“I feel like I’m on the brink of being red-pilled” – Liberal, progressive San Francisco Democrat – IOTW Report

“I feel like I’m on the brink of being red-pilled” – Liberal, progressive San Francisco Democrat

This must be the way lots of San Franciscans feel. This was a series of tweets on Twitter. I put them together as one essay.

Anecdotally, every single one of my friends right now is considering leaving SF (and frankly, myself included). The biggest driver is no longer cost of living. It’s crime. My friends are scared for their children, and their husbands are scared for their wives…

And it isn’t about metrics. Nobody is saying we are “X% up” in this category. It’s how they feel walking the streets. It’s walking a stroller next to a tent that has a pile of bikes next to it. It’s being screamed at or chased by someone who seems mentally unstable.

What I’m seeing is that if there is a big enough incident, it shakes people up. It could be seeing a robber trying to climb into your child’s bedroom, being pulled off your bike, having someone chase you with a pipe… These incidents shake people up. And their friends too.

Ultimately, I think that the biggest responsibility of government is to protect people from one another. It is in place to protect us from assault, theft, robbery, etc. Right now the criminal justice system in SF is not working.

It is allowing people to get high on very powerful drugs and terrorize one another, neighbors, stores. It is allowing rampant theft, burglary & car break-ins. It is allowing mentally unstable felons to stab elderly women.

There is a social contract inherent in living in a city. We are all crammed together in a small space with the expectation and understanding that we protect one another. There is an expectation that our government will keep things functioning smoothly so we can coexist.

The San Francisco government has abdicated on that responsibility. It is focused on equity & “justice” at the expense of fulfilling its basic duties. Fee caps, school renaming, criminal justice experiments, public banks, red tape, corruption… the list goes on.

My whole life I’ve considered myself a proud liberal, progressive San Francisco Democrat. Today I am ashamed of my city. I see smug ignorance of the laws of unintended consequences. Moral grandstanding winning over data, logic, and facts.

Radical candidates winning elections unopposed. Social justice warriors getting into government and wreaking havoc on neighborhoods, businesses, children. Why have we all been asleep at the wheel? Where is our sense of civic duty? Civic pride? Is this who we want to be?

Throughout history, millions of ppl have gone to war and died for their country, their home, their sense of what is right. What is going on in SF isn’t right. We likely have the most inept, corrupt local government in the nation. For a city of innovation, this is humiliating.

I tweet because my heart is breaking about what’s happening in my hometown. This is not how an American city should look and feel. I feel like I’m on the brink of being red-pilled. How can I not, when our policies are so aligned with the radical left?

San Francisco has a long history of push and pull between moderate and progressive Dems. Currently, we are fully in the hands of the progressives. They are in charge of our criminal justice system and our governing body, the board of supervisors.

My hope is that in the next few elections we turn this around. We need more moderates in office. Mayor Breed will need more moderates in the BOS to get things done. People say the word moderate isn’t inspiring. Well, it is to me.

35 Comments on “I feel like I’m on the brink of being red-pilled” – Liberal, progressive San Francisco Democrat

  1. Well if you didn’t see it coming a few decades ago (many would argue that its been a LOT longer than that) the best thing that can be said is that you are a sloooo learner. On the upside… at least some are learning! Now don’t let the Socialist/Communists steal the recall!!

  2. “My whole life I’ve considered myself a proud liberal, progressive San Francisco Democrat.”

    So, what is the complaint? All of your liberals friends are just like you. Proud, liberal, progressive. What part of progressive do you not like? It matters not if you leave SF or stayed. I saw the handwriting on the wall 50 years ago, progress is slow, but this is what your party progressed to. Do you feel like eating your own? If you’re suffering, I can only stand back and pour more fuel on the fire. Enjoy your liberal world.


    A’y’all brought this upon yourselves. Stay home and deal with it. Don’t leave and spread your DildoCrat Libtard mental disease elsewhere.

  4. “…I feel like I’m on the brink of being red-pilled…”

    Go ahead, take the next step, you your city’s and our country’s future depend on it.

  5. At first glance it seems comforting for us to see libs experience their “Road to Damascus” moment, exposing their whole belief system as a fraud, but then you realize that much like the socialist adherents who lament that the reason socialism has failed is because it has not been practiced properly, these libs haven’t been red-pilled at all, they still praise the system but condemn the application.

  6. Red pilled my ass. And it’s right in the paragraphs, she wants moderates. That screams of “moderate democrats,” the same goddamn bullshit that sold 81 million voters “moderate Joe.”

    I’ve got a thousand bucks that says if she moves her same voting habits will move with her. She’ll blame the locale on the problem (as she already did) and her “proud liberal progressive democrat” will be on full display somewhere else until it fails there too, if she’s not dead first, in which case she will be voting the same way for another 1000 years.

  7. They’ll never leave the Democrat party. They steered that ship into the reef, and are now looking for help or sympathy. I feel no pity for them at all. They are locusts that destroy the land where ever they go.

  8. Cate, so right.

    She is looking for a mild course correction… “a moderate Democrat.” Because Republicans are evil bigot capitalists, and besides, must have abortion or else the 19th Amendment will evaporate and raped women will be bearing children everywhere.

    Please stay in California.

  9. Everything is fine, just go back to sleep 💤. What ever you do don’t move out.
    Red pilled is never voting dem again, until then forget it Jake. Just step over the dead and bleeding and move on.

  10. Arrogant pieces of shit just don’t care whose life they disrupt with their bullshit until it affects them personally. If it were up to me I would cage the dirty motherfuckers up and let them prey on one another.

  11. Own it dipshit.

    You let the Vandals inside the gate, and encouraged your government to steal from you on their behalf.

    You know how to fix it in the voting booth and on the streets. Roll up your sleeves and get to work.

  12. Unfortunately, I had to go into San Franfreako recently and saw something that illustrated the boneheaded way the libtards ‘think’. A libtarded-looking woman was walking down the sidewalk with headphones on, staring at her iphone as a bum who was dancing around acting whacked out and/or drugged come running up behind the woman and smacked her hard on the back of her head. Her headphones came off as her head jerked forward from the impact. She didn’t even look behind her, didn’t miss a step, caught her headphones and walked on as if nothing happened.

    The consequences of her voting and leftist, bleeding heart ideals smacked her in the head, but she probably did not get the message and never will. I hope she stays there and enjoys the leftist-created havoc in that open-air lunatic asylum.

  13. And, this much I can promise you – if this worthless piece of shit leaves San Francisco it will take its voting habits with it and proceed to screw up wherever it ends up. Be sure and open the rest of the string of tweets and read the entire rant. Worthless Goddamned subhuman morons of this stripe are the least self aware beings on the planet and never accept personal responsibility for anything they are responsible for. Worthless bastards deserve to stew in their own shit. I’ve lived almost my entire life in close proximity to Seattle and anyone who didn’t recognize what this kind of mindset brings with it isn’t worthy of respect on any level. I could comprehend it in the 1960’s when my mother took me to Seattle and idiots who were old enough to know better thought it cute, or smart, or funny to indulge their late teen and twenty something spoiled brat offspring. My mother called me a reactionary at the time, it was only damn near a half century later, shortly before her death that she admitted that I was right.

  14. My friends are scared for their children, and their husbands are scared for their wives…

    STRAIGHT, nuclear, families?!?! 🤨

    That doesn’t sound like San Fransissyco to ME! 🤔

  15. They may fill Red Pilled. But it’s not enough for them to change their voting habits. And the assholes are currently relocating into conservative NorCal counties. Like mine.

  16. Get in touch with Nancy, she’ll get you squared away after her Botox appointment and a pint of that fancy ice cream. Whatever you do, don’t move to my town.

  17. I lived in SF in 2001 and all this was happening then too but in more limited parts of town like the SOMA/Tenderloin but now that it is virtually everywhere some residents care. I was leaving SF in 2004 when Newsom was taking over. He had a run off with a guy in the Green Party and SF residents thought Newsom might be too conservative. I doubt she could stomach voting for anyone that would make any real changes.

  18. “At what point is it so fucked up it’s beyond any repair at all?”
    I believe we’re about to find out. They own it 100%.
    It’s been liberal lala land since the last fire.
    But yeah, defund the cops, that should fix it.

  19. There’s really, only one solution for this poor burdened soul.
    San Francisco and Mother Earth will thank you for making that choice.
    So will every other location on Earth that you might chose to move to.

  20. I have zero empathy for these liberal dickheads whose votes created this. THEY should not be allowed to move away from what they created. They have crowed for years about how enlightened they are, let them enjoy the fruits of their voting record. San Francisco should be nuked, I’ve been there and it is far worse than any news article ever depicts.

  21. Red pills all gone. Only black pills left. Every progressive who leaves San Fran now…? Frogmarched into the street and flogged . Ok, now you may go.

  22. Please do not move somewhere else and then vote the same way you did when you F’d up SF! There is no such thing as a “moderate” lefty. They are all liars and fools who are incapable of understanding simple logic. You get what you vote for, not what you wish for. Your idealistic views on life are the reason all Democrat run cites are failing, big-time. You are correct, the job of government is security, defense, and infrastructure. Everything else turns into a power-hungry, totalitarian nightmare. Limit the size and power of government through term limits for all political offices. There never should be such a beast as a career politician. Vote for Libertarian values, not liberal lies.


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