I Had a Discussion With a Pro-Trump Voter Last Night – IOTW Report

I Had a Discussion With a Pro-Trump Voter Last Night

My story here is a one off, not meant to be a definitive bellwether, but I invite you to drop any experiences you’ve had with voters that were eye-openers. With a collection of  these tales we could begin to see a reliable trend.

The subject of Trump/Hillary came up last night with 3 people I had never previously talked politics with. All three said they were supporting Trump.

One man said he’d voted democrat his entire life, hailing from a solidly blue area of the country, and he was voting R this time. He said he was always a one-issue voter, he was pro-union, and simply pulled the lever for the democrats over and over and over. This will be the very first time he doesn’t vote D.



He said he didn’t like Trump, but what he doesn’t like about Trump does not come close to the amount of corruption Hillary has ceaselessly been embroiled with. He feels she is untrustworthy and only in this for personal gain. (This coming from a guy that voted one issue his entire life for personal gain.)

Also, think about this. This is a guy who voted for BILL CLINTON for a second term and he doesn’t like Hillary because of her corruption.

I think there is more than a monster vote waiting to vote Trump, there is a crater where reliable dem votes once were, thanks to Hillary.





35 Comments on I Had a Discussion With a Pro-Trump Voter Last Night

  1. In-laws of one of my kids are union Dems going whole heartedly for Trump.

    I got zero reaction to my Trump pin from the family tree huggers at a family reunion, but got positive and unexpected response from some who I didn’t expect to react.

  2. Two separate times now I have run into young Millenials that hate and despise Hillary.

    First was the supermarket. Young couple pushing a basket. He was wearing a HILLARY FOR PRISON 2016 t-shirt.
    We chatted. They are Bernie Dem’s, now voting Trump.
    The other was WalMart. 3 Millenials, 2 M 1 F, discussing the DNC Leaks and how unbelievably corrupt Hillary is.
    These 3 were undecided. I suspect 1 will vote Trump, 1 may vote Green Party, and the F will stay home and sit it out.

    Encouraging conversations. Their votes are lost to Hillary and I think that will be quite a surprise come November.

  3. If every committed Trump voter convinces four people to vote for Trump this will be a landslide like never seen before.
    I spoke with two women at work (at separate times) who were waffling about what to do this election earlier this summer. Both had been brainwashed by what the MSM was saying. For both, I just asked what they didn’t like about Trump and then responded with some of his policies as I recalled from his website. Once each became less closed-minded I suggested they go to his website and read his positions, and not take my word. In both cases they each sought me out to thank me for “informing” them on Trump a few days later. I then referred them the The Conservative Treehouse to see his rally videos and to Drudge to see the “real news” to counter the propaganda they see on the MSM. Now both are dedicated Trump supporters and have convinced their husbands to vote Trump also.
    Now, one of them comes to me every morning to discuss the craziness of the campaigns from the night before.

  4. All of my relatives are going to vote for Hillary. When I bring up the subject they just terminate it by yelling “He’s insane” Every one of them, it’s as if they have memorized a script. (Oh really, is that possible? heh/s)

  5. The only *anecdotals* I can offer are:

    1) the only strangers/folks here willing to talk Presidential politics SUPPORT TRUMP. And that was BEFORE her 9/11 seizure.

    2) the reliably Leftist downtown area is strikingly silent, and void of Hillary stickers/posters.

    3) the only bumper stickers I’ve seen are Trump, ZERO for Hillary.

  6. I think I’ve already mentioned a couple times that both my mom and my aunt are voting Trump after a lifetime of D’s. We’ve got about a half dozen 20-somethings who are also voting T-Man (all ‘undecided’ because they don’t know anything).

    Make sure everyone you turn gets registered according to the rules for their state. Carry some voter registration materials w/you at all times. But don’t campaign while registering.

  7. My mission this election cycle was to get six people who have never voted registered.Have doubled that number,they all ask me who I think they should vote for,my answer “It’s none of my business just ask yourself if you are better off today than you were eight years ago.”My guess from their reactions they all will be voting Trump.

  8. I’ve driven all over central Maryland (deep blue state) in the last few days and am not seeing ANY clinton posters.
    I see Trump posters EVERYWHERE!
    I’m driving through central Kentucky tomorrow. I will let you guys know what I see.

  9. I find all this very encouraging, but I’m trying not to get too excited. I remember how optimistic I was the last election and look what happened. I was depressed for weeks afterwards. Our government is so corrupt I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if they found a way to steal it from Trump.

  10. 1) My Tennessee brother-in-law & his wife, who both voted for Obama (I know; family shame)… twice! … & thoroughly believe in living off the gubmint teat, when ‘necessary’, came to me & said, as we were departing from a visit, that they were both voting Trump … because the country needed saving
    2) have seen NO illary signs … plenty of Trump signs …. only 2 illary bumper stickers … one w/ a ‘teacher’ license plate & sticker & one from a demonRat national delegate I know, who was an O’Malley supporter at first (this gal’s sippin’ the Kool-Aid from an IV)

  11. DH and I were Trump evangelist today. We decide to go buy a pair of shoes each of us. We got into a conversation with the shoe sales person. She was young and female. I asked her if she was a “deplorable.” She laughed and said “no, I don’t even vote.” I asked her if she had any kids and she did 2 of them. I told her by not voting, Hillary will get in and elect liberal Supreme Court Justices who will make life miserable for your children. You’re still young and life will not be easy for you under Hillary’s rule.” We pretty much had her scared $hitless. So much so, she said she was going to register tomorrow. She has never voted and she plans to vote for Trump.

  12. I’m currently in DC through November.
    Normally by mid September you see yard signs and bumper stickers everywhere, and always Democrat, especially when they are the incumbent party.
    Most of the workforce here are dependent on the Federal trough, including the nonprofits/NGOs/law firms, etc.
    For many of these folks displaying allegiance is a job requirement.
    So I don’t expect to see a lot of Trump signs, but I do see a few. And when I get out into suburban Virginia I see a lot more.

    What I notice is the surprising absence of Hilary signs or stickers.
    I see LOTS of cars with Obama 2008 or 2012 stickers.
    But those same cars do not have a Hilary sticker.
    I’m hoping that’s a meaningful ‘tell ‘.

    Trump 2016

  13. I’m liking the local reports. I’m North of Sacramento and it’s all Trump. In fact from here north it’s all Trump. Unfortunately the heavy populated areas rule us. I’m holding out hope for Trump taking California. I say that because the comments on the Sacramento News stations FB pages seem to favor Trump ever so slightly on the political stuff. Wouldn’t that be awesome.

  14. san diego here. recently moved to neighborhood near downtown. lots of libs.
    only one hillary sign. and the owner had to take down his fence because it was too high! so fence and sign are lying on his side yard till he figures it out. everytime i walk by i laugh.

    i talk to people all the time about Trump. the pest control guy today got an earful. my neighbor who loves hillary avoids me. whenever i see her i ask her if hillary has been spotted today. proof of life and all that.

    this is war folks.

  15. Well, I did ask the guy at the feed store if Trump got elected and abolished the EPA, was he going to start selling wood stoves again? And he said, “Hell yes. We still have them in the warehouse.”

    I don’t know of anybody around here who would vote for the
    H-bitch. I’m sure there are some college kids who are indoctrinated enough to do something that foolish, but they don’t dare advertise it in this county.

  16. @katiecuntric — Look again. I live DT Seattle and we’re all over the place! I just signed up the guy who poured concrete for us this week as a Trump Talk call volunteer. Several of my neighbors are all in for Trump. You just won’t see any Trump signs, though, because we value our cars and real estate. We’re not scared, just practical. Who has time for insurance adjusters?

  17. they WILL try to steal this election, by any means …..this is why all trump voters need to wear RED when they go to the polls….video of all those red shirts will tell the truth, even if the vote counters won’t…remind EVERYONE, when the time comes, WEAR RED!!!

  18. Jackpot! DH just talked with new neighbors. They drooled over our Trump sign. DH just gave them one and one for their parents. New neighbors on the other side of our home – WANT a SIGN.

    If you have new neighbors, make sure they are registered to vote.

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