I had no idea how racist Canadians are – IOTW Report

I had no idea how racist Canadians are


8 Comments on I had no idea how racist Canadians are

  1. Calm down Cartman, have you seen what those racists give out in unemployment/welfare/housing?
    Once the Mexicans learn they stopped too soon, Canada will be thinking about a wall.
    They do have the cold on their side, damn, maybe VW has the right idea.
    AGW ! Algore is a genius after all !

  2. Yep, the Canadian Government is fast-tracking Syrian minorities (Christians and Yazidis), has just stripped a terrorist of his citizenship, and we’re building a memorial to the victims of commumism in front of the supreme court. Our federal budget is balanced too. Let’s hope the voters do the sensible thing and vote the Conservatives back into power next month.

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