I have no time for this… maybe you do – IOTW Report

I have no time for this… maybe you do

This was going to be an open thread about socialism, but I had to redact it because the reader at the site I was conversing with did not want to come here to debate because-
“we are fake news, we are an echo chamber, the site has very few readers” and he doesn’t like that I’m “the moderator.”
I will have to distill his words because, although he is on a public platform, I don’t want to infringe upon the precious ownership of his precious words.
A reader on a site covering Jenny Durkan’s plan for “free” college for all brought up the “roads are socialism” canard.   I disagreed and a very confused reader jumped in-
 how is paying for education any different than paying for roads or emergency services? 

This was directed at me even though I never said a word about Durkhan’s plan being socialism. I responded in kind, never using the word socialism –

I think you might be confusing me for someone else.
But I’ll try and answer your question.

How is providing a free service, that will cost citizens billions, for people who are grown adults different than building a road or providing emergency services?

If you can’t answer this maybe we do need continuing education for free in this country.

He responded-


Your comment was vague and unsupported.

What followed was a new assertion that I said paying for community college was socialism while k-12 wasn’t.

I never once made this claim, but he argued incessantly as if I had. I simply said “roads are not an example of socialism,” and this weirdo guy was off to the races.


…paying for community college is socialism but paying for K-12 education is not? Please explain that.


College-aged people are grown adults. Why should their CONTINUING, continuinggggggg, education be provided for “free”?
Why stop there?
Why not a “free” car?
How about “free” clothes?

If someone college age wants a “free” education, they can send their KIDS to public school. There, that’s a “freebie” for them.

Grade school is not socialism. We, as a society, have determined that a “basic” education is part of promoting the general welfare. That’s not socialism.

As a society we have determined that if you’re a grown adult and you want to study women’s poetry, that’s your decision, your dime.

– Providing education FREE for GROWN ADULTS is an embarrassment… therefore, we must be talking about leftwing policy.

Let’s agree to not call any of it socialism, let’s just call providing free education for grown adults…an unnecessary drain on our tax resources.

Happy now?
Nothing is socialism, so stupid Seattle policy will not stain your beloved socialism.

He declined to debated this issue with you guys because there isn’t enough of you and you’re purveyors of fake news and are ill-informed.


42 Comments on I have no time for this… maybe you do

  1. LMAO. Why do you do this to yourself?
    He thinks he’s entitled, he cannot possibly live without entitlements, and without those entitlements he thinks he’s as good as dead. You cannot possibly convince or reason with people like that.
    Entitlements are his survival, even if those things cost someone else money or if those things are severely lacking in quality, it doesn’t matter to him because there’s a panic that sets in when you tell him to get off his ass and get his own because he believes he cannot do anything for himself, on his own.
    It’s like an addiction mixed with vanity and greed. It’s pathetic.

  2. Roads are socialism? LOL. OK.
    Even the communities which build their own roads?
    Even businesses who build their own roads for delivery?
    And the highways. There’s bidding to build them. Bidding done by PRIVATE COMPANIES.
    I’m pretty sure the feds don’t own a super-massive construction business. lol.

  3. In his argument he talks about the need to train people for the trades.

    But any bill that subsidizes grown adult’s venture into continuing education will not be limited to learning how to fix an air conditioner.
    Who are they trying to fool?
    We wouldn’t be in student loan crisis if student’s were learning marketable skills.
    They aren’t.

    This bill will be an infantilization of people to allow them to delay becoming self-sustained adults.
    25 is the new 15.

  4. The problem with ‘free’ is, the person organizing the ‘free’ gets to decide what is taught and what acceptable job you are given to work. You think the organizers of ‘free’ are going to let you walk out of that ‘college’ and you aren’t going to have to pay them back?

  5. “Free anything” usually involves theft of something by someone, because somehow the provision has to get paid-for, just not by the entity receiving it.

    The asshole libtards always use the “promote the general welfare” line in the preamble as meaning we should provide for the welfare state at all costs, but suggest that the “provide for the common defense” line in the same document should mandate that I get a free firearm, bullets, and training and they have exploding head syndrome.

    K thru 12 isn’t free, either. It is however mandatory as imposed by the state. And it isn’t about ensuring education. It’s about ensuring a specific indoctrination to acquiring and maintaining the psychological control of the future useful idiots.

    The roads aren’t free either. If they were, why do Californians pay 75 cents on every gallon of gas for the maintenance (shitty, though it is), and why is the governor increasing the tax once again under the guise of the same bullshit excuse when everyone with any sense realizes that the tax money is going to those who intend to ensure an illegal invasion of undocumented democrats.

  6. By the way – the guy you were discussing “free” college with should move to Oregon. They announced free community college a few weeks ago and had to back track – not enough taxes to pay for “free”.

  7. I pay for roads via a USE tax – – tax on gasoline and car tabs. If I don’t want to pay for roads then I don’t drive, that simple. Public education IS socialism, common good be damned. (Common good is always the excuse for socialism.) I don’t have kids yet I have to pay property tax that goes to pay for for K-12 schools. (Education should be privatized.) The thing about socialism is that it ALWAYS has to be enforced by the point of a government gun. This can only be acceptable if you accept “the ends justifies the means” argument.

  8. Joe Dan just covered this exchange in his recent video.

    You asked the guy to debate and defend why continuing education is not socialism and he responded by declining the invitation AND calling IOTWReport Fake News AND suggesting the people here “ill informed.”

    When a person is so passionate about their cause they would take to the streets to fight for it, yet cannot defend their argument in a reasonable fashion and ends the discussion by calling you a stupid head, they have been brainwashed into holding their viewpoint.

    D’Souza sez most (all?) who think socialism is a superior ideology have no idea what it is or where it ends. They think Denmark is an ideal when really it is Cuba we end up with.

    Besides which I don’t like debating with people who use sophistry to hide their ignorance of basic economics and history.

  9. The way K-12 is funded is indeed socialism. Property owners with no children are forced by the state to pay for educating the children of people who do not own property, and the property owners have little to no say in what is being taught. There arr those who claim this is “fair” because the childless property owners benefit from an educated, more productive society; however, those childless property owners have no say in how those who do not own property raise their children, even if those children are making failing grades and misbehaving. I’ll argue my point with anyone.

  10. @Moe Tom: On a related subject, ever notice that Socialist and Communist countries never give a rat’s ass about old car engine emissions, industrial pollution, or potential deadly nuclear accidents, ala Chernobyl?

    Yet the Left never calls them out on it. Funny how that works.

  11. Primary education gives a child the necessary knowlege and skills to SURVIVE on his/her own and not be a burden on society. With it you can do the math to manage your funds, communicate with others in a rational and coherent manner, understand history so you can see evidence of right and wrong. I am all for paying for that with my taxes. Anything past that is either an investment toward a better future (STEM) or is a waste of money and time (wymin’s studies) I shouldn’t have to pay for that.

  12. forgot to add…

    Taxpayers already pay for public colleges and universities. If not the tuition, the buildings and salaries, in whole or in large part.

    This is the “what is fair share?” thing to which Progressives can never determine the answer. So long as it’s not their money, right?

  13. There are some things which realistically only a government can provide. Roads are one of these services; it is unrealistic and not cost effective for private individuals to build roads for use by the general public because the cost would outweigh the benefits. Similarly, the government is responsible for maintaining the military for the same reasons.

    Other government “services” are nothing more than societal choices. We have chosen to offer a general education to all children through high school. This is not free, it is not necessarily equal for all taxpayers, and it is not an inherent right – it is a choice our nation has made. But college is not a general education; it is a specific education designed to further individuals in specific careers. Yes, our society will benefit from the doctors, engineers, accountants, lawyers and scientists produced by colleges, but the individuals who engage in these occupations will also benefit individually. As such, a significant part of the cost of higher education should be borne by the student who will also receive the benefit.

    Educators want “free” college because it benefits them. Professors and administrators can command high salaries and lavish benefits because the government (a) does not perform any cost/benefit analysis with regard to government programs, and (b) there is no bottom line for government programs, and (c) government programs are not allowed to fail. Without government funding, many liberal arts disciplines will go away because there would be little to no private demand for these courses of study. We in fact spend significant public funds on higher education, and the tuition costs are still sky high; the public cost will be astronomically higher if college is “free.”

    Leftists love to claim that things like higher education are “rights” because they have no logical argument for their positions. But most things the government provides are not “rights,” they are “choices” made by society.

  14. This “free college” that the snowflakes dream about wouldn’t work they think it will. I know people from countries where university is free. First of all, entry is very selective. These room temperature IQ SJW types would not make the cut. Secondly, test results determine which academic pursuits the university student qualifies to study. You can’t just major in whatever you feel like studying. Thirdly, useless degrees like gender studies are not offered.

  15. Plantsman August 30, 2017 at 8:59 pm

    I Take Exeption To ” There Are’nt Enough of Us ” He Could’nt Handle More Than Three of Us !!!

    I’m fairly certain why he said that.

    He wants the chaos that comes with hundreds of voices. A long time ago he found out a crowd can not be focused in an argument against him.

    He is weak and he knows it. Having a crowd is like driving by and yelling something out the window. A lot of confusion and no one will make a point back at him.

    The only way he can feel he wins.

    Otherwise he would be pleased to educate the masses if he really had something.

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