I don’t believe all women – particularly AOC – IOTW Report

I don’t believe all women – particularly AOC


Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shared on Monday that she is one of the one in six American women who has experienced sexual assault. During an Instagram Live appearance, she said: “I’m a survivor of sexual assault. And I haven’t told many people that in my life. But when we go through trauma, trauma compounds on each other.

More than 150,000 viewers tuned in as Ocasio-Cortez described her experience of sheltering in place during the Capitol insurrection last month, noting that she hid in Representative Katie Porter’s office and feared for her life multiple times. Ocasio-Cortez said the trauma of the event was comparable to what she experienced as a survivor of sexual assault, vowing, “I’m not going to let it happen to me again.”



I don’t believe her.

The “I was raped” card would have been played during the Brett Kavanaugh debacle.

That was the perfect time to trot that out, not the Capitol riot.

She feared she was going to be raped? Is she kidding?

38 Comments on I don’t believe all women – particularly AOC

  1. Rush just got crucified for saying exactly the same thing. One Karen after another calling in. I wish he would have told them to fuck off. The latest is she thinks Cruz is out to kill her.

  2. The only women I’ve ever known who claimed to have been assaulted, were liberal. They have also all known someone in every walk of life, in ever location. It’s a meeacle ah tell ya.

  3. HEY AOC


    Was it your father?
    Your brother?
    A uncle?
    Maybe a bar customer who you plied with alcohol.

    If not then I call BULLSHIT!
    I think you have “Attention Deceit Order”
    In other words, you lie to gain attention.

    This girl aint right in the head.

  4. She’s f-ing crazy. Literally. She also said Ted Cruz tried to kill her last week.

    Don’t give this not-ready-for prime time ignoramous barmaid ANY credibility on ANYTHING.

  5. Leftists accept very plastic and flexible definitions for words that have been well defined for millennia. Women are far more likely to subscribe to a leftist worldview. Ergo it naturally follows that if you are going to concede veracity to them it is incumbent to recognize that their definition of honesty may not amount something that has much, if any, meaning.

    In the case of leftists, their definition of honesty doesn’t amount to a hall of shit. When you get right down to it… my inclination is that they take great pride in being a lying sack of shit, they just don’t want anyone to call them out on it.

    It is all part of their diabolical narcissism. They got off on being able to manipulate others into not recognizing them as the subhuman pieces of shit that they are. It gives them a feeling of power.

  6. She was certainly raped when she closed herself alone in the walk-in cooler at work crying because she got yelled at by her customers for fucking up their orders.
    Oh the humanity!

    And this hysterical ding-dong is a Congresscriminal.
    Who exactly should fear for their life?? It’s ME!

  7. I know think of Tom MacDonald’s Fake Woke:

    It ain’t pretty but I like it.


    Verse 1 –
    [Verse 1]
    I think it’s crazy I’m the one who they labeled as controversial
    And Cardi B is the role model for 12-year-old girls
    There’s rappers pushing Xanax at the top of the Billboard
    But if I mention race in a song, I’m scared I’ll get killed for it
    It’s backwards, it’s getting exponentially dumb
    It’s more difficult to get a job than purchase a gun
    Eminem used to gay bash and murder his mum
    And now he doesn’t want fans if they voted for Trump
    We’re ashamed to be American, you should probably love it
    ‘Cause you have the right to say it and not gеt strung up in public
    As children, we werе taught how to walk and talk
    But the system wants adults to sit down and shut up
    Cancel culture runs the world, now the planet went crazy
    Label everything we say as homophobic or racist
    If you’re white, then you’re privileged, guilty by association
    All our childhood heroes got Me-Too’d or they’re rapists

    [Pre-Chorus 1]
    They never freed the slaves, they realized that they don’t need the chains
    They gave us tiny screens, we think we’re free ’cause we can’t see the cage
    They knew the race war would be the game they need to play
    For people to pick teams, they use the media to feed the flame

    They so fake woke, facts don’t care ’bout feelings
    They know they won’t tell me what to believe in
    They so fake woke, same old safe zones
    They so fake woke, facts don’t care ’bout your feelings

    [Verse 2]
    I think it’s crazy all these people screaming facts, but they fake woke
    Hate their neighbor ’cause he wears a mask or he stays home
    Has a daughter, but his favorite artist said he slays hoes
    Picks her up from school, music slaps on the way home
    Censorship’s an issue ’cause they choose what they erase
    There’s a difference between hate speech and speech that you hate
    I think Black Lives Matter was the stupidest name
    When the system’s screwing everyone exactly the same
    I just wanna spend Thanksgiving Day with food and my family
    Without being accused of celebrating native casualties
    We got so divided, it’s black and white and political
    Republicans are bigots, libtards if you’re liberal
    There’s riots in our streets, and it’s just getting worse
    Y’all screaming, “Defund the police”, y’all are genius for sure
    They’re underfunded already, they’re way too busy to work
    Order food and call the cops, see what reaches you first

    [Pre-Chorus 2]
    Segregation ended, that’s a lie in itself
    That was a strategy to make us think they were tryin’ to help
    They knew that racism was hot if they designed it to sell
    We buy up every single box and divide us ourselves

    They so fake woke, facts don’t care ’bout feelings
    They know they won’t tell me what to believe in
    They so fake woke, same old safe zones
    They so fake woke, facts don’t care ’bout your feelings

    [Verse 3]
    Use violence to get peace and wonder why it isn’t working
    That’s like sleepin’ with a football team to try and be a virgin
    Politicians are for sale, and someone always makes the purchase
    But you and I cannot afford it, our democracy is worthless
    If a man has mental illness, call him crazy, say it silently
    When country’s going crazy, we accept it as society
    Get sick and take a pill when the side effects get you high
    You get addicted like these rappers dyin’ fighting with sobriety
    Censoring the facts turns our children into idiots
    They claim it’s for our safety, I’ll tell you what it really is
    Removing information that empowers all the citizens
    The truth doesn’t damage points of view that are legitimate
    They’re tryna change amen to a-men and women
    Instead of asking God for the strength to keep winnin’
    We cheat to get ahead, and then we ask Him for forgiveness

    [Pre-Chorus 3]
    Feminism used to be the most righteous of fights
    But these days it feels like they secretly hate guys
    I don’t trust anyone who bleeds for a week and don’t die
    I’m just kiddin’, but everything else that I said is right

    They so fake woke, facts don’t care ’bout feelings
    They know they won’t tell me what to believe in
    They so fake woke, same old safe zones
    They so fake woke, facts don’t care ’bout your feelings

  8. I’m calling BS. She would have led with this when she first took orifice.
    You don’t bury the lede sweetheart.
    Reminds me Madeline Kahn in “Yellowbeard”:
    [Betty throws a book Dan had been reading on the floor]
    Betty : Read, read, read, read! Let me tell you something – last time I read a book, I was raped. Let THAT be a lesson to you.
    P.S. China Viru$
    P.P.S. Stolen Erection (homage to F#ck-You Schumer)

  9. She needs attention and cash. She wants to run against Schumer. She’s not doing well in the polls back home, maybe? She’s popular on Twitter but not in real life. lol

    Schumer will kill her. 😀

  10. If it happened then name names, bitch.
    And if it was by a family member and you don’t wish to shame or stigmatize your parents then DON’T SAY ANYTHING.

    Not trying to be mean bc I know some people who have suffered actual sexual abuse by a stranger or family member and her actions scream LIE to me.

  11. I’m still trying to figure out the meaning of the picture. I understand the split, but I don’t see a good reference to tail. Maybe I’m missing something. I didn’t sleep well last night, maybe that’s my trouble.

  12. I won’t apologize any more. I am all out of pitty for the victim class. Women are victims, blacks are victims, homosexuals are victims, illegals are victims. indians are victims, it never ends. My give-a-shit meter has flatlined.

  13. This lousy barmaid is bat-shit crazy. Remember: she claimed Ted Cruz tried to kill her.

    Remember how she got elected: answering an audition. She’s hitting the low ceiling of her ability – and she’s freaking out.

    Her paranoia will destroy her. It’ll be fun to watch.

  14. You can safely bet this is a lie.
    She chose to bring that up only when several congress members asked her to apologize to Ted Cruz for falsely accusing him of trying to get her murdered.
    A real sexual assault victim does not use it as a tool and a weapon and only brings it up when put in a corner.
    She is full of it.


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