I Do Not Condone the Violence… (but I enjoyed it) – IOTW Report

I Do Not Condone the Violence… (but I enjoyed it)

Best comment… Black Lives MAGA-

ht/ jd hasty

12 Comments on I Do Not Condone the Violence… (but I enjoyed it)

  1. The crazies have operated with impunity for to long. Rioters being release from jail the continue to BLM. (Burn, Loot, Murder)
    They need to rediscover the fear of God.
    Judgement day is coming.

  2. I do condone the violence and I’ll tell you why. That’s the ONLY thing most of these assholes understand. Pain is a great communicator. This guys going to show up at a MAGA rally accusing Trump of being Hitler? Bull shit fuck him. This happened last week end I believe. They’ve set up a defense fund for the black patriot. Last I read it had passed $500K.
    If we don’t stand up to these assholes they’ll just continue to destroy our country.


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