“I Didn’t Do It!” (The Most Audacious Denial) – IOTW Report

“I Didn’t Do It!” (The Most Audacious Denial)

37 Comments on “I Didn’t Do It!” (The Most Audacious Denial)

  1. In her defense, that’s how she goes through a shopping aisle…

    I don’t get why on the second stop guns were not deployed and used on the driver. If the driver was having a medical emergency aka TIA or ministroke it would have been a mercy.

  2. Geoff, she wasn’t any bigger than the Meal Team Six that brought her down. Lots of huffing, puffing and hyperventilating in that squad car . I thought the cop was going to stroke out. A whole bunch of people there need exercise and dieting.

  3. She actually dropped a driveshaft at the second traffic stop, apparently because of a broken cintrol arm to judge by the LF tire angle, but somehow managed to shove police vehicles out of the way anyway. Pretty good car and pretty terrible boxing by the cops.

    Cops used to shoot you if you tried to run over them. They were presenting, not sure why they didn’t.

    I liked the apparent policewoman in civvies towards the end. After breifly searching the var starts telling Ms. “I didn’t do it” that “YOU ALMOST KILLED THREE FUCKING PEOPLE!” at the top of her lungs. Shoulda gave her a PR24 and turned around for a couple minutes.

    Speaking of PR24s, what was with them trying to punch the side windows out by hand? Modern side windows are MUCH stronger than that, sometimes even a tool won’t take them out right away.


    …probably won’t stand up to pB tho.
    Should have gone with that…

  4. @mr_pinko
    AT 2:32 PM

    With the tint on the windows the police could make that out?

    Okay, take out tires which would be possible with handgun without over penetration through sidewalls, contact shot, since vehicle was stopped a couple times.

  5. I would like to know what the results from court are.
    In other words, how much the police & state will be paying this innocent & wrongfully detained angel to make her whole again after she was profiled.

  6. Cops did a poor job of boxing her in and showed poor ability for not having a means to break the glass besides their hands.

    The cop who stated “make them fit” in regards to the handcuffs had the right approach.

  7. Took a quick look before coming into “work” where they BLOCK you tube. Glad I looked and was thinking about on the way in when the tiniest of light bulbs went on.

    For our resident EMT (SNS). Is it possible this could be partially laid at the feet of a “diabetic incident”? I’ve seen some strange shit when blood sugars get way out of wack. She’s big enough to be a candidate…

    More restraint by the cops than could ever be expected!

  8. That sure looks like the maximum bloat Infiniti SUV, the QX80. I’m not interested enough to figure out what year that one is, but figure the price of a new one starts at $75,000.

  9. For those who wondered about shooting the tires, a fair number of cars/SUVs in that price range have run flat tires. Shooting those won’t make much of a difference, and you still have all the other possible ways that can go wrong, plus all the GEO paperwork on discharging a duty weapon.

    GEO (not LEO) – Govt Enforcement Officer

  10. Anymouse AT 5:23 PM

    Hyperglycemic diabetics can be difficult to tell from drunks sometimes right down to a “fruity” breath smell, but this woman seemed to less of a problem with lucidity than she did with reality.

    So no, I never saw a diabetic act quite like that.

  11. I’ve seen video after video of police surrounding a car with their own vehicles only to let a wide open space for the suspect vehicle to escape. What the hell is the matter with these cops?

  12. I think the obvious reason for not shooting was the fact there was a child in the vehicle.
    Likewise, th ed police may not have pressed aggressively hoping to prevent further civilian casualties. They knew the minivan was mostly disabled fight from her initial escape attempt. One cop tells out she had flat tires. They knew she wasn’t going on a high speed chase and she wasn’t getting away.
    Let her run into the city-owned cruisers and not innocent bystanders.

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