I Get Banned From Twitter For Calling People Stupid – Leftists Can Call For Kids’ Deaths – IOTW Report

I Get Banned From Twitter For Calling People Stupid – Leftists Can Call For Kids’ Deaths

“Thank you for your recent report. We have reviewed your report carefully and found that there was no violation of the Twitter Rules against abusive behavior,” Twitter said in responses to reports against the ‘House Shoes’ account.

What did House Shoes do?

Just called for the death of the Covington kids, that’s all.

That, apparently, is not creating an unsafe atmosphere.

More at Gateway Pundit

15 Comments on I Get Banned From Twitter For Calling People Stupid – Leftists Can Call For Kids’ Deaths

  1. Its CEO stays in a hole because he’s got the thinnest skin. India, Israel, any criticism keeps Jackie under the radar. Only one type of opinion is scrutinized: the Great White Male who leans right in every walk of life.

  2. Who is “house shoes”? Name. City. Age? I never thought ‘doxing’ was bad, I’m weird like that, use my real name and answer any question about my identity out of hand, because, fuck you. Yeah, I said that. But some large segment of the population present online acts like this is exposing your genitalia in public.

    You want to express an opinion? Let all of us know who’s opinion it is.

  3. This really is not going to end well,the left has lost their minds.
    Who knows what the spark will be but there will be one.
    If they are willing to kill high school kids who is safe?
    Congress has to do something about Twitter,Facebook,and all of the other Anti American platforms soon.
    The problem is if you start shutting down sites or regulating them where does it end.
    The next people in power will target who they do not agree with.
    But here we are.
    I have no answer but to say that it has to be a level playing field and right now it’s not.

  4. Conservatives should not bother with Twitter. If you do, you’ll get shut down sooner or later.

    If it could get away with it, Twitter would kick Trump and Coulter off. They haven’t come up with the guts to do that, yet. Enough leftist Twits could force it, though.

  5. I have never seen this country so divided even during the Vietnam war. One half of us hate the other half and many feel free to say any vile thing they think of. Going to end in civil war where all of us lose I fear.

  6. “Going to end in civil war where all of us lose I fear.”

    The conflict has already been joined. We are in the phase the DOD calls “Methods other than War”. It will not remain there.

    Remember, the only difference between murder and combat operations with loss of life is a piece of paper accepted by a third party. That third party will often accept that piece of paper with a creditable threat to their own lives.

    Politics is really great sometimes.

  7. This is the Left, now seeking the lives of minor children. After all: once you’re “for abortion,” what CAN’T you do? There’s literally no limit for the Left.

    No, this will not end well.

  8. @This Texan Has Had Enough

    There will be blood…mostly of women, soyboys, and any Antifas with enough nerve to show up. When a guy gets to the point where sports, movies, TV, and other diversions does not matter anymore, you know you’ll be ready. They are asking for a fight. I am getting more angry by the day. The thing will have to be fought out the old-fashioned way.


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