I Guess We Were Wrong About What a Woman Is- Cambridge Dictionary Updates Definition – IOTW Report

I Guess We Were Wrong About What a Woman Is- Cambridge Dictionary Updates Definition


The Telegraph just spotted a change made by the Cambridge Dictionary in October, and what had been a fairly quiet and unnoticed move is now drawing headlines. On Tuesday the paper reported the dictionary had expanded its definition of “woman” by adding a supplementary definition. Its entry now also defines a woman as “an adult who lives and identifies as female though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth.” The two use cases it gives read: “She was the first trans woman elected to a national office” and “Mary is a woman who was assigned male at birth.” The definition for man was similarly updated.

The Telegraph reports Cambridge is not the first dictionary to make such an amendment: Merriam-Webster previously added a supplementary definition for “female” as “having a gender identity that is the opposite of male.” (That change led to death threats.) The Washington Post has a statement on the Oct. 27 edit from a rep from Cambridge University Press and Assessment. It reads in part, “Our dictionaries are written for learners of English and are designed to help users understand English as it is currently used. [Our editors] carefully studied usage patterns of the word woman and concluded that this definition is one that learners of English should be aware of.” 


How many of the guys going along with this, the ones that like women, like their women with a dick?

13 Comments on I Guess We Were Wrong About What a Woman Is- Cambridge Dictionary Updates Definition

  1. You have 2 types of humans, xx chromosomes and xy chromosomes.
    If you don’t fit in either classification you are an alien from outer space or a demon from hell. I think most are demons from hell (e.g. democrats) F.O if I
    offended you!!!!!

  2. What’s a woman? Is this a difficult question for you people? Seriously?

    Other than mom and sisters if a person causes my loins to stir it’s a woman. If you’re a dude in lipstick and a red dress? You’re a dude.
    Just shut up already you fucking weirdos.

    Our innate ability to distinguish between the sexes is already programmed.

    I am sick of this discussion. Totally sick of it.

  3. “If they tell you to jump off a bridge, are you gonna do it?”

    NO Dad, I won’t. And may God bless you in Heaven with Him for teaching me this. With clarity and conviction.

    PS FUCK Cambridge and the parents of the jerks that published this!
    Shame on you!!!!

  4. There have been many words/doctrines created/usurped by “men of ‘god'” and satan, causing obfuscation at minimum and the exponentially progressive errors which both Judah (judaism et al) and Ephraim (christianity et al) teach and live.

    “jesus” for Yeshua/Yahshua/Yahoushua (Salvation/YAH will save)
    “christ” for Messiah/Annointed
    “sunday” for THE Sabbath, the Eternal sign for YHWH’s covenanted people, to all generations, native born or grafted in
    “christian” for Messianic, biblical Hebraic “faith” in the promised Hebrew/Jewish Seed/King of Israel (not rabbinic judaism)
    “church” for Qahal/Ekklesia – THE called out assembly is Israel/Jacob’s tent (not the secular nation)
    “convert[ed]” for Repent or turn (Teshuva) from evil (lawlessness/sin) and towards YHWH
    “easter” for Passover/Pesach
    “pentecost” for Shavuot or YHWH’s feast of weeks
    “baptism” for Immersion / Mikvah ie Yochannan (“john”) the Immerser
    “christ-mass” for Feast of Tabernacles

    I will not put the assurance of my everlasting reward in the “hands of men”! I will strive to be like those whom YHWH called, righteous, friend and servant, seeking after His own heart.

    YHWH bless thee, and keep thee: YHWH make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: YHWH lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

  5. Maybe they should add a footnote, see 1984 by George Orwell.
    Why are we letting the inmates run the asylum. We need to stop using their language. LGbt…. = SP Sexual perverts. Trans does not exist, Mentally ill.


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