Ann Coulter: The Supreme Court’s recent decision on whether a Christian baker can be forced to make a wedding cake for a gay marriage (no) arriving on the same day that Bill Clinton reared his syphilitic head on NBC’s “Today” reminded me how liberals always use black people as props.

Midway through the last century, bedrock legal principles about property rights and freedom of association were abrogated to deal with a specific, intractable problem: We could not get Democrats to stop discriminating against blacks.

So Republicans, with very little Democratic help, passed a slew of laws saying: No, even though you own that restaurant, you cannot discriminate against black customers. And no, even though we are a free people, you cannot refuse to associate with black people in your clubs, universities or sports teams.

This should have been a one-time exception to the law for one specific group of people based on an emergency.

But Democrats, never wild about freedom in the first place, saw “civil rights” as a great gig. Instead of civil rights being used to remedy historic injuries done to a specific group of people, they’d use “civil rights” as a false flag for all their pet projects.

Just six years after passage of the historic 1964 Civil Rights Act, Democrats in New York had dropped black people from the equation and moved onto legalized abortion. State senator Manfred Ohrenstein of Manhattan explained why killing the unborn was a “right”: “It was the end of the civil rights era, and we viewed [abortion] as a civil right.”   more here


  1. So true. As Rand Paul has stated many times, Title II of the 1964 Civil Rights Act is unconstitutional because it takes freedom of speech away from private citizens. All the other parts of the Act relate to governments, but Title II relates to private enterprise.

    Let business owners choose whom they will serve. Let others draw attention to their narrow views and even boycott them. And they will succeed or fail, without sacrificing their right to freedom of speech.


  2. I don’t see it as Democrats dropping civil rights in favor of abortion. It’s all part of the same mindset against blacks. Abortion is upstream. A preemptive policy to limit or eliminate blacks, designed to look like a rights movement. Very calculated and extremely sinister.

  3. I agree w/Left Coast Dan and the libertarian take on this but even if we consider privately owned businesses as public venues which must serve everyone, there is a big difference between selling ready-mades to whomever pays the set price vs. offering your creative services to design and bake/fabricate/etc. a unique work. The first scenario is cash and carry, and every baker sued for discrimination has been willing to sell anyone a generic cake. The second scenario is offering your talent and time for hire and if creative types are forced to make unique works for anyone and any cause, that is forced labor, not free enterprise.

  4. From above: “Midway through the last century, bedrock legal principles about property rights and freedom of association were abrogated to deal with a specific, intractable problem: We could not get Democrats to stop discriminating against blacks.

    …”this should have been a one-time exception to the law for one specific group of people based on an emergency.”

    No, this is not the federal governments business. This is an issue society needs to deal with without government intrusion. The law took away freedom of association and replaced it with mandatory association.

    Allowing the government power in issues like this is EXACTLY how we end up with the out of control monster we have now.

  5. @Lowell June 8, 2018 at 12:47 pm

    > Allowing the government power in issues like this is EXACTLY how we end up with the out of control monster we have now.

    No. Failure to execute those who even attempt such treason, is how we end up with the out of control monster we have now.

  6. “Government is and always will be bad.
    The world’s great mathematician J. Locke compiled and analyzed the data. throughout the history of civilization. In every society in every place in the world. the meanest, greediest, most selfish people in that society go into “Government service.”” ” T. Jefferson over 1,000 times from 1770 to 1799.
    Locke was right, and always will be right. Same fo Tommy!


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