I Can’t Get Enough Stories About Special Millennial College Snowflakes Getting Smacked With Reality – IOTW Report

I Can’t Get Enough Stories About Special Millennial College Snowflakes Getting Smacked With Reality

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Talia Jane – Professional Whiner

NY Post –

Memo to Millennials: Corporate America doesn’t want to have a “dialogue” about your “concerns.” Being an employee is not like being a college student. Your boss isn’t there to give you a cuddle and establish a committee to change his ways for you.

Your employers can and will fire you for making them look bad. This is as it must be.

A 25-year-old San Francisco Yelp employee named Talia Jane didn’t like the salary she was offered at the groovy tech company Yelp. So did she decline the job offer and take her skill set to a higher bidder? No, she accepted the gig, then publicly whined about her salary. In an open letter. To her CEO. Whom she called out by name.

Yelp fired her within two hours, which tells you that even companies with cute names protect their interests as ruthlessly as your average ill-tempered Gila monster.

Jane said she was getting 12 bucks an hour, which isn’t enough to eat. “I haven’t bought groceries since I started this job,” she said, having been living on one bag of rice. She spends 80 percent of her wages on rent, which is $1,245 a month. Jane’s Instagram photos of her snacking habits (prosciutto, etc.) also undercut her starvation claims.

Guidelines for the starving: Instagram less; work more. Get a second job, Talia. Get a roommate. Get several. Get rid of your car.

Next lifetime, Talia, try majoring in petroleum engineering or supply-chain management. These fields teach what are known as “skills” (=demand, =$$$). Having a take on Joan Didion is more of what you might call a “hobby” (=love, =unpaid).


12 Comments on I Can’t Get Enough Stories About Special Millennial College Snowflakes Getting Smacked With Reality

  1. My nephew, 30, still lives in his parents basement. Pays no bills…teaches 2 days a week at university. 120 Miles round trip to commute. Is a self-proclaimed author, poet, movie critic, and a fan of all super heroes.

    such a loser…and is pafents enable him to do it..

  2. I read her entire letter.
    Listen you whiny little shits out there in the world, I am sick and tired of you
    If this society collapses you all will be working for me walking on treadmills ten hours a day generating power so you can eat.

  3. I read the whole thing, too. For an English major she sure writes poorly. If she’s typical of today’s youth, and I suspect she is, then we’re done.

    And I don’t believe for a second she only eats rice. Just from what I can see, she looks like she’s been snacking on Lena Dunham Toilet Cakes on a daily basis.

  4. Whoa! Fuck.

    This is the kind of person I tell people to stay away from.

    Perpetual victims. EVERYTHING in her life sucks. Do you feel sorry for her yet? Sorry enough to chip in so she will shut the fuck up? I couldn’t finish reading it. I got angry at her.

    The only thing worse is when they up their game and cash in on it. Then they are Professional Victims. She was shooting for professional with that letter.

    Seriously, I thought I was reading something my ex wrote. She could turn something others would call luck into something miserable. She recently COMPLAINED that she was forced ( Oooh I’m a victim, I had no choice!) to stay over in Portugal when she got bumped from her flight by a full-pay passenger. They comped her room and gave her $500 spending cash for the 3 extra days she was there.

    The pitiful ‘poor me’ look she wore to sell it, took the cake. #2 son, her most ardent defender, said: OK, Mom. Even I have to call BS on this one. What the hell are you complaining about? An extended vacation stay with an extra $500 and a free room? Most people would be happy about the windfall. What, exactly, are we supposed to feel sorry for you over?

    Yes, My ex is a professional victim. Too ingrained to ever stop. I think this gal has the same inner workings. Reward them with slack, money, favors, etc. and they just got confirmation that being a victim pays.

    Potential mates – stay away from this girl! You’ll regret it if you don’t.

  5. Awww … poor pitiful Pearl … lessee … at 25 my wife and I had both a 7 y/o and a 3 y/o, been with the gov’t for 6 years, was still learning a trade (no apprenticeship program – you just learned by doing), and were living in our second home (purchased the first at 19 before I could get a Montgomery-Ward Card without a co-signer).

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