I bet this moron was white.
At the Bellevue, Wash. #antifa protest yesterday where police prevented violence, one of the antifa shouted several times: “I can't wait until black people lynch white people.”
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) May 12, 2021
Antifa say their cause is “anti-racism.”
Come at me!
You can’t wait to see black bodies stacked like cord wood?
Must I be falsely accused of anything, or will my whiteness be enough ??
I can’t wait until black people lynch blm and antifa.
My BFF in Ohio thinks AntiFa is a myth. She posted a lefty thread the other day on the Twit where all tweeters made jokes about the existence of AntiFa.
I’m at a loss. 🤷♀️
Shit, I’m just ready to get the party started.
Yeah, well, whut else is new?
After all, if they can’t find a White man, they’ll just continue to shoot each other, stab Indians, shank Latinos, attack Asians and assault Arabs!
I have read that the first people the
terminated were white republicans, then blacks (also reps).
By this guy’s logic, who should be stringing up who?
Hey anusfa, black people are already killing white people in far greater numbers than vice versa. The media just won’t report it. But I reckon if you have a mandingo/rope fetish, regular random racial murder doesn’t get your little rocks off.
I can’t wait for you to try.
but I’m not “white” I’m German-American! Irish-Americans! Italian-Americans! Jewish-Americans! Unite! We aren’t “white” so why are we punished?
Tell her that the antifa myth is just as imaginary as the MAGA myth.
Yeah, well, as a half black half white person, I’ll be helping string up anyone who is antifa, blm, communist, marxist… but then I repeat myself.
BTW, notice how they want to drag us into a civil war? That’s a biden admin plan.
Don’t take the bait just yet. 😉
The left has been itching for a race war for over a decade now, let’s just get it over with.
This alone puts the kibosh on any notion that these diabolical fuckers have any interest in ending interracial strife. Ginning up racial hatred, animosity and discord is what their fundamental drive to increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death manifests as.
These are beasts, born in the image of God who all of the privileges that brings with it are lost on. They have willingly abandoned their inheritance and cast their lot with the Prince of Darkness. They are actively hostile to The Good and fancy themselves empowered and enlightened beings. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are damaged goods and in their own heart they know that to be the case.
I have absolutely no use for them or their hollowed out lives and couldn’t give a shit about their precious feelings. I no longer have any sympathy whatsoever, pity is even out of the question given their behavior toward others and humanity in general. At this point I am totally and unreservedly indifferent to their personal suffering.
As for their continuous and everlasting proclamations of empathy for others, that is abject horseshit. They don’t give a shit about anyone other than to use others to advance their own wicked and evil agenda.
The sonsabitches wouldn’t know common decency if it fell out of the sky and landed in their lap. They have of their own volition knowingly reduced themselves to a subhuman condition and suffer from all of the baggage that brings with it. Fuck them, fuck their feelings, fuck their mere existence here on earth. That is all I have to offer the phony baloney subhuman pieces of shit.
I’m not “White” but rather half Doggerlander-American and half Druid-American. It seems I may be safe.
MLK had a dream and that is all it was. A dream. More and more everyday I find that content of character is determined by the color of skin.
Turns out that poor old Martin King was just a useful idiot for the Africans because they immediately discarded everything he preached and instead stuck their hands out for more handouts! Repatriation NOW!
They’re going to get their “death to America” wish. Unfortunately (for them) it will come in the form of the vaccine.
My-tee YT !!!
Looks like the democrats plan is falling right into place by idiots of all colors. Screw up America and seize power from the citizens. When god was putting brains in humans with a teaspoon, someone bumped his arm.
Secession. We need to leave theae people behind
I’m with Mary Jane Anklestraps. I’ll be right there alongside her, helping out.
Who do these pasty white antifa fools think they’ll turn on first? Not the bitter clingers. It’ll be a much easi.er target.. like black clad soy boys
You may test that premise, at your earliest convenience. 😎
Guess what you soy boy little fucking faggots, you have to actually restrain me to get a noose around my neck.
And so far the fucking democrats have not been able to take my guns, like they did to blacks in the 1800’s.
So guess what? You will lose if you start trying it. But I’m prepared for my victory when you think you are ready.
I’m your huckleberry!
That rat bastard, Garland, just declared that whites are the number one security threat to American democracy. This is what the German government did to the Jews in the 1930’s before the Holocost. We’re going to have a fight on our hands so get prepared. Our government’s coming after us. Don’t go willingly to the camps.
Hambone, Huckleberry Hound or Huck Finn. Which is it?
^^^ Yes.
Bush was in WAS? /s
Don’t the people saying shit like this realize they were BORN white? My gramps was fond of saying that a leopard cannot change it’s spots. When the SHTF for real, these white liberals will be the first ones lined up against the wall.
WTF is that communist asshole talking about? Black people target white people for racist assault, rape, and murder all the fucking time.
“I can’t wait until ________ people can lynch ________ people.”
The cry of racists everywhere … and everywhen!
Best shit or get off the pot.
izlamo delenda est …