I Do Like a Good Burn – IOTW Report

I Do Like a Good Burn

This burn is 1st degree-

11 Comments on I Do Like a Good Burn

  1. Oh, that’s funny! Where do homely people get the audacity to throw stones. Guess they’re compensating for fallen out of the ugly tree, and hitting every branch.

  2. BFH I like you, IOTW is the first place i go every morning when i read the news…
    But I just don’t get why you take such pleasure in ridiculing someone for their physical appearance. That’s third grade kind of stuff.

  3. @Steve Blair & BFH

    I agree, it has taken me hard work and decades to be elevated to a 5th Grade mentality, no more 3rd grade stuff.

    cato is not responsible for the content of his comments. His opinions expressed in comments are solely the result of a Government Public Education System and a fear mongering Federal Government. (this extends to all previous comments over the past decade) Whew, I’m safe now!

  4. Please people be more considerate and less mean….I think we all should get together and rent her forehead out to watch ” Sound of Freedom” like the old drive-in theaters


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