I guess Ned Resnikoff Would Cross To the Other Side of the Street If 4 Plumbers Were Coming His Way, Huh? – IOTW Report

I guess Ned Resnikoff Would Cross To the Other Side of the Street If 4 Plumbers Were Coming His Way, Huh?

Lefties always mocked people who admitted they were wary of a group of blacks approaching them walking down the sidewalk.

They called their fears unwarranted, bigoted, ignorant and wrong.

How do they explain Ned Resnikoff, who sounds like he has PTSD from the harrowing experience of having a plumber in his house who “may have” voted for Trump?

Oh, Ned Resnikoff is the senior editor of Think Progress.

To make matters worse, he was frightened that the guy might figure out he was Jewish, but he calmed himself down by reminding himself that he “looked Gentile.”


What does a Jew look like, Ned?

Do they have that “Jew-y” look?

Think Progress must be proud.



33 Comments on I guess Ned Resnikoff Would Cross To the Other Side of the Street If 4 Plumbers Were Coming His Way, Huh?

  1. Not just a plumber, but a plumber with a southern accent. I can only imagine how horrible it must have been for him to hear expletives like “ya’ll”, “crooked nose pliers” (southern for channel lock pliers), “sank” (southern for sink) or “wrainch” (wrench), not to mention such harsh and hurtful phrases as “how you doin’?” and “well, bless yore heart”.

    This Resnikoff guy is a real survivor to have experienced such a gruesome encounter with a common ruffian that actually works for a living. And here we were thinking that the Christians and others slaughtered by ISIS faced terrible hardship.

  2. Poor baby. He must have gone through a week’s worth of diapers after that horrible experience.

    Psssst Ned, the plumber is skilled, educated and a craftsman. You aren’t. The plumber makes more money than you.

  3. This is what we get after 30 years of far left indoctrinated of self hate & victim hood from grammar school to a rabid level in higher education. The typical elitist j3w beta bitch boy balding bolshevik b4strd. This wussified worm was so frightened by a blue collar white working man he almost soiled his panties. I don’t know what’s more pathetic the fact he couldn’t unclog his own drain or that his was scared of the big bad cracka. No wonder the m00slimes are slowly saturating the west. All civilized nations are DOOMED.

  4. Three thing a plumber has to know:
    Hot goes on the left, shit runs downhill, don’t bite your fingernails.
    Hey Ned, compared to you, he’s a goddamn Rhodes Scholar.
    I wonder if this idiot knows the South was first among the colonies to welcome Jews?
    Up until the 1830s the Jewish synagogue in Charleston, SC was the largest in America.
    Yes, the South voted for Trump, we aren’t as stupid or bigoted as you.
    “What a maroon.” – Bugs

  5. Resnikoff used his experience to explain how “ambiguous social interactions now feel unsafe and unpredictable in a way that they never did before.”

    Dear Ned,
    We share the same fear, just for different reasons.

  6. if ned had a muslim plumber show up who threatened him with a beating for being jewish and refused to unplug the jew drain, ned would have written an article about how he being a jew deserved the treatment he got from the muslim and this time he wouldn’t be fearful at all.

  7. The infamous “plumber’s crack” musta got him all bothered.
    And yes, Ned, even the dumbest plumbers out there have enough sense to reject the anti-Americanism, poverty, and unemployment prospects of the Demonrat Party.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Ned sounds like he’s losing his will to resist the whispering allure of all those “Bi curious?” forced feminization sissy in training chuck porn sites he’s been bookmarking.

  9. The guy’s a mental case. He’s suffering from being surrounded by people only like himself.

    About 40% of my customers are Jewish.

    Most of them voted for Trump. The Rabbis assure me orthodox Jews are conservative by nature. None of them have been happy with what the left has been doing the last 8 years.

    Two of them wondered if multiple wives will be allowed once the norm of one man one woman marriage is broken. “Why not?”, they both asked.

  10. Imagine the horror this poor man lives with. Morally inferior, possible Trump voter with a Southern drawl(OMG!) violating his safe space. It’s the type of thing that would destroy a lesser man…Bawhawhawhaw

  11. I was just going to say the same thing, txfella. Why do they always look like this? ‘They’ meaning proggy writer pajama boys, not people who are nominally Jewish.

    I should have invested in some chunky hipster lens frames company.

  12. …..a clogged drain……a CLOGGED DRAIN……wonder how much he had to pay “Southern Man”……..

    …….and i think rufus is on to something…..the man DID use the word “consummate,” after all……….

  13. No, Ned looks like a Jew. Most likely, so do the thousands of other customers that this plumber in your area services.
    This is just your natural, inborn Jewish paranoia, mixed with your unjustified narcissism, Ned.
    I’d say call your therapist, but there’s a good chance he or she fears their plumber, as well, lol.
    White plumbers aren’t out to kill ya, Ned, you weirdo.
    Keep this shit up, though, and they may change their minds. 😃

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