“I Have a Plan to Destroy America” – IOTW Report

“I Have a Plan to Destroy America”

HT/ Really Enraged

10 Comments on “I Have a Plan to Destroy America”

  1. Richard ‘DICK’ Lamm is no hero. He speaks of that that he already did. He began the death of Colorado as the governor in the 70’s. He’s now viewed as a centrist leftist because the democrat party has moved even further left toward unhingedsville….

    FUCK HIM!…another east coast asshole who shit in his own nest and brought those same ideals to Colorado. NOW, he bitches about the Colorado that he loves being gone….FUCKIN’ ASSHOLE!!!….

  2. Oddly, VDH is brilliant and insightful but was almost a never-trumper, did not embrace Sarah Palin and pretty much side-steps in theory all the needed reforms that might have worked to prevent “Mexifornia” from happening. In other words, I think he believes that business as usual with a few small changes will suffice. I may be wrong but I think that VDH is now one of the only true voices left at NRO and ‘Conservative,Inc’. When VDH and Pamela Geller find common ground, then we may have a chance…

  3. Remember when Lamm said that old people should die sooner to make room for the young and their “better” ideas? Maybe he’s forgotten that – or is belatedly ashamed. It was back in the mid-’70s, I think, perhaps when he was Mayor of Denver. But this speech was good and timely, I thought. Hell, even a blind suckwad can find an “acorn” every now and then.

  4. @ really enraged….Nah, DICK Lamm was never mayor….educated at UW Madison and Berkley. He allowed everything that he bitched about to happen in Colorado as Governor….He’s 3 giant Baby Ruths of a turd that Carl won’t even touch…..He named John Denver the poet laureate of Colorado…..PFFFFFFST….You’re right on one thing…he’s expedient on his views now that he’s old


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