a 46 year old drunk than crush his neck for 8 minutes? How about cuffing him and tossing him in the back of the cop car? Who about tazing him if he puts up a fuss.

  24. After reading several accounts and watching the video, I demand that a full autopsy be preformed, with particular attention to the cervical vertebrae, as well as the carotid arteries. I’d like to see video of his transfer to the gurney. Was he responsive immediately before and/or during transfer? He had complained of being unable to breathe. I saw no evidence of CPR or even BLS, either assessment or performance, and no presence of a supporting cervical collar. They said he died at the hospital. I think he was dead on the ground.
    He was killed.
    I think he was dead and they whisked him out of public view before that was known.
    If his family has a good lawyer, they’ll bankrupt that city.
    Perhaps the officer didn’t realize what he was doing, and maybe that amount of restraining force was not necessary. But he was killed, and in front of the public. Whatever that man did, he certainly didn’t deserve what happened.
    He did have quite a twist to his anatomy as he was pinned on the ground, didn’t he.
    And if someone tells me to ‘shut the fuck up,’ I guess they don’t really know me.

  25. Why do big city cops think they have the right to torture their already-apprehended suspects? And as a witness to such action, at what point does a bystander have both a duty and a right to intervene?

    I’ve seen cops in action who were so good a diffusing situations, they would have had George Floyd smiling and cooperating within 30 seconds.

    Edit: Remind me never to visit Minneapolis.

  26. @Cmn¢¢guy May 27, 2020 at 7:17 am

    > You will never here about […]
    > the thousands that show up every day and do their job. To make their neighborhood a better place.
    > All media spin.

    You just gave Rachel Maddow a woody.
    (That will require medical attention, after four hours.)

  27. @anon: “…cooperating within 30 seconds.”

    yeah, they had him on the ground for over 9 minutes.
    4 of them- 3 restraining him and one restraining the crowd.
    9 minutes. What were they doing? They’re supposed to be trained and organized.
    were they holding him until he became unresponsive?
    What would they do when the sun went down and it got dark?

  28. On the other extreme, we will see black people committing any crime they want to without any police or court interference.

    Also, the man would also “still be alive today” if he hadn’t lived a life of CRIME

  29. LEOs and soldiers compare in that they both face death for doing their daily jobs. I was attempting to illustrate to the civilians amongst us that it was a criminals decision to resist.

    Few naysayers and armchair quarterbacks understand the need to survive one more day and few ever question the actions that lead to the tragedy that often unfolds.

    As to the us/them/us fallacy I can only say that my son killed two of his “employers” one tried to run him over while dragging a rookie caught reaching for the steering wheel, and the other was shooting directly at him, a Highway Patrolman, and a Sheriff’s Deputy. So you see us becomes them really quickly when it’s your employer trying to kill you.

    So to refine your generalizations, the law abiding are the employers of LEOs, you revoke you employer status the second you break the law.

    As to being a asshole, you got that right ace..,

  30. @Cate;
    “What are they teaching those Mnpls cops?”

    The reason these 4 cops were fired in record time is because they did NOT follow their training, they were outside of protocol. Their actions were so lawless, so outside of standard training practices, the utter lack of humanity would inflame even the most callous among us.

    Rarely do we see a murder committed on youtube but it was blatantly obvious to me that this man expired several minutes before he was loaded onto the gurney for transport.

    This city is going to get taken to the cleaners, neck-deep in civil suits, and rightly so.

    And that Soiamli cop you mentioned, he was an affirmative action hire who had no business being on the streets with a gun.

  31. The guy probably lived a life of stupid, including criminal behavior, but that does not give the police authority to be judge and jury. A cop cutting off the man’s airway until he suffocates – Now that’s criminal.

  32. @Rich Taylor May 27, 2020 at 1:42 pm

    > The reason these 4 cops were fired in record time is because they did NOT follow their training, they were outside of protocol. Their actions were so lawless, so outside of standard training practices, the utter lack of humanity would inflame even the most callous among us.

    I would reply. But then I’d be banned from viewing the Special Olympics. As an -ist.

    > Rarely do we see a murder committed on youtube

    Even with your own, lying eyes?

    Alright. -Ist it is.

  33. @Cisco Kid — If you can declare under oath, so help you God, that you never were aware of a fellow enforcer’s illegal use of force, or being on the take, without doing everything you could to get him at least fired from the force, then I will stand by your side anywhere you want to go.

    If you can’t do that, then you’re a bad cop for tolerating other bad cop colleagues. And if YOU’RE a bad cop, YOU can shut the fuck up.

    As for enforcers “fac[ing] death for doing their daily jobs” let me ask you this. What do loggers, commercial fishermen, pilots and flight engineers, roofers, recycling workers, truck drivers, farm workers, steel workers, construction supervisors, and, for Christ’s sake, lawn care and groundskeeping supervisors have in common? Per capita, people in all of these occupations have a higher risk of being killed on the job than costumed and bejeweled law enforcers do. (Ref: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)

  34. @Cisco Kid – something else you said in one of your posts belies your poor attitude toward the people you supposedly serve. You stated:

    “I was attempting to illustrate to the civilians amongst us that it was a criminals decision to resist.”

    You apparently don’t realize that cops are civilians too ….. just like the rest of us. And we all want to survive the day to go home at night too. Whether it’s a cop or a habitual criminal that kills me, I’m still just as dead. Based on my experience, I would trust a lot of criminals with my life more than I would most cops. And the cops in this video did what they did because they had reason to believe that they would suffer no punishment for whatever crimes they committed against a “civilian”. They figured their fellow cops would never report malfeasance to their superiors. If the public had not been watching this unfold, I’m pretty certain these four cops would still be employed and the victim would have just died a mysterious death from unknown causes.

    Additionally, as a cop, your employer is “the tax payers” regardless of whether they are law abiding or not (some criminals pay taxes and a growing number of laws are completely immoral and nothing more than intentional money traps, so everyone is now a criminal at some point in every day because there are far too many useless laws).

    Your comments exhibit a much more stark outlook about how you seem to view the public. Your comments indicate that you see the cops as righteous protectors and everyone else as depraved predators or enemy combatants. That’s the military attitude Brad referred to. Cops deserve no more respect than anyone else as far as I’m concerned and “citizens” deserve no less respect than what cops would give other cops.

    My experience is that the larger municipal police agencies are more prone to hiring bad cops and they are more prone to viewing everyone with suspicion regardless of the situation. The small town I currently live in has some decent cops (less than 20 cops for the entire town). The are decent cops because they are pretty decent people to begin with. But even here we have a few that are known to be corrupt, belligerent and prone to bully people just because they think they can.

  35. Rich Taylor May 27, 2020 at 9:52 am – hit it it on the head.

    Sorry Cisco Kid, despite your real life experience – and you might not like the legal constraints placed on you – but those constraints and legal societal regulations are there for a VERY important reason.

    I don’t dispute that you deal with the absolute scum of the earth, but your added responsibility is determining who is scum of the earth and who is a run of the mill suspect/criminal, even if it’s in a split second. However, in this case the cop had 4-8 minutes to make that decision. It goes with the territory.

  36. The Cisco Kid is the type to shoot a dog for aggressively wagging its tail.
    These pussies fear everything and everyone they encounter. That is how the “warrior” shit enters their mindset. They enjoy the dressup games, with their AR15 pewpews and driving the supercool MRAP that Uncle Sam gave them for being good little girls and boys.

    The view of many here that the “criminal” deserved what he got (play stupid games?) demonstrates the bootlicking mentality these warriors foster amongst the citizenry, Fear your heroes, they love you enough to kill you for it.

    And Fuck anyone who blindly follows these killers. You are no better than they are and deserve the same fate.


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