“I Hate White People” – IOTW Report

“I Hate White People”

Probably not a hate crime, right?

NYDN -Cops busted a Queens man for trying to push a straphanger onto the subway tracks in Harlem and yelling, “I hate white people!”

Police cuffed Gary Weeks, 51, of Wavecrest for the bizarre attack Monday at 2 p.m. at the 4-5-6 subway station at 125th St. and Lexington Ave., officials said.

The straphanger was waiting for a northbound train when Weeks walked up to him and tried to push him onto the tracks.

The victim got away from Weeks, as other people started pointing and yelling at the attacker to simmer down.

He then began yelling about his hatred for whites.

Once cops closed in and cuffed him, he spit on one officer, police said.

Weeks was charged with attempted murder, aggravated harassment and obstruction of government administration.

14 Comments on “I Hate White People”

  1. Of course it’s not a hate crime, he only stated he hated white people out loud during the commission of felony attempted murder in front of witnesses.
    Did they mention he was on his way to mentor at-risk youth when he was triggered by the oppressive whiteness of the potential victim?

  2. Hatin Whitey ain’t no crime!
    Ax Obola!
    Ax da Moose!
    Ax Holder!
    Ax Lynch!
    Ax Maxine!
    Ax Cleaver!
    Ax Jesse!
    Ax Revrum Al!
    Ax Farrakhan!
    Ax Gray!
    Ax Clay!
    Ax Cummings!
    Ax Ellison!
    &c., &c., &c.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. How do we know these alleged white people identify as white? Did Gary take the time to ask them about their privilege beforehand or did he make a racist assumption? Oh wait, black people can’t be racist, that’s right… it’s the fault of the alleged white people for not asserting their identity outside of visible skin color.

  4. The ironic, REAL Obama Legacy: a Presidency that served not to unite and heal, but to divide and empower the most vile among us, whose worldview is fashioned entirely upon Race and skin color.

  5. Hatred of any group is bigotry.
    The notion of superiority of one “group” over another is racism.
    My understanding of a hate crime is a “crime driven by hatred”.
    While the “pusher” may be a racist, it not evident based on this article.
    It appears he is a bigot. If that pans out, he would have committed a “Hate Crime”. He will get a pass. Anybody wanna bet a dollar?

  6. Yeah, So what? hate crime? That is essentially a thought crime. How does one define hate, much less prove it?
    How does one prove what is a “feeling”, a thought? If I say “I love you”, can I or, can you, prove it? No. But, we can believe it. However, this is unbelievably dangerous in American jurisprudence. It was and is, the authoritarian’s “foot in the door” of our society. It has been around long enough now, that people have accepted it as a valid reason to incarcerate someone. I reject the arguments about whether or not something is a “hate crime” set forth by the authoritarians because, their premise is false. The 1st Amendment protects our speech AND our thoughts………….unless. of course, we decide that it doesn’t.
    So, Hate away, douchebag. I don’t care. And, no one, especially the law, should not care if I hate anyone either.
    He should be charged with attempted murder. When we push the hate crime crap, we become as stupid as the left.

  7. The Nazis (probably just by coincidence) declared that crimes were committed by criminal “archetypes” – not, necessarily, by the individual’s criminal intent.

    Thus: One could be executed for “gangsterism” (for example) by looking the part and participating in petty crime.
    ALL Jews could be held accountable for Zionism and “Jewishness.”
    All fags were guilty of corroding social mores.

    As with “hate” crime, this mode of thinking opens a great many doors for abuse.

    izlamo delenda est …

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