I Hate How Biden Laughs As if Everyone Else is Stupid – IOTW Report

I Hate How Biden Laughs As if Everyone Else is Stupid

He has always been known as the dumbest politician who learned how to pretend to be smart.

He is the supreme asshole of assholes.

20 Comments on I Hate How Biden Laughs As if Everyone Else is Stupid

  1. Why SHOULDN’T he think we’re stupid?

    He still gets called “President”, doesn’t he?

    He gets to rape children when hes not raping our nation with impunity and everyone cowers in fear before his alphabet agencies, so yeah, from his point of view we’re both stupid and cowardly and he’s been given NO reason to see us otherwise as he persecutes political opponents and brags about selling state secrets …

  2. The asshole is within 10 years of meeting the Almighty face-to-face. I don’t think he will be so smug and condescending then. I’ve given up ever seeing Justice in this life.

  3. Biden
    King Chuck

    all have those smirks because they are in in the WEF/UN/SCWAB/SOROS PLOT.

  4. Anonymous – depends on who’s around to write the history books.

    Whutsa book???
    There will be a hundred different versions of it on the inter-tubes by the gas-lighting Left!

  5. “He is the supreme asshole of assholes.”

    Biden’s like the white head of a puss filled boil about to explode. There’s plenty behind him that are even worse. I read yesterday that Anita Dunn runs the United States. Biden’s staff have even given her a nickname “The Brawler In Chief”. Dr. Jill is supposedly second in command. They talk about how Joe can’t be trusted in front of a microphone right in front of him during staff meetings. And the SOB is still wearing that I’m smarter than you smirk.

  6. Can you imagine this soul in Hell? You think that he won’t regret his blip of a worthless life compared to an endless life inside his own head?

    Hell is everything God is not. No light, no sound, no sweet memories, nothing but the knowledge that he is nothing. He would even beg for the pain of hellfire.

    No, he will exist with every evil inside his mind. Not one good memory of fresh air, rain storms, flowers, tasty food or clean cool water. Those are all God’s creations. He opted for eternity without God. He will get what he asked for. That’s God’s last promise to him.

  7. Theres a special place reserved for Trump, they’ll be welcoming him with open arms. Threw the gates right near Satan himself, for he’ll have a good ole time with this sinner.

  8. Joe B. is the maunchasen b (s)election president whose main goal is destroy the infrastructure and identity of America and its peoples.

    Who is running. America? It is a mob of left wing idiots with no moral compass or ethics. They are ruining the country just because they can.


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