I Dunno – I Feel Like a Churnalist Reporting This Story – IOTW Report

I Dunno – I Feel Like a Churnalist Reporting This Story

Ht/ Tammy

Me no like Mike Cernovich. Why?

Because he no like us.

Who is us? Bloggers who just “churn” stories they see on the internet and who don’t do what Cernovich does – investigative journalism.

(Pssst. Don’t tell Mike that without “churnalists” he’s a fart in a wind storm.)

But despite what he thinks of us, I’m going to churn this one out –


Cernovich says he got the Susan Rice story from one of his many moles he has throughout the world. Either an IT guy, an intern, a bartender (??) at Bloomberg gave him the story, forcing them to run a story they much preferred to sit on because it makes Obama look bad and Trump look good.


(Note: Is this story one of the most important of 2017?

I believe it is. And Cernovich is responsible for it.

Great job.

But he should try and be more humble and less insulting to his allies.)


15 Comments on I Dunno – I Feel Like a Churnalist Reporting This Story

  1. “(Note: Is this story one of the most important of 2017?

    I believe it is. And Cernovich is responsible for it”

    I don’t agree. But well see how this plays out. 🙂
    As for Cernovich. Just don’t care for the guy. But his book was great

  2. I’ve learned to double check Chernovich and to wait to see the direction a story goes before posting it. I’ve avoided being burned just recently with something I saw him rush to post and comment on.

  3. “No Man is an Island.”

    “If you’re willing to spread the credit, there’s no telling how much you can accomplish.”
    (Ronald Reagan – probably apocryphal or aparaphrasical)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. EXACTLY! How the hell does Mike think his stories will end up being more than just a “fart in the wind”? Does he really expect the MSM to report his breaking news? Not a chance in hell. It’s sites like THIS ONE that help make his reporting RELEVANT. Mike needs a dose of humility. Maybe IOTWReport NOT spreading his next story will teach him that.

  5. I don’t dislike Cernovich. He is on my/our side. Seems like a really good guy. But as the expression goes, “Don’t get cocky, kid.” We don’t need to blow and strut, let’s just work methodically and get as many of them as imprisoned as possible. Also, don’t spike the football at the 10-yd line, or even in the end zone, just hand it to the ref and let’s keep putting points on the board.

  6. “Churnalist” or whatever you want to call them broke the Network’s hypnotic and biased hold on the American people.

    The multitude of bloggers, conservative radio hosts and sites such as this serve as an effective distribution network for truth and transparency. The spirit of Paul Revere is alive and well.

    If it is worth repeating, repeat it.

  7. Consider that a town will have a newsstand on a dozen different street corners. The headlines blaze out at the people who walk by. If interested, the person stops and buys a paper to read the entire story. Not all the people in the town walk down the same streets, so if the newsstands weren’t all over the place, churning out the same news, a lot of people would likely not get the news at all. Blogs are a bit like newsstands.

  8. I know which side my bread is buttered on.
    I know Cernovich is an asset.

    I simply require a “yeah, I was kind of wrong when I disparaged an entire community that actually helps me.”

    That’s all.
    But I think he still feels he is right.
    I will link his stories despite his lunkheaded stance because I won’t cut off my nose to spite my face.

  9. Just want to say, if Bloomberg is really behind the Rice release, be careful. They come from Monkey World. Potential false flag to misdirect from others. We’ll see.

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