I Guess We Should Weigh In on the Hockey Player’s Death in England – IOTW Report

I Guess We Should Weigh In on the Hockey Player’s Death in England

As a bit of a background, and I don’t mean to taint the jury, but the player that had his skate slash the neck of the other player is known as a dirty player and has racked up an insane amount of penalty minutes. He’s been suspended from games, as well.

Victim, Adam Johnson, on right.

Matt Petgrave, the guy who slashed Johnson’s neck, on left.


28 Comments on I Guess We Should Weigh In on the Hockey Player’s Death in England

  1. “on the left.” Sadly. I knew that. I submit, Democrats are responsible for this. It’s a form of reparations and perfectly acceptable. We have a poisoned generation of black kids/young men.

  2. Looks like he made an effort to throw his skate in the air. They call high sticking in hockey, high skates might be a penalty. Might be assault too. Is Petgrave a muzzie? Just curious.

  3. Diversity, ain’t it grand.

    I’ll make this short and to the point. American Backs are part of the American fabric. They’ve been here a while. It’s not like were injecting a brand new martian into our social construct. I mean, my God, who doesn’t think the Supremes were bad ass? Here’s the deal, race relation were not bad, cohesive, before two people entered the scene. BoRock and Mike Obama. And that was the first stolen election. Why, because the Mutha Fuuuucker wasn’t eligible. They hate America, no matter the skin color.

  4. I remember the slash on the neck that Clint Malarchuk got in an NHL game when he got tangled w/ a player in the goal net (he was the goalie). the player inadvertently slashed his neck with his skate, cutting Malarchuk’s carotid artery.

    Malarchuk held his hand to his neck while all the time the blood pulsed out his neck onto the ice. 11 people were said to faint at the game & players vomited on the ice. they rushed him into the Trainer’s Room & the Trainer took a needle & thread & sewed up his artery before the EMS took him to the hospital

    of course, this doesn’t excuse the POS that did an intentional act of malice, trying to physically harm a fellow human being, & should be justly charged.

  5. Mr Illustr8r, who has played hockey since he was 3 yo, just can’t believe a player would purposely do that. You know better. After seeing the video and after learning that guy is an asshole goon he thinks it’s involuntary manslaughter. The dude tried to over sell the collision hoping the ref would call a penalty and instead killed his opponent. He should be thrown out of the hockey forever and then into jail.

  6. Hard to say from one angle, but I think it’s possible that Petgrave didn’t see Johnson who was behind and to the left. You can run that replay forever and you’ll still come up ‘no conclusive evidence’.

  7. @wild bill ~ convince the jury, Perry Mason

    although, I really don’t think they give two shits about prosecuting … no such thing as ‘justice’ anymore … not that there really has been … the only righteous justice is eternal justice …. which gives me a smile

  8. Brad,

    Yup. It went to shit when they tried to revive the 60’s the black panther party BULLSHIT and the Prick made everything about race after America Voted for Him.

    Bark-Hole set back Race relations 50 Years or more and Many lives LOST.


  9. you can take that ‘reasonable doubt’ crap & shove it up George Floyd’s fentanyl-laden ass

    … & while you’re at it …. go help OJ Simpson find ‘the real killer’

    btw, the ‘system’ doesn’t prove your innocence … it only justifies ‘not guilt as charged’ …. ‘reasonable doubt’ is a canard brought about by the perpetuity of ‘justice’

    “if it don’t fit, you much acquit”

    … now go indict Trump for another 900 charges w/ your ‘justice’ … I’m done

  10. That was intentional. Been watching hockey since the 1970’s and I’ve never seen that happen.
    When someone is knocked off balance they don’t raise their leg, they try to get both feet under themselves to get balanced. It’s instinct.
    That was like a martial arts move.

  11. I haven’t read any comments yet, so here’s my take: I watched that video over and over again. I can clearly see that he reached his leg out intentionally to hit the other player. He clearly intentionally put his leg out to do damage.

  12. There will supposedly be an investigation into this incident, but many ‘news’ publications have already declared this homicide to be a ‘freak accident’ and have painted the slasher a victim due to the online hate he has received.

    So, I guess we already know the results of this pending investigation. Facts, be damned. Who you gonna believe, the mainstream media or your lyin’ eyes?

  13. having played for decades and during which time i have been rocked and delivered some monster hits not one time did either of my legs do anything remotely close to what he did. not saying i played at this level but physical play is physical play. for me there is solid evidence of intent

  14. The NHL went without an on-ice death till the late 1960’s, and no deaths since that I know of. Clint Malarchuk came the closest, as described above, but he survived a horrible injury.

    A pretty remarkable safety record when you consider every player carries a hard wooden club and two sharp knives on his feet.


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