“I Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Woman” – Joe Biden – IOTW Report

“I Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Woman” – Joe Biden

ht/ woody

15 Comments on “I Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Woman” – Joe Biden

  1. That man can’t tell the truth about anything — ever. He’s as pathological as it is possible to be. And I don’t think he even knows it himself or he might make a better effort at covering it or stop with the blatant, easy to debunk lies.

  2. James Woods did an excellent job describing this POS in a tweet a couple days ago. But at the end was a warning. Demented old soulless Joe Biden is a very real danger to man kind right now and needs to step down or be replaced.

  3. His being a crook doesn’t bother me except for the many in government who cover for him and the sheep in the population who have TDS so bad that they prefer his corruption and incompetence.

  4. To be a good liar, you need to be somewhat smart so you can come up with a good response on the fly. “It’s all lies” isn’t clever or nuanced; it’s just sounds like your average felon when caught. I’m surprised he didn’t respond with “I dint do nuthin”.

  5. He’s even bad at lying now. He can’t even convince himself of the truth and he has dementia. How sad is that and yet they won’t put him in hospice.

    You’ll know it’s the final act when he pardons himself and the whole family for all crimes committed.

  6. Claudia

    That’s true, but the point James Woods made in his tweet that I reference above is there’s still a very evil man buried in that mess some where who would have no problem taking the rest of us out as he nears his expiration date. Scary stuff really.

  7. Jethro- WWIII will be fought very differently, so much so that we won’t know it… like China buying up the United States – the cheapest hostile take-over yet considering what they’ve gained! They already own the MSM, the democRAT National Socialist Party, most of DC and the pResident!

  8. @Harry – “…They already own the MSM, the democRAT National Socialist Party, most of DC and the pResident!…”

    You left out the one of the most powerful assets they own: American multi-national corporations. Any guess as to the percent of consumer products purchased in this country that have ties to China? 59%? 60%? More?


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