I don’t think this guy is into mandatory masks and vax – I don’t think he is alone – IOTW Report

I don’t think this guy is into mandatory masks and vax – I don’t think he is alone

22 Comments on I don’t think this guy is into mandatory masks and vax – I don’t think he is alone

  1. The local rag, Las Vegas Review-Journal had a feature story about a 36 yr old black flight attendant who had been vaxed, got covid and died recently.
    I’m very curious if he would have survived if he had NOT received the shot and got covid?

    I hope more blacks wake the fuck up like the dudes in this video.
    good for them.

  2. The phone company I work for says we have to wear the paycheck protection masks on company property. I’m only on the shop about an hour a day and I can cut that down. Vaxs are not required yet but I won’t get the prick.

  3. Yes I dislike rap like most here. But we need these guys on our side. Look at his tee shirt.
    Lets see them send in the (you have to get the shot guys)to the intercity.
    That will last about a week, when they have to pick up the woke white kids bodies.

  4. @BAR – your comment had a Dr. Seuss ring to it. Nicely done.

    Rap is crap
    I do not like rap on my phone
    I do not like rap when I’m all alone
    I do not like rap in my car
    I do not like rap in a bar
    I do not like rap on TV
    I do not like rap when I pee
    I do not like rap because I give a damn
    I do not like rap Sam-I-Am

  5. Come on, man. I’m absolutely no fan of rap, either. However, the conservative message may only be accepted by hoodrats if it’s packaged in rap “music”.

    Be reasonable. Getting hoodrats off the government dole helps everyone – especially the taxpayer. Even if a few hoodrats turn into conservatives it’s a start.


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