I Have No Words – IOTW Report

I Have No Words

The Fetternecks on display. Go see.

h/t Brad.

33 Comments on I Have No Words

  1. Some rather humorous comments under the Fetter-family photo

    That’s some raggedy ass shit right there

    their mother couldn’t iron their shirts first?

    @timrunshismouth now that’s embarrassing! Look at the youngest son’s clothes. Perfect example of white trash family

    senator lurch

    @timrunshismouth looks like a group photo of the midnight shift volunteers at the soup kitchen in Philly

    A can hardly disagree with any of them.

  2. THIS was the best comment, IMO:

    @timrunshismouth We have to understand that the people controlling the world have deliberately installed obvious freaks and clowns into the American government. Its purpose is to insult us, humiliate us, to make a mockery of the American image on the world stage.


    Mitch did $5,000,000 of adds for feterneck for free. And the MSM ran the adds for free – they were “news”/sound bites! Mitch did the FREE fit jobs on oZ IN AUG AND SEP. all the MSM (ABC, CNN Fox…. et.al.) ran them over and over in oct. “See EVEN REPUBLICANS ARE AGAINST OZ! YOU MUST VOTE FETERNECK, AS MITCH SAYS!”

    MIktch elected many Dems las Nov! Some, of many, names most here will know: Kelly, Hobbs, Warnock. He did this obliquely. Not praising the Dem but denigrating the Republican. I know he gave $ to Walker – BUT THE VALUE OF HIS ADDS FOR WARNOCK WAS MANY TIMES MORE THAN HIS CASH! Be not fooled!

  4. William Penn and the early Pennsylvanians who participated in the first and second Continental Congresses in 1774 and 1775, the latter of which produced the Declaration of Independence, sparking the American Revolution would be embarrassed.

    Pennsylvania, like the Nation, is but a shadow of what it once was.


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