I don’t call him Chris Cuomhole for no reason – IOTW Report

I don’t call him Chris Cuomhole for no reason

Chris Cuomo is a worm, from a family of worms – top to bottom. They are so into being worms that one of them, Andrew, bit the bullet and married a hideous horse-toothed Kennedy just to be a part of the wormy Kennedy family tree.

That family tree is a wormwood tree.

Have I expressed definitively how I feel about the Cuomholes and the Kennedys?

Cut to Chris on Twitter. He retweeted a notoriously false story about a dipchit who claimed he bought an AR-15 with an expired ID. It never happened.

Despite the idiot’s title,“I WAS ABLE TO BUY AN AR-15 IN 5 MINUTES,” buried in the story he says he walked out after he was asked to fill out the background check.

But HE COULD OF BOUGHT IT, BUT CHOSE NOT TO, or so he and Chrissy think in their fevered dreams.

So Cuomhole was called out for the retweet.

What did he do? Well, what do worms do? They get wormy.

The Daily Wire:

Chet Cannon

Did you see the part where he admits to neither filling out the necessary paperwork (which would initiate the background check) NOR purchasing the AR-15? Weird.
Christopher C. Cuomo

The point is that the kid lied about buying a gun that he didn’t, and that you are now lying too.
Lying? Look if you want to fight against background checks, make the case. Whether it is calling the kids actors or LYING about how no laws could stop the shootings…that is the bs to call out. 97% of people want better checks. Why fight that?
This isn’t a response. This is a straw man that has nothing to do with what I said to you, and nothing to do with the topic at hand. You promoted somebody who lied, and then you lied about why you did it.
It’s also a non sequitur, @ChrisCuomo. The debate at present is over whether to extend background checks to private sales, not over the existing FFL system that the kid you promoted would have gone through had he actually tried to buy a gun. As for the introduction of those . . .
who are disgracefully lying about these children being “actors,” that was beneath you. You know full well that I haven’t—and would never—say, or imply, or promote such a terrible lie, and to weasel your way into suggesting otherwise tells us all we need to know about you. Fin.
The worm turned, and disappeared.


11 Comments on I don’t call him Chris Cuomhole for no reason

  1. I just watched him and Cooke on CNN this morning. He avoided the Twitter exchange by basically saying I now realize we a need to stop fighting and then asking Cooke to go easy on him on twitter. Cooke was well put together and Cuomhole did a lot of dancing.

  2. I have to ask the question, every time one of these MSM nut jobs promote the “tougher” background checks, every time the young skulls full of mush say that we must do this to prevent the next school shooting, and even when President Trump suggests that we ban “bump-fire” stocks –
    WHY oh WHY do we not say???
    “If you got everything you propose, would it have stopped Cruz?”
    “If it would not have stopped Cruz, then why are you fixated on something that will not help?”.
    Instead of blindly following the anti-American politicians and talking heads, why don’t we ask those poor kids to think about something that would have actually stopped Cruz… Allow the teachers to train and qualify for concealed carry INSIDE the school. The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. and if you have to wait for the police to show up, then the bad guy will probably run out of ammo or targets before the clean-up crew gets there.

    But until someone stands up and tells these kids that their gun grab ideas would not work, they will keep spouting the Lib lines.

    Anytime someone puts this lie out there WE need to ask the question-
    “”If you got everything you propose, would it have stopped Cruz?”

    MSG Grumpy

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