I Do Not Give a Turd About Your Feelings and I Will Never Apologize To You Because You’re Offended – IOTW Report

I Do Not Give a Turd About Your Feelings and I Will Never Apologize To You Because You’re Offended

Apologizing to SJWs only emboldens them.

Just Don’t Apologize!

What happens after that?


24 Comments on I Do Not Give a Turd About Your Feelings and I Will Never Apologize To You Because You’re Offended

  1. I bought a mug for my son’s birthday that said:

    “I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong!”

    Told him to be drinking out of it when he meets with his Colonel. “I can’t do that!” was his response. “But maybe I can have it on my bookcase.”

  2. I will not apologize for admiting that gays are gay and sodomy is a dirty smelly business.

    We’ve let the sodomites off easy by never talking directly about what they are doing. It’s like letting a jihadist off without talking about their violence.

    Libtards are violent people who intend you harm as well and they like illegal aliens who want the same privileges rights you and your family have earned…

  3. Who really gives a phuck about the SJWs….they can go back to their parent’s basement and shit for all I care.

    “I will apologize to a lady if
    I did actually offend her”….

    If she’s an SJW….she ain’t no lady.

  4. @ 4:07 he said a word I never heard before, I had to play it three times to make sure:

    Thinspiration. This is coming from a guy with big curly hair???

    An apology is only necessary and genuine when someone GENUINELY offends someone, as in a good friend or maybe family member, maybe ya mom, dad or wife.

    Had an absolute nuclear blow out with bro’s and sis’s in my family (all seven of them) when Scalia died. I had the nerve to compare him to our dead father. Can you imagine the comments??

    I NEVER apologized and guess what they never did either…


    YOU freaking NEO-LIBS.

    Thanks…that was therapeutic…

  5. Hey, I’m all for having a good laugh but these numskulls want US to take them seriously.

    Seemingly, all we do is respond to their ignorance and stupidity, obviously it is an orchestrated ploy on behalf of the liberal fuck-wads that insist on switch and bait, confusion, distraction and every other diversion one can possibly imagine. All for the purpose of keeping Conservatives on the defensive.

  6. Social Media: A big, bubbling vat of “victims” and an even bigger bunch of fart-cupping, finger-sniffing, self-absorbed, no-talent, basement dwelling, keyboard warriors looking to make themselves “important” at the expense of someone else. You don’t apologize to THAT!

  7. MJA’s post spurred me (that’s kinda hot) to watch the actual video. I made it to 1:38. The correct response to these weak sisters is “Fuck Off Bitch”. How many followers would Gellar have lost? Correct answer, ZERO.

  8. It’s about control, (just like guns).

    They want to believe that if they scream and cry, they can be effective in controlling the thoughts and actions of other people.


  9. This is not a new concept. Vox Day wrote two books about it:



    Book Three, “SJWs Always Project” is in the works.

    Read these books and learn how to thwart SJW attacks, or not, as you will; but NEVER apologize!


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