I didn’t think it possible for the left to get any dumber, then Oregon Live said, “here, hold my latte.” – IOTW Report

I didn’t think it possible for the left to get any dumber, then Oregon Live said, “here, hold my latte.”

The Antifa crapweasel that told a woman that she hoped her deceased NYPD husband was “rotting in his grave,” even when told he died on 9/11, has still not been identified.

But GOOD NEWS! The woman’s identity has been learned and Oregon Live is on the case to see if she is an actual 9/11 widow– because THAT is what’s most germane to this story!

Listen, I’m appalled by stolen valor, but there may have been an explanation for why she made her claim on that street corner in Portland. She may have said it to get the violent Antifa creep to back off, thinking it might garner a little sympathy, even with this goon. And if that’s the case I would give her a pass.

Here is some extra footage of the violent dope, including footage of him running away when confronted by The Proud Boys.

What Oregon Live is doing reminds me a lot of the left’s response to Joe the Plumber.

In 2007, Joe was able to get Barack Obama to say, during a rope line meet-and-greet, that he wanted to “spread the wealth.” This was a disaster for the left. Like the cloaked Claire McCaskill, the DNC did not want to alert voters to Obama’s socialist intentions.

By that night they had gone into major spin control, and what was the talking point the head of the snake emerged with?

“He’s not even a real plumber!”

As if THAT had anything at all to do with Obama saying what he said. As dumb as it was, their dumb minions, like the NPCs they are, were annoyingly rebleating it everywhere.

Even if this woman is not a 9/11 widow it still does not undo the essential belief of Antifa; that 9/11 widows get no sympathy and their husbands deserve to rot in their graves. That is the take away, not this stupid defense Oregon Live is trying to run.

This story is not about stolen valor, it’s about the violent Antifa mobs that have the blessings of the political left who claim they are merely peaceful, patriotic protesters. They aren’t. They are violent loser thugs who deserve to get their asses beaten by any and all resistance to the #resistance.

ht/ JD Hasty.

19 Comments on I didn’t think it possible for the left to get any dumber, then Oregon Live said, “here, hold my latte.”

  1. that poor woman

    too bad she did not have mace or a taser gun
    he was right in her ear

    oh boy,i would have leg punched him right in the crotch
    and sprayed him with bear mace

    vote repub in nov

    makes my blood boil

  2. The Oregonian, like nearly all big-city newspapers, acts as the propaganda arm of the democrat party. What is encouraging is the 20-1 reader comments in support of the woman victim, and condemning the Antifa creep and the article giving him cover.

  3. I think Larry and BFH are the same person….

    I just hope like Hell He’s not doing a Costume change

    between Posts…

    It’s Friday….Just opened Beer #3 !!!

    Disregard anything I say after 8PM ! πŸ˜‰

  4. I would still like to see the little punk get his ass kicked. Very convenient that they can identify her and know she’s not a widow, but they can’t identify the punk who needs his ass kicked.
    Then these punk ass media folks living in their bubble of people who think, talk, walk, eat and drink like them wonder why Fake News resonates with so many people.

  5. The comments in a the Oregonian online are enlightening. Portland, at large, is about fed the hell up with this bullshit. There is going to come a correction and the lunatic fringe is not going to like it.

    We will be about 20 miles away in Verboort for Sausage Fest in a couple weeks and no longer get a hotel room downtown and do most of our Christmas shopping in Portland. We go for the day and come straight home now. Seattle is no better than Portland, both are shitholes thanks to the Democrat base.

  6. JDHasty — A long time ago we used to also do our Christmas shopping in Portland. Like Seattle, in bygone days, it used to be so pretty, safe, festive, friendly and fun for a day’s shopping. Really put you in the Christmas spirit. “And on every street corner you’ll hear, silver bells, silver bells, it’s Christmas time in the city…”

    Now on every street corner you’ll hear antifa protesters screaming profanities, drug deals going down, the smell of urine, and the so-called homeless (hobos) hitting you up for a buck or a smoke. I’d like a Lefty to tell me how that’s an improvement and how they made the world a better place.


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