I Don’t Mean To Offend Women, But … – IOTW Report

I Don’t Mean To Offend Women, But …

This dumb bint believes she is “smashing the patriarchy” and being the ultimate feminist by not taking a potential husband’s last name.

She says this as her last name is HER FATHER’S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fackin’ idiot.

38 Comments on I Don’t Mean To Offend Women, But …

  1. The screencap caption says, “why are we still taking our husband’s last names there’s really no reason for this or am I missing something?”

    Yes, you’re missing correct capitalization, you misplaced an apostrophe, you’re missing a period, and you missed the grammar class covering run-on sentences.

    You’re also missing a big chunk of your brain.

  2. Leftists like this think they’re originals.
    This rant has been around since the early 1970’s.
    And like has been said, her maiden name is her father’s.
    Her mother’s was her father’s, etc

  3. How about family unity. Taking your husband’s last name identifies you all as a family unit. Even more so when you have children so your husband is recognized as their father.

  4. @willys

    If she doesn’t want a man’s last name, a good alternative for her would be branding. What cattle ranchers do to their cattle.

    Like “Property of Bill Adams”, or for short “PBA”, or just “BA”.

    Just kidding ladies, I’m not serious.

  5. Who the hell would want to marry – and SUPPORT – a pain in the ass like this woman? Let HER pay the bills, let HER slave at work and asborb all the stress while WE househusband – and then we’ll take her FATHER’s name. Idiots.

  6. My wife kept her maiden name as her college degrees, passport, driver’s license and credit cards were in her maiden name, years ago I imagine it was much simpler.
    She did not hyphenate her name which I think is liberal virtue signaling, “I have a husband but am still my own person”

  7. People like her are why having immortality among mortals would be a curse. I used to be amused at these…epiphanies, but now they are irritating. I can’t imagine how I’d deal with these agonizingly repetitive brainstorms after 500 years. No wonder vampires just kill wantonly.

  8. Speculating on how that tradition began.
    Women are pursued by men. When a man and woman marry – the woman takes up the man’s name so other suitors know she’s married or cannot find the woman as her last name has changed.

  9. You could be like Kamala Harris because you want to be remembered by all the dudes who you sucked off.

    Or you could be like Douglas Emhoff for the same reason.

    Don’t worry, Doug, that Ella creature you created will keep your name when she’s married to a Tri-Bi-Pan sexual.

  10. This VERY old stuff, girlface.

    When I was freshman in college, a married female student boldly announced that she was changing her name back to her m
    father’s name.

    This was in 1967.

    Everyone shrugged and went about their days.

    Maybe we need a system like Scandinavia where the sons are named after the father and the daughters after the mother.

    My son would be Richard Adamson and his son would be Eli Richardson. His daughter would be Zoe Elizabethsdaughter.

  11. My wife and I were both nearly 40 when we got married. She was already established with her photography business and all her websites used her name, so she kept her maiden name when we married. Wasn’t a big deal to me either then or now, except I giggle a little when she gets mail addressed to Mrs. (MyLastName).

  12. @Nowut Ameen –

    “Zoe Elizabethsdaughter”

    The daughter suffix is just too long! We have “ton” for towns (“Beaverton”) and “son” for boys from Scandinavia (“Adamson’). How about we use a “cu” instead of “so” for female offspring?


    “Zoe Elizabethscun”

    Just don’t add a “t” – because four letters is too long! 😂

  13. Dyed hair, black fingernail polish, and she’s just so excited that she’s discovered some “truth” that’s been in circulation for, maybe, a hundred years?

    This is a revelation?

    Her head musta been really far up her ass for decades to be this passé.
    I’m guessing she doesn’t really understand that whole “name” thing.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  14. If I understand correctly, it was legal for a man to sell his wife, in England, up until around 1910 ish time.

    The really dopey thing about this is that it’s just a convention, it could go the other way if you wanted it to, the history of it is obvious enough, just get into a dangerous situation and watch the woman suck right up under your arm, then you know what you need to know.

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