I Don’t Believe Him – IOTW Report

I Don’t Believe Him

Former Minneapolis Police Officer Noor sentenced to 12.5 years in prison

MINNEAPOLIS (FOX 9) – A Hennepin County District Court judge sentenced former Minneapolis Police Officer Mohamed Noor to 12.5 years in prison for fatally shooting Justine Ruszczyk Damond, a south Minneapolis resident and Australian native. Noor will be eligible for release after serving two-thirds of his sentence.

“While he is clearly saddened by Miss Ruszczyk’s death, he does not take personal responsibility for making an erroneous decision to fire a gun at her,” said Judge Kathryn Quaintance. “He has not acknowledged that he could have handled the situation any other way.” [snip]

Here is a portion of Noor’s statement: “I shot because I was protecting my partner Matthew Harrity’s life,” said Noor. “I realized after I was wrong. That mistake is my hardship to bear. The loss I created is a hardship to bear. I can’t apologize enough and I will never be able to make up the loss that I caused on Miss Ruszczyk’s family.”

Read the article here.


18 Comments on I Don’t Believe Him

  1. Considering that Noor asked the sentence to only be 2 weeks a year, this is pretty good;


    Whether 12.5 years is enough time (probably not, but in the ball park) should not detract from where the real problem lies, namely a progressive city that compromised their standards all in the name of intersectionality, so that they could check a diversity box and hire a Somoli.

    When someone is so afraid, so untrained, so unprepared that they would open fire on a woman who just walked up to the car, this speaks towards the training he received and how unfit he was to even be out there. The city put this loose canon out there, they deserve the lion’s share of the blame.

  2. Ghost, this happened one month before I moved and I remember the talk when he was allowed to go on his first patrol. Even the police said he was not qualified and the ‘leaders’ all poo-pooed it as ‘islamophobia’.

    He most certainly is not sorry. He saw an infidel woman outside in her pajamas. What would a good muslime man do? He would rather be known as a nervous incompetent than to cast a negative light on his ‘religion’.

  3. Important follow up here, thanks C.

    IF not competent to begin with, then why not assign to DESK duty, oh that’s not done anymore for incoming… quota incompetents.

    (I know a Lieu on the job).

  4. Hopefully, Tyrone his bunkie, will introduce him to the “intimacies” of prison life, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAL gooooooooooooooooooood… 😮 😮 😮

  5. If he didn’t have the opportunity before, he will now have the chance to stick his ass in the air 5 times a day for Allah, at our expense.

    He should be denied that medieval gesture since it is his most revered desire, even more so than the life of ANY citizens of his host country.

  6. He shot that woman because she approached his car in her pajamas, which is immoral in his religion and deserving of a violent response.

    He was also raised in a state of permanent civil war in Somalia which makes him a PTSD case. For a Somalian, PTSD is almost ingrained in the genes. So by all means, settle him in America, make him a cop. What’s the worse that could happen

  7. Trying to take low-intelligence immigrants (like from Somalia), and train them to do complex jobs (like police officer) reminds me of a little story.

    During the Vietnam war, LBJ needed more bodies to send into the meat grinder. Robert McNamara had a brainstorm; draft men who were unsuitable for service due to their low (really low’ like 40) I.Q. The experiment was a disaster when ‘McNamara’s Morons” (as they were affectionately called) hit the ground in Vietnam.They got killed in alarming numbers, got their fellow soldiers killed trying to protect them, and in some cases, killed their own troops when they got scared by the noise and confusion of combat.


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