I Can’t Win – That Much Is Clear – IOTW Report

I Can’t Win – That Much Is Clear

I have Cruz people who are pissed at me because I reported, with no editorialization, the latest news about Cruz during the primary, good and bad.

I even posted the National Enquirer stuff with the disclaimer that I thought it was all horsesh1t.

It wasn’t enough that I was the lone voice on this site that said it wasn’t over for Cruz when everyone was throwing in the towel, that Indiana, months away, was what should be focused on.

It wasn’t enough that I made Cruz truck magnets and gave them away during contests.

It wasn’t enough that I said months ago that I, given the chance, would push a button and install Cruz as our nominee, precisely because I am pretty good at reading tea leaves, and I knew this mess would foment.

It wasn’t enough that Mr. Pinko was “put on assignment” because he was making Cruz people uncomfortable, a move that was not at all good for iOTWreport.

These positions, in turn, pissed off the Trump people, who still secretly think I’m against him and I’m not sufficiently praising him from rooftops. (Abigail Adams, anyone?)

It’s not enough that I’m making enemies by being fervently #NeverHillary, I have to be #ForeverTrump or else I’m a quisling.

I get emails from both camps telling me, simultaneously, that I’m doing a good job of creating a place for debate, and that they don’t want to stay at the site any more because they don’t want to be confronted with passionate objection. (We can set up a safe space, I guess.)

Trump people demand I kick Cruz in the nutsack, and Cruz people want Trump kicked in his tiny package, otherwise they’re not happy.

If Trump people do not take crushing commentary about The Donald, that he’s a liberal, and he’s worse than Hillary, without countering with equal hyperbole, then “how are you going to get me into the Trump camp?”, they say.

It amounts to – “let me destroy Trump, unabated, to the point that no one would vote for him, or else I’m not voting for him.”

Kind of a strange argument to an objective observer. I wish that passion was directed at Hillary.

On the other hand, Trump people may be a little too optimistic that Trump is a conservative. When I point out Trump’s weaknesses on various issues, I’m accused of being as bad as a “Cruzbot.”

Meanwhile, The Right Scoop, the over-the-top Trump hatred site who pretended, in the end, that Cruz was Superman, their stats are through the roof.

Gateway Pundit, unabashedly all-in for Trump, is hitting record numbers.

Us? We’re plodding along, being the site that is most pragmatic – #NeverHillary – and, I guess, boring.

But we’re prepared for the serious work of marginalizing Hillary, and trying to prevent her from getting the white house.

We’re prepared for the serious work of holding Trump’s feet to the fire should he win the white house. There will be no murals and shrines on day one. Perhaps year 3 if he does a great job.

I’m cool with being the under-appreciated, the whipping boy of both sides, because I have righteous indignation on my side.

Hillary is far, far, far worse than Trump could ever be.

If their running platform was identical (which it’s not), you’d still have to vote for Trump because Hillary has a decades long record of corruption, abuse of power, criminal activity and shitty temperament, and that’s not even factoring in Bill.

So, I’ll be over here when everyone on the right, and some on the left, come to the conclusion that Hillary must be stopped.

’til then, what do you want me to do or say? Should I start banning the people that are annoying others?

That’s not what this site was all about, and I’m not about to let Trump, or Cruz, turn me into a banhammer.

I can only strongly insist that people please stop attacking each other personally in the comments and attack Hillary instead.

In fact, say the stuff you want to say, but just put Hillary in as the noun.

That’ll work.


87 Comments on I Can’t Win – That Much Is Clear

  1. No doubt. People everywhere are loosing their minds over this election. At some point, someone we don’t like, is going to get elected. Then we will all get up and go to work the next morning (those of us who have jobs, that is).

  2. Ted Cruz is OUT of the race! Can we STOP talking about Ted Cruz now?! We have our presumptive nominee and his name is NOT Ted Cruz. It is Donald J. Trump. Furthermore, Mr. Trump WILL secure nearly 1300 delegates by the end of the California primary because ALL OTHER CANDIDATES HAVE NOW DROPPED OUT and yes “suspended” means DROPPED out. Unless one is delusional enough to believe that when ALL the other failed candidates ‘suspended’ their campaigns they really meant that they’re still in the race. The ONLY thing that matters NOW is #NeverHillary It IS now time to UNITE and focus our ire COLLECTIVELY towards our REAL ENEMY. That enemy is NOT Donald Trump. That enemy is a serial lying, felonious, polyester stretching, pant-suit abusing Commie named Hillary Clinton and the institutional Left and corrupt media which supports her. Kudos to Fur for brilliantly walking the razors edge during this heated primary and not upsetting the rational supporters of either Cruz or Trump. Mark Levin and that unhinged, lunatic, cult leader, Glenn Beck could learn a VALUABLE lesson from the captain of IOTWReport.

  3. I agree with your sentiments. It seems like there is a lot of hard feelings among guys and gals that would ordinarily get along quite well. As for me, I’ll take Trump and be happy, I would also have been happy with Cruz. No matter what, Clinton/Sanders/Soros has to be beaten like a red headed stepchild. No offense to red headed stepchildren.

  4. Mr. Hat, I put a lot of stock in the “thumbs up” the contributors receive. One would hope that those who seldom got a thumbs up would give up and go away. But, unfortunately, many of those people are on a quest, and they are the Johnny that everybody else is out of step with. (diagram that sentence!)
    I have my favorites that I check for; I also have those contributors that I just run my eyes right past their posts, because I already know what they are going to say.
    That being said, when it comes to an outright feud that takes up tons of screen space, mostly between just two people, many times I will just log off and come back and visit another time. Action might be required for repeat offenders.
    Life is too short and precious for bullshit.

  5. Buck up, BFH, you’re doing the right thing. The frothing-at-mouth commentary about either DT or TC leave me cold, but it isn’t hard simply to ignore them. They are useful, though, as I have learned some new and imaginative insults, and at the age of 67 I thought I’d heard them all.

  6. Thank you for the Cruz magnets, BFH. I used them, and I voted for him. When you asked me which magnet I wanted, Trump.or Cruz , I said “I like them both. Surprise me.” You sent Cruz.

    I think everybody who is so dismayed about Trump needs to take stock at pivotal moments during the general election campaign, and think about how their preferred candidate would be doing against Hillary–or whoever–at those moments. If people try to be unbiased, they will probably conclude that nobody else can take it to Hillary like Trump.

  7. What csteventucker said. I tried to head that direction the day Cruz dropped out. Probably to soon. It’s time to rally behind Trump and defeat Hillary.
    BFH, there are some of us out here that thought you did a pretty good job of walking the line.

  8. I’ve been kind of baffled by the animosity some have displayed during their “debates” about Trump vs. Cruz. When the primaries first began, I was okay with Trump or Cruz being the nominee, and I liked (still do) both of them for different reasons. They are both better than Hillary or Bernie. They both pissed of the feckless RNCe, which is good in my book. They are both despised and feared by the leftist press. I think both are sincere about their love of the US. Neither are perfect. No one is. I’m not falling for the Trump vs. Cruz bitch fest, because I think it’s been largely instigated by flailing rinos and the leftist media who are all dancing at the ends of the same puppet masters’ strings… that and a few unhinged kooks who seem to fail to see the big picture: we get Hillary for president, and our country is toast.

  9. If you think it has been bad for the past 6 months, wait for the next 6! I suspect it is going to get much worse. The GOP is not walk in a dignified manner to the guillotine. They are gonna fight, and fight dirty. That’s why I called for Cruz to quit after NY, Cruz has zero chance to get the nomination honestly. I doubt that Trump will get the nomination even if he has 1400 delegates, and if he does, the GOP will fund anti Trump PAC’s to defeat him.

    Sad and crazy times and getting worse daily.

  10. I take small exception to your claim that trump does not have a past of doing nefarious things, politically or otherwise, but otherwise you are on target.
    I don’t want to see anyone banned, or even shut up. On the other hand, it is not my website and I have watched scores just go away rather than face the onslaught.
    I personally believe that being critical of Trumps leftist tendencies is the only way to force him to keep them in check, as was borne out by his quick left turn the moment Cruz suspended his campaign. (which may actually not really be suspended, but you already know what is going on in Nebraska)
    What is going on here is nothing compared to what will happen at the convention. If he can’t change from a plurality to a solid majority there the wheels are going to start coming off. That is why the issue needs to be addressed.

  11. Well alrighty then.

    When I see the nasty exchanges in the comments, I usually bail on that thread. It’s stupid. Commander Keyboard Krap.

    I have to tell you that you’ve moved into my #1 bookmark spot since I couldn’t take the TDS at DirectorBlue anymore and bailed. I like Gateway but am an infrequent visitor. Where I do get the straight skinny is CTH-sundance is one sharp mofo. There are also several other sites I used to visit and have stopped because of the incessant Trump hate.

    Another site that allows both sides to vent and features Jeff Lord, whom I’ve always enjoyed, is The American Spectator. BB is good too.

    One thing you have to stop though is this contention that those of who support Trump do so because we believe he’s a conservative. He holds many conservative PsOV but he also supports some crazy shit like the minimum wage. He’s an unabashed nationalist and I say it’s about fucking time. I also say it’s time for the Cruz supported to get over it.

    Aside from Pat Buchanan in 92 and 96 and Newt in 2012, I usually don’t even have the pleasure of supporting anyone in the primaries until this year when I first had Cruz and then got fully behind Trump.

    The centerpiece policies he addressed strike home to every side. Old time dems, Rs and Indies, all of us recognize the nightmare the UniParty has called down on us.

    Now is the time to hammer Hillary and sway the #neverTrump folks back. I personally have convinced one to vote for Trump.

    IOW keep up the great work.

  12. Mr. Hat,
    I appreciate this site, and all the people who make it a reality. Haters gonna hate, bloviators gonna bloviate, and the ever incensed are gonna be forever incensed. You fight the good fight for an unappreciative public – but those are the wages of saints.
    Have a good, cold gatorade – and gird yourself for the REAL fight – which is the battle between good and evil (HRC/BS/totalitarianism).

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. Great point. This is an awesome site.

    I’ve learned that scum rises to the top, so I pass on quickly, when the poster seems off his/her rocker or is reduced to slobbering furious rhetoric, which is much like a two-year old throwing a fit! Ignore it and move on.

  14. If I weren’t an internet dinosaur, I’d set up

    Yes, you’ve tried to be SORT OF balanced,
    leaving debate “open”
    (which these days means NOT BANNING every other person).

    You don’t need to kick Cruz in the nutsack
    (unless you really, really, want to and he set himself up for it)
    My doctor said aerobic posting is good for you.

    People who “don’t want passionate objection”
    (in Ye Olde English: DEBATE)
    deserve to be kicked in the nutsack, too.
    They can stay, they can go, as they please.

    Pointing out the projection of folks
    (which, as you say, should be rightly directed at the Dems**)
    Is a good thing.

    What *I* would appreciate most from the Cruz supporters is simply the acknowledgement that Trump is the presumptive nominee and as such has earned a modicum of respect if not yet support…ENOUGH OF THE TRUMP ASSAULTS AS IF IT MATTERED ANYMORE!


    ** Don’t put all your rotten eggs in one “Hillary” basket.
    I can well imagine that Obama lets some indictment go through.
    NOW: while most think that opens the gate for some SATAN Ex Machina
    (like Crazy Joe or whomever),
    NO ONE is considering that the Dems might go
    FULL MARXIST on America in 2016:

  15. And one more thing…Can everybody stop getting so worked up every time Trump says anything even vaguely leftish? There is method to the seeming madness. Let him do his thing.

  16. Cruz says he might get back in if he wins Nebraska.

    If he does, and I don’t attack Cruzbots, but just attack Cruz and Hitlary, will I be banned? 🙂

    p.s. Sorry you were stuck between rock and hard place – really, I mean it BFH.

  17. BFH, I have always respected your opinion and commentary. While I’m not trump guy, I won’t disparage people. I only try to lead them to truth. As a Christian and principled conservative, I am finding it very, VERY hard to vote for a manhattan liberal that has pulled a con job and fooled so many.

  18. BFH, be assured that your pragmatism on the matter is very much appreciated. I’ve come to avoid half the political sites on my bookmark list because over the past several months it seems like the authors have lost their minds on one side or the other. The only thing that I can think of is that after seven years of the current administration, so many were so desperate for their idea of a silver bullet to become the nominee. We’re seeing a derangement syndrome play out. Hopefully people’s heads cool down after a month or two, and as you say, begin to focus on the real objective this November.

    Your words of reason have not gone unnoticed, and it is a service to many that they continue during this moment of turmoil. Time and reason will help others adapt to the new conditions of the world we find ourselves in.

  19. I think Fur has handled and is handling things fairly. If someone thinks he has an agenda then they are letting their emotions get the best of them.

  20. Medved and Erickson would do well to lurk here and learn from BFH how to ride the tiger. They aren’t handling change very well and I fear for their ratings.

  21. Only three observations about the Trump/Cruz debacle. One: I was a Cruz supporter before I was a Trump supporter. I sent a donation to Cruz and immediately got a request for another donation. When I gave the Donald a donation, I got a thank you note. That’s all, just a thank you note.
    Two: When I sent several requests for Cruz to STOP sending solicitations, I got more solicitations. When I yelled at a phone solicitor to STOP F**king bothering me, I got more solicitations. If you cannot do something as simple as cease to bother me well then f**k you.
    Three: The Donald won, with virtually every media outlet, every elitist Republican, every stuff shirt A**hole and every blog, but two or three against him. He still won and kicked ass doing it. It was over, well before it was over.
    I didn’t like Romney, so I didn’t vote for him and hated Obama more. Nothing I could have said changed that, so I sucked it up. Now it’s time for the anti-Trump folks to suck it up. Let’s kick Hillary’s ass and stop and let the Trumpster do what the Trumpster does best. Kick ass!

  22. I have both Cruz and Trump stickers on the back window of my diesel F-250 (The Behemoth that rolls coal)

    Now that Cruz is out of the race I plan on keeping both stickers as my way of saying I’m voting Republican come hell or high water.

    I am proudly #NEVER Democrat

    /Full Disclosure: only one time ever did I vote for a Democrat. It was our local Congressman and it was only because I was banging his daughter

  23. Lotsa people didn’t vote at all, because they didn’t like Romney.
    And barry got elected instead.

    Lotsa people aren’t going to vote at all, because they don’t like Trump.

    Lets see how that works out…

  24. The post wasn’t a woe is me, I need affirmation and a lollipop post.
    I appreciate the kind words. I posted it so people could maybe, MAYBE temper the other sites when they are there with a little more lucidity.

    There is one site that posts nothing but titles with exclamation points and the candidate cannot be mentioned without a barrage of colorful adjectives before his name.

    This is a highly respected site that hardly ever did this sort of thing against Hillary and Obama.
    When you have a little objectivity, it really, really looks bad.

    When the debates begin, and if there is a clear contrast between Trump and Clinton, one that makes it much easier to vote for Trump, I don’t believe this site will be able to eat the crow required in order to come around, and they will simply keep going down this road they’re on.
    Such a shame.

    Hail to the Queef, here we come.

  25. My sole concern is posting articles that take part of what Trump says (Trump will raise taxes on the rich. Trump wants a higher minimum wage) without posting a link to the interview those tidbits are from.

    Hearing Trump’s full statement on the issue removes the media’s manipulative narrative.

    I’ve seen many posters grab onto those soundbites to prove their point about Trump when, in reality, Trump never said what they claim.

    As for folks who get carried away in their comments, I think back to Margaret Thatcher who loved it when people lobbed personal attacks at her because she knew they had run out of factual arguments.

    I also take comfort in knowing that I posted in March that Trump would have the nomination wrapped up by the end of April. Being prescient has it’s own rewards. 😉

  26. After the convention the game doesn’t change.

    There will be venomous statements made, false media reports, out of context sound bites and all sorts of scandalous allegations as occurred in the primaries.

    There is nothing that could be said or alleged that would cause me not to vote.

    BUT ….. #NeverHillary; #NeverDemocrat

  27. Actually, there have been just a few people who got obnoxious in their fervor for Trump. Cruz probably would have gotten the nomination, if Trump had not come out with his blazing tongue. When you get down to it, his followers are just following their candidate’s winning formula, and we will soon see if Trump can beat the Clintons.

  28. It’s a pretty easy decision right now: We either help Trump win or we suffer the complete loss of America to Hillary.

    All the bickering, name calling, and back-stabbing will not help us, if it’s not directed at our actual enemies.

    I couldn’t do what you do here BFH. I would give out a few warnings to those I felt were driving away readers or looking for a conflict, and then I would ban the living shit out of them.
    Guess that’s why I don’t have my own website. lol

    The nasty name calling should be replaced with some quality time in the boxing ring. I might be old and fucked up but I can still hit a man hard enough to break his jaw, and I’d much rather duke it out than bitch fight with a keyboard. I have a low tolerance for that kind of shit.

    It’s different if it’s funny; like bashing a certified troll. But this shit has been anything but funny, it’s really kind of sick – like mentally sick. And counterproductive. And harmful, if Trump doesn’t win now.

    Hate having to say this, but I have thought about going elsewhere just to get away from some of this senseless crap. The great site I used to enjoy going to every day is being tarnished by commentators who verbally abuse other commenters.
    Keep asking myself when will this end so we can get back to being completely satisfied with the iOTWreport experience.

    Expressing opposing views is great and healthy when it’s done in a respectful manner. But that name calling crap is just begging for an ass kicking.
    Maybe try speaking as if you (whoever) were actually talking face to face with whoever it is you are telling to go fuck themselves?!?!.

    That’s my last two cents … , hope i edited out all the mistakes, I am ready to hit the sack early tonight, noddin off.

  29. I am a “real” conservative by any definition I can find. I know Trump isn’t. Reagan wasn’t either. I think Trump can be more effective than Cruz (who’s policies and conservatism I adore). I just think at this point, we have gone down the Socialist rat hole so far, we need somebody bombastic and a bit edgy to move the Country forward out of Obamaville!!! Make America great AGAIN yes I’m all in!!!

  30. BTW, BFH you have sooo many loyal fans you have already won. My only advice would be take a stand, because if your going to take flack no matter what might as well deserve it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I say pick Trump or Cruz and go all in!!!

  31. Listen, politics makes people nuts. By and large, IOTW Reports has been a refuge is sea of horse shit. Just look what happened to Red State (although, I never liked that douchebag). And Moonbattery, what a crying shame. That guy went full retard! Nah, people will get over their petty bullshit…or they won’t. Screw ’em.

  32. Back in the 70s we would always settle disputes in the ring. And we always shook hands afterwards. I think it strengthened a lot of friendships. A few of those assholes I hated so much ended up being life-long friends.

    Goodnight all.

  33. “It wasn’t enough that Mr. Pinko was “put on assignment” because he was making Cruz people uncomfortable, a move that was not at all good for iOTWreport.”

    I was wondering what happened to Mr. Pinko. I was hoping he was under the guise as #NeverGOPe. Please come back Mr. Pinko and din’t ever leave again! Beaides, your guy won. ?

  34. Where have I been? I had to look up ‘queef’. All this time I thought that was called a Paltrow. That whacko bird Paltry is selling a $15,000 gold plated dildo on her goopoop site. A little side track there, sorry.

    I’m with Uncle Al. Things that make me tired like endless tirades get an eye roll or 2 and a scroll by. Speed read a few words, eye roll, scroooooolllllllll.
    There is enough drama in real life without losing my marbles on the Internet and it’s NBA playoffs.
    Ranters you are wasting your time because there is no audience.

    @ Uncle Al, here is an insult you may like and want to add to your collection. It’s a little tame by some standards.
    You must be a mathematician; you add trouble, subtract pleasure, divide attention, and multiply ignorance.

    Another cruder one: The only reason I ain’t your daddy is because the dog made it over the fence first.

    Go Cavaliers!

  35. I agree BFH. It gets difficult to visit many sites.

    You’ve been fair BFH. Hell, debating JohnS shows your fairness.

    I was on the Cruz wagon very early and I bought his book. I also gave money to his campaign.

    I later joined the Trump train because I thought he was the only one I felt could mobilize the people to unseat the establishment. A man who can’t be bought or directed like a puppet by the donor class.

    It will take 2016, 2018, and 2020 just to chip away at it, but at least he will stop the bleeding and buy us time. I’ve been saying this since 2011. It will take multiple election cycles to clean house.

    Anyone who doesn’t support the GOP nominee is voting for Hilliary and the destruction of America. I plugged my nose for many an election. The Cruz people need to do it one more time. It is what it is.

    I also agree with Mr. Pinko. I also like Trump because he tell his detractors to F*ck off and is all the better for it. No bowing to pressure group or PC. Americans like the truth.

    See http://www.patcondell.net/we-want-the-truth-2/

  36. Some of us have really good personal reasons against trump and yet there are those on this site that just attack rather than respond. I really try to avoid using vitriol but am very passionate about my reasons why I am for or against a person or idea. I am tired of voting for the lesser of two evils and doubt that you can convince me otherwise, so please let’s stop with the “a vote against trump is a vote for shillary.” I could counter that with voting for trump in the primary is a vote for Hillary, which is why we are in this mess. Also Trump has stated that he does not need us anyway, way to rally the party Donald.

  37. Thanks for the shoutout MFTM.
    I apologize for usually giving your posts the attention they deserve rather than paying attention to them.
    If you feel left out I will consider becoming creative in finding reasons to involve myself in them.

  38. I have two Cruz tailgate magnets. joe6pak sent them to me free of charge from 3,000 miles away. When I got them I sent pictures to my friends, and they got posted on many conservative sites. Those magnets now live on the side of my ice box in the kitchen waiting for another day, but I just had to say that joe is one hell of a great conservative. BFH too.

    Thanks for the free magnets joe!

  39. Really? I mean REALLY??? What kind of Conservative sets up camp in the precious feelings brigade to the point they quit coming here? This blog is one of the BIGGEST defenders of the first amendment I’ve come across…relish in it while you still can!

    In a political debate if you’re offended by fuck you, piss off, up yours etc then that is YOUR choice. For example, I interview potential male employees often and when he shows up for his interview wanting to show me his ass crack with his belt-line below his ass as a first impression I simply tell them “FUCK OFF…your interview is over before it even started.” When they ask why I tell them that I refuse to subject my fine employees to having to sniff someones sweaty ass all day. I also believe in second chances. If that same interview candidate contacted me later explaining his less than bright idea to show me his smelly ass and did it with respect then he will get another interview if there’s still a job opening. Almost all of them run off offended but didn’t give a damn how they made others feel. What Conservative wouldn’t appreciate that?

    My dustup with JohnS does not mean I hate him nor do I want him to go elsewhere as he suggested. Some of his comments are quite impressive and well thought out. But if someone comes after me with nothing but an opinion I will respond with mine.

    I urge those that think it’s horrible to say “fuck off” how debates were done in the days of our forefathers. The gloves were off between family, friends, neighbors, coworkers far more often than not.

    Let’s not become purpetually offended please…


  40. iOTWreport is not a safe space.
    It was always meant to challenge, whether it be how far we could take people with humor, or how much they could take when they stumbled upon being the minority in a rant about… oh, kazoos or what constitutes graffiti (remember Bud who told us not to put sticky notes on gas pumps when prices were going up because he said it was vandalism? He left the site.)

    And I always allow people to write whatever they want (as long as it’s legal.)
    (Sometimes I alter a rant when the first line contains nigger, or some other epithet, because that shows up on the front page in recent comments. I don’t like that.)

    If people want to be at their safe space echo chamber, great.
    I grew up arguing about everything, and it’s pretty much the way to get to a better understanding of the truth, because you inevitably learn something from the people you argue with if you’re really listening.

    I used to have the most vicious arguments with Uncle Al.
    He probably doesn’t know it, because I won’t say it, but he taught me a lot.

    That’s value.
    Surrounding yourself with yes men is valueless.

    That’s the way I see it.

  41. from BFH: Surrounding yourself with yes men is valueless.

    True. Another way of seeing things is one reason I come here. Being in a place where everyone is in agreement is too much like the Twilight Zone episode ‘A Nice Place to Visit’ where the main character sells his soul to an amiable devil.
    No learning, no growth, no change for the better, no winning, no losing and improving and that’s just boring.

  42. I was in for Cruz when he announced, but changed to Trump, and if i want my fill of all trump all the time, i go to BB or Gateway.

    I enjoy the back and forths between others here more than the backslapping at the pro-trump sites and BFH is right, it is more cerebral here than any other site i see. (i’m not the one contributing the cerebral stuff, just so you know)

  43. Where I live, the water is never smooth. The racing idiots that designed ventilated step hulls for fishing boats never fished, just raced on rivers. Mercury, OTOH, designed props that still bite after they bark without every having to touch the throttles.

    I loved the days running side by side to another vessel seeing all off her naked glory out of the water! I once saw a vessel with all 5 motors dry! OMG! 39′ Midnight Express with quint Yami 250’s!

    (ran like a lame duck on 4 because they propped her for speed, but, hey, when you have a 100K hangin’ on the stern, do it your way)

  44. I’ve been astonished at the viciousness aimed by what were once ostensibly friends in the last months at anyone who doesn’t agree with them 100%. To reveal who you like or dislike is just as dangerous at IOTWR than it would be at any leftwing progtard site because you instantly open yourself to attack from whichever group you don’t agree 100% with. A few posters (not everyone) just have to get personal. I dump out of a thread as soon as I see that’s the direction it’s going.

    I won’t tell my choice even NOW because though the candidate seems to be picked I’d still be slammed by all sides since I still have reservations. Make no mistake, I am #NEVERdemocrat (HRC may still be bumped aside) but how does hating on someone convince them your guy is best or that he wouldn’t treat people the same way you’re treating them? I don’t trust ANY of the candidates but I know who absolutely deserves all the venom being slung around instead of the current targets – she’s the one with the cankles and pantsuits.

    Unless there’s chicanery at the Repub convention, Trump is the guy, so people need to stop crapping on their ALLIES here and pull together. If they can’t manage that, THEY need to go on assignment and let calmer heads wage the coming battle. And make no mistake about it, this election is going to be godawful dirty, with a lot of it coming from the GOPe. We can’t afford a split in our ranks or the bastards will screw us over AGAIN.

    Thanks to BFH we get to talk about it. Persuade but don’t browbeat and everyone here can stay friends.

  45. It’s got nothing to do with smooth. If you leave the water sooner or later you will re enter the water. Like a vacuum cleaner. However if speeds not a big deal, wax away.

  46. Brad, I trust your knowledge with guns, trust mine with boats. You wanna talk convex vs concave hulls and how to add strakes proportional to the deadrise at the stern versus the bow? How much negative should the strakes be aft versus stern? What about the chines? Should they only be behind on the aft side of center? What percentage of the weight should be aft of center on an offshore boat? How big should the tabs be?

    I know boats.

  47. and I also know it is past my bedtime…but, ride out the inlet with me when there are 8′ swells rolling and let’s jump a 6,000+ machine and see if we land it right…you can shoot at the buoy’s on the way out…they have bells to ring.

  48. I feel for ya BFH and I wished I had something to say to you about taking the high road and such, but I don’t know what to say.
    I do wish you well.

    I just wonder what the heck you were thinking when you tossed your lot in with those Ted Cruz cultists?
    Of course they will never be happy until they have destroyed your very soul.
    Did you get caught up in a honey trap, or would you rather not say?

    Fortunately Donald Trump teaches us about more than wrathful judgement but he also preaches forgiveness and redemption and you are welcomed back into the house of the one true candidate anytime you wish to repent for your previous sins, for Trump is a loving candidate, and all love flows through him.

    Repent BFH, anoint yourself in Trump Natural Spring Water, and all will be forgiven.

  49. Trump supporters need to stop bashing Cruz supporters. Most of them hate Clinton enough to vote for Trump. Instead of beating the dead Cruz horse supporters, try converting an Independent to your cause. That’s more difficult, but it’s more productive. I’ve tried it, and the first thing I found out was how hated Trump is by people who could have been persuaded to vote for Cruz on practical economic or constitutional terms. But of course, since Cruz had all those mistresses and his father was in on the Oswald conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy, it would have been impossible to close the deal for Cruz. Get ready for a crash landing, because this is just starting to get ugly.

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