I Guess Moron Joe Doesn’t Need To Be Interviewed For the Job of the Presidency – IOTW Report

I Guess Moron Joe Doesn’t Need To Be Interviewed For the Job of the Presidency

A montage of dems explaining why Kavanaugh did not have “the presumption of innocence” when he was accused of sexual assault.

I’m sure they feel the same way about Biden—

10 Comments on I Guess Moron Joe Doesn’t Need To Be Interviewed For the Job of the Presidency

  1. You can not shame a democrat because they have no conscience. In their minds they are the righteous. To them, everyone else are the un-woke fools. As Reagan used to say, “It’s not that liberals are ignorant, It’s just that they know so much that isn’t so”

  2. Ya know, it’s almost like they all got the same memo: “it’s a job interview”.

    Come to think of it, “It’s just a job interview” were Joe’s exact words to Tara Reade, as he was fingering her.

  3. Dementia Joe Obiden Bama don’t need no stinking job interview! He don’t got to show you no stinking job interview! Dementia Joe was vetted eleven years and three months ago by the most thorough vetting ever done in the history of the Osmidgen Administration, which everybody knows is scandal free. Everyone who knows anything about cognitive mental decline agrees that Joey’s brain was thoroughly vetted! He don’t got to show you no stinking nothing!


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