I have never peed in an elevator, have you? – IOTW Report

I have never peed in an elevator, have you?

How depressing this story is.


Urine trouble no more, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority hopes, with a new program to tackle public urination in system elevators with technology. The MBTA, which services Boston and the surrounding area, is launching a pilot program this summer in which urine detection sensors will be placed in four downtown elevators. The sensors alert transit ambassadors, who can dispatch a cleaning crew, the Boston Herald reports. The sensors on the ceiling of an elevator have an attached fan, per the AP, which allows them to suck in air and “basically smell what is present,” said Meghan Collins, a program/projects manager for MBTA. The program kicks off in August. Data will be collected for several months before the agency makes a decision about whether to implement the program by year’s end, the newspaper said.

It’s not a new concept. Nearly a decade ago, the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority launched a pilot program that, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, triggered strobe lights, alarms, and alerts to MARTA police when urine was detected in an elevator. The elevators were then inoperable until a cleaning. That program, deemed a success, was eventually expanded. The MBTA hopes the program helps alleviate problems. “We want to make sure that our riders feel comfortable riding in elevators, and that in some cases, when people do use the elevator as a restroom, it can damage the elevator and it can also make it unsanitary,” Collins says. “These can … also render it unusable, so we want to really see if this can work out for us.”


I remember a friend of mine that I knew from little league moved to housing that was considered “subsidized.” It was BRAND NEW.

Before the summer was over his elevator smelled like pee. So did the stairs.

Do you pee in an elevator because you are poor? Or are you poor because you’re the type of person that would pee in an elevator?

20 Comments on I have never peed in an elevator, have you?

  1. High voltage mesh on the floor would serve as an alarm and a deterrent.
    When the buildings lights flicker maintenance will know there’s a mess to clean.

  2. Congressmen would piss in elevators sometimes.
    One (from Texas) pissed in his ice bucket outside his door while waiting for someone to open it for him (he forgot his keys). There was a shithouse right across the hall but he was so drunk he didn’t see it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. This is what you get after decades of participation awards and kid not learning simple respect. Parents always blame the school, when it should have been taught BY the parents before they ever get to school.

  4. Never pissed in an elevator, but if I was in a position where I would piss in an elevator it would be after consuming too much beer too quickly. I quit drinking since, but when I did consume so much beer my piss was crystal clear and (probably) smelled like nothing. Now I’m curious to see how sensitive these smelling devices are, maybe it’s time to find one of these elevators, drink a case of beer and piss in it.

  5. NEVER use the coffee decanter, pitcher or ice bucket in low budget hotel rooms. mooselimbs are too ignorant to realize there is a bathroom in their room or they are just too lazy to walk 20 or so feet so they pee in them.

  6. @Jellybean

    Once in a while I give my King John a MacBath, but not too often. I follow medieval hygiene practices.

    Then, there is the Midsummer Night’s Stream every July 15th around 11 pm.

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