Paul Ryan: If Mitt Romney runs in 2016 then I won’t run…
Paul Ryan told the Huffington Post this morning that if Mitt Romney decides to run in 2016 then he would support him and not run. That isn’t to say that otherwise Ryan is planning on running. That decision, he says, hasn’t been made yet.
Just go away…
They have both proved that they are first of all losers, secondly they are in reality Dem Lite think amnesty, open borders, etc.
UnNews:Next US election to be called “2020”
Unfortunately the GOP has convinced too many voters that an ‘extremist’ who believes in basic human rights can’t get elected.
There are too many low-info voters on the right, making it hard to get a decent candidate.
They are progressives first, last and always. The Republican elite is nothing but progressives dressed up as conservatives. They are corporatist progressives, but progressives none the less. This must be understood before people can put two and two together and see that BOTH have been collaborating to “fundamentally change” America. The Democrats are up front with their base (progressives) about their designs, the Republican elites lie to their base (Constitutional conservatives) about where they want to take he country.
The only difference that matters between both and Constitutional conservatives is each wants to rule over a post Constitutional America and Constitutional conservatives stand in their way. When one looks at the gap between Democrats and the Republican elite and the gap between the Republican elite and Constitutional conservatives the former shrinks to insignificance when compared to the latter.
Go ahead. Neither one of them would beat Perry, Cruz, Paul, my dog etc. etc. etc.
Both these clowns are despicable. However, the more progressive rinos on the ballot, the more they split the vote of the stupid voter class. Go TED CRUZ!.
Agreed. And agreed. And agreed again.
The GOP will trot out Bob Dole to run again.
I guess I missed it.
Was there a public outcry for Lyin Ryan to run ?!
I guess I’m on an island. Personally I will vote for Ryan should he decide to run. Sure borders are a serious issue, but out of control spending is the death of our nation. He is one of the few Republicans who understands the impact. I also can’t see how so many republicans can argue with Romney’s credibility especially after this Obama presidential fiasco. I’m sorry to tell this ultra conservative crowd here, but Cruz is to inflammatory to get over 50% of the vote.