I Guess the End Game For Leftist Morons is To Do Away With Incarceration For Anyone That Has Kids – IOTW Report

I Guess the End Game For Leftist Morons is To Do Away With Incarceration For Anyone That Has Kids

Once again, leftist dopes use kids as shields to enact policy changes. In this case they want open borders because incarcerating parents illegally sneaking into our country “hurts the children.”

Guess what?


American parents damage their families every day when they make stupid decisions and break the law. Should we all huddle around a crying towel and decree that we do away with incarceration if someone has kids?


17 Comments on I Guess the End Game For Leftist Morons is To Do Away With Incarceration For Anyone That Has Kids

  1. Every day at noon a 747 should be landing at Mexico City airport and a load of illegals should be dropped off. The Mexican “government” should be TOLD to keep the approaches and runways clear. A pair of F16s as escorts could be used if necessary. It’s time we quit treating them as a legit government and put force behind our laws. There is no “Mexican Air Force” to speak of or contend with…

  2. My Uncle was unfairly imprisoned by an Oregon judge many years ago, and served 6 years. He had a young daughter, my favorite cousin as a matter of fact. She missed her daddy, but still grew up fine. She was loved, taken care of by grandma and grandpa.

    Point is this argument holds no water, and if the illegal immigrants are worried about traffickers taking ‘care’ of their children instead of a family member, perhaps they ought to not cross illegally in the first place.

    Those who break the laws should not make the laws.

  3. Aw, sorry to read that, chuffed.

    And you’re right. How do you leave your kids with people who have been known to sell and enslave, rape, and use people as drug mules? It doesn’t add up.

  4. My Uncle remarried recently, and his relationship with my cousin got better as she began to have kids of her own… so all’s well that ends well. 🙂

    As for the illegals, there’s only two conclusions to come to when they try and argue for open borders:
    1. Stereotypes are correct and they’re dumb as a doorknob and just never realize the consequence of their actions until it’s too late.

    2. Their tears are crocodile tears and a means to an end.

  5. The endgame is to flood this country with brown people from the third-world which will vote in larger and larger government and do so in perpetuity.
    We need to revoke all avenues for asylum for any immigrants and then we need a one hundred year moratorium for all immigration from the third-world.
    This end in only two ways.
    1. Your enslavement, and the enslavement of your children, to the whims of a ruling class.
    2. Some flavor of a civil/race war.

    Sounds insane, but that is the UNTIMATE endgame.

  6. I caught about thirty minutes of Mourning Joe and Mika comparing this to what the Nazis were doing to innocent children by ripping them from their mothers and placing them in concentration camps. Whenever Trump Derangement Syndrome is finally studied for a degree in abnormal behavior, this pair of ignoramuses will be Exhibits A and B. As the Democrats move further to the left, they embrace more untenable and unacceptable positions on the main reason the majority of voters will vote for Republicans in the next election. What a gift!

  7. Breaking a way into the USA takes everything You got

    Wouldn’t you like to get away?

    Sometimes you want to go

    Where the Taxpayers are fools

    and they’ll also pay for schools

    You wanna be where you can see,

    our troubles are all the same

    You wanna be where nobody knows your name

    You wanna go where people know,

    the immigration laws are lame

    You wanna go where nobody knows

    your name.

  8. The sons-a-bitches always talk about their concern for “the children”. Yeah, those responsible for a holocaust of hundreds of thousands of aborted babies every year.

    I hate liberals so much I wonder sometimes how I can contain it.

  9. None of the Alien Invaders need to be “kept” in USA Prisons .
    All the Invaders need to be drop-shipped via Commercial Airline into Mexico City Airport , these air lifts need to have full Marine Corp Escorts. BUILD THE FRIGGING WALL . Implant all Invaders with deep surface micro Chips – With Tracking GPS. any Invaders returning into he USA will be tracked down by authorized Licensed/ Certified Bounty Hunters … Upon capture *(second Offense) they will be returned to Mexico City Airport in body bags …. BUILD THE FREAKING WALL …Oh yeah one more thing BUILD THE FU@%ING WALL

  10. These kids get the best baby-sitting there is on our dime! Nice places with air conditioning, nice beds, good food, entertainment, field trips, games, etc. Don’t give me that boo-hoo shit!


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