I Have a Female Brain… So the “Experts” Say – IOTW Report

I Have a Female Brain… So the “Experts” Say

Is the guy running away or coming toward you?


This Optical Illusion Can Reveal What Kind Of Thought Process You Have

The image is gaining traction on Twitter.17

An image displaying an optical illusion is overtaking the social media, attracting a flurry of comments. The image can reveal what kind of thought process people have, and whether they struggle to multitask.

The image shows a silhouette of a man in a sprinting pose and asks users to identify where the figure is running towards or away from them.

The image was first released by Fact Factories, which said it is part of an ongoing project to decipher whether people have a “male” or “female” brain.

If you see the man running towards you

Fact Factories said these users have a more “male” brain. Further describing the attributes of such people, it said that they try to solve their problems and pass life’s difficult obstacles using spot on analytical skills and good reason.

t also said that these people learn quickly once they become curious about something. “That’s when you focus all your energy on it until you come up with an idea of how to approach it.”

However, such people are not good in multitasking, said the website. They would like to focus on one thing at a time. When they come up with an idea or have a strong opinion about something, they are ready to back it up with convincing arguments because they are sure of themselves, their focus and attention skills.

If you see a man running away from you

These people have a more “female” brain, said Fact Factories. This means their analytical skills and reasoning are at their max.

These people rely on their senses and reasoning and don’t rush when making a decision. Their brain is at its best when they immerse themselves in something creative, added Fact Factories.

It also said that these people are great multitaskers, and have an amazing memory. They can always count on their intuition and excellent senses.

Pure crap.

I have a male brain, because when I see the man running away I am thinking, “you better run, MFer.”

Also, if you look at the silhouette and think, “oooo, the man is running toward me,” that’s not what a man should be thinking.

If it was a silhouette of a woman with a gorgeous figure I would see it as her running toward me.

I reject the “science” behind this.

(For the record, I have a male brain. You know why? I am a male.)

37 Comments on I Have a Female Brain… So the “Experts” Say

  1. This is no optical illusion. It’s absolutely clear the guy is pushing off with his right leg, and striding forward with his left leg. Whether that means male or female is irrelevant, the guy is running away.

  2. common observation shows that the left thigh is smaller than the right thigh … ergo, the man is running away from your point of view

    it doesn’t need any further explanation

    p.s. I’ve been a male my entire life … have sired offspring to prove it

  3. It’s a cardboard cutout. A cardboard cutout can’t do anything. Not running toward you or away. Not running at all.

    What kind of brain do I have?

    Look up “A Tale of Two Brains” on the iOTWr search bar. That will give you the answer.

  4. FWIW, your shadow doesn’t care whether you’re moving toward the light or away from it. If you turn 180, your shadow remains in the same place—it doesn’t turn with you.

  5. I’m with pianamusic and Walter.
    I can see it both ways. But I have to force myself to think going or coming, even after reading all the arguments above.
    If I felt my life were in danger I would shoot either way.

  6. Lets be honest the attributes for the male and female are the same: analytical skills and strong reasoning. Where’s the difference? How much government funding did this study waste?

  7. dammit, now I can’t multitask anymore and have an excuse for garlic bread burning and meat turning to charcoal while I watch for the water to boil. “Honey, it’s not my fault dinner is shit, he was running away!”

  8. I have a male brain according to this because to me it looks like his left leg is firmly planted while his right leg kicks off indicating movement towards me. But , then again I am a female so what do I know .

  9. It’s all about anatomy. The figure is running away.
    The left arm is awkward and looks disjointed – part of the deception. The left arm should be closer to the torso. However, if in silhouette you probably couldn’t see the action or position of the left arm.
    Based on the outward position, the elbow and arm appear angled away from the body as the runner is going to the light.
    The lifted leg is in proportion for someone running away. If the runner was running towards you, the leg would look larger than the leg used to push off/perpel the figure forward.
    Also, there seems to be more exertion, as if running on an incline. Based on the perspective, a figure running toward you wouldn’t use that much effort.
    There might be some coincidental aspects with this unscientific study. I definitely as a female have a female brain. My detailed comments about this subject kind of prove it.


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