I guess the park was too crowded to sit 6 feet apart – IOTW Report

I guess the park was too crowded to sit 6 feet apart

You maskholes are being played…

40 Comments on I guess the park was too crowded to sit 6 feet apart

  1. Pretty sure I read that story in high school: “The Red Masque of Doctor Death”. Maybe it was a horror movie I saw when I was high. Or maybe it’s a real-life dark comedy I’m living, and there’s no ending.

  2. When he’s alone on the mound covid is real bad so the mask needs to be on, but when he’s in the stands covid isn’t bad so he can sit next to people and warm his chin.

    Covid knows to bad when cameras are rolling, but not so much when the cameras aren’t around.

    Just like when you fly into Chicago you need to quarantine before staying in the city, but you don’t need to quarantine if not staying in the city. The covid knows where you are going.

    For a virus that can’t survive without a host it’s pretty f’n smart.

  3. Not to worry the Covid will all be over one day after the election in November! If the Dimocraps win we won’t have to worry about masks as they will just move us all into Chinese run concentration camps!

  4. @BFH- you’ll dig this.

    So I was driving home from work, JUST now, through town and got to a red light. I looked to the left and there is a guy, with a mask, a big dude, holding a child in one arm and the child’s TINY little MASK in his other hand. The child I would say was maybe two. So what does he do?

    He walks over to the traffic button and pushes the button WITH THE CHILDS MASK, in his hand!

    Regardless of Whuflu? Can you imagine what is IN that little mask and now on the traffic button?


  5. i was grocery shopping today & this masked woman lifted her mask to cough several times without covering her mouth!

    i had a bandana around my neck but not on my face & this woman gave me a really dirty look so i told her i identify as a child (cause the kids aren’t required to wear masks)
    fuck her

  6. @BFH and @Joe6pak – how about a new design / bumper magnet?

    BFH you said maskholes, how about mASSkholes? You can come up with some cool graphic and we can get Joe6pak into production.

    Lots to do before November…

    BTW, I am thinking of putting the Paul Revere Trump magnet on the rental van, once we get past Chicago that is. Or, should we wait until we are well into the Dakotas?? Oh, so maybe I wasn’t clear, we’re going on a ROAD TRIP, and leaving Sunday.

    I could start the trip with it ON the vehicle going across the GW bridge and then through PA?

    I want to see what reactions we get. Is this a good or BAD idea?

    Asking for a friend(s) opinion.

  7. ghost, if you’re driving through Chicago at midnight I would take them off. From 8:00am till 5:00pm you’re probably safe anyplace. The bad guys don’t start their day until 8:00pm, you’re safe during normal working hours. That’s my experience anyway. Do you need more?

  8. @Joe6pak – Thanks, but day light hours going through Shitcago could be of concern as well, there was a thread just the other day about their ‘open’ interstates, The Dan Ryan for example. And I plan on going to Lincoln and Grant Parks…don’t ask.

    When on the open road, I’m thinking of just pulling off the side of the road taking it off at the right time. Take it into the hotel and put back on. Not on any local roads, like I said not until past Shitcago and I want to be going 75 miles an hour at the very least! :>o

    I wish we were going as far to see you bro, not this time.

  9. @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ – you see, that IS a bumper sticker or like YOU said, a nice cotten t-shirt.

    @Joe6pak and @BFH we have a winner!

    So going through Shitcago even during the day even on an Interstate can be a gamble, per that thread the other day about Chitown byways.

    I’ll just take it on and off at the appropriate times and I’ll send you and @BFH a pic…or two!

    And Yes send me a couple for some like minded buddies and send one to @Buster Brown. I can send some Goya stuff in return!

    @BFH – maybe a little ‘banner’ for the Paul Revere iOTW site, USA AWESOME magnet.

    We NEED to spread the other Good Word…


  10. While the picture is damning, who are the two seated with him? His wife? And…who?

    If they are merely social friends then it’s hypocrisy as only an elite scumbag politician can do. If it’s his wife and a close friend, well….the optics are still bad.

  11. @stirrin the pot – dont’ give a SHIT about who it was, though it does turns out it was his brother and wife. I could care less if he was sitting ‘next to the Pope’.

    IT’s the double fucking standard that I AM SICK OF. HE WAS NOT PRACTICING SOCIAL SPORTS DISTANCING.

    My cold anger is NOT directed at you by any means.

    Think, just think about this. IF YOU or anyone else had the option, distancing aside, who would not want to sit a few seats away and ‘spread out’?

    IOW at games we sit on top of each other because that is part of the requirement of being at ANY event, in the past and now in the future.


  12. Do as I say, not as I do – Seems to be their motto!! All of them!

    Heck, I went to church today. No one in the place, I took the mask off an dit’s hanging from one ear. Sitting in pew saying my prayers when I hear the door behind me open. I then hear “Psst” I turn my head and this woman says “put on your mask” and walks down the aisle to the offices down below. So, they are all in on it.

    God Bless us all!

  13. @joe6pak – right on ya, right on. Tipping point reached? I don’t blame you, go direct! Just barter something back that’s all…


  14. @Ghost – “…dont’ give a SHIT about who it was, though it does turns out it was his brother and wife. I could care less if he was sitting ‘next to the Pope’…”

    I understand your frustration, but the mask and social distancing requirements have always not applied to family members or others that you have a close friendship/relationship to. You can be in close proximity to those people.

    BUT… having said that, the optics still are not good.

  15. @ Ghost. I had the Trump, reelect the mfer again sticker that i got from Joe on the back of my vehicle as i drove to Sturgis SD when rally was on last year. I’m surprised that i didnt see myself somewhere on the internets that week considering all the people taking pictures. I triggered the only liberal there though.

  16. @Charlie WalksonWater – Holy shithhh!

    THAT magnet is on my refridge right now!

    DO we bring that one along as well as iOTW REVERE, and put on the other side of the vehicle we rent??? OR should we not be a ‘MAGNET’ on the road?!? And then on the internet??? Hmmm.

    That said, my crew LOVE it @Joe6pak!! Thanks!

    It’s simple and sweet.

  17. @Stirrin the pot – well if your theory holds up (which I am cool with), that must mean his brother LIVES with him then? Do you know this? With the wife? Hmmm. Maybe? Probably not.

    ORRRRR (say that like Crooklyn Fauci news conference tone), is this an example of corruption? Why is his BROTHER THERE TO BEGIN WITH?

    Sorry, this is more than optics, this is bullshit. Why is he sitting in the loge level and not in the box seats if we want to talk about OPTICS! OR Upper Deck? The nose bleeders.

    The whole kneeling thing as a representation of sorts of the opening of baseball?? As we knew it??

    As ‘they say’, bye bye Felicia aka MLB.


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