I have safety concerns with his choice of footwear – IOTW Report

I have safety concerns with his choice of footwear

h/t JH

One of you out there must know someone like this.

30 Comments on I have safety concerns with his choice of footwear

  1. Actually more safe than using 2 OEM screw jacks to rotate your tires. Coming from someone who uses a screw jack to lift a chicken coop more often than a car.

  2. And yes, his footwear is more concerning. Must be genetic. The Japs and their tabis, The VC and their tire sandals. Hell, my kids are half Chinese, and I constantly have to tell them not to cut the grass in flip-flops.

  3. Both wheels on the ground are chalked so Wheels are secure. Check
    Using 3 not 2
    4×4 posts for support. Check.
    Flip flops as foot gear. Check.
    The only thing that is missing is an ice chest full of beer to keep the tools off the ground.
    Amateurs everywhere.

  4. I used to know Pete Wells – he would do things like this.
    He was a great guy. The picture of health – played full field soccer as a center.
    A car he was fixing fell on him.
    He was pinned, couldn’t breathe, and died at age 40.

  5. Footwear is good. The feet will survive the impact intact. No troubles slicing off boots to attach the toe tag to the stringy hamburger that’s the rest of his compacted ass.

  6. Back in the early 80’s, I came across a couple of fellow college students at our apartment. They were underneath a big ol’ Bonneville or some such tank of a car. They had the car jacked up to the stops on one those old heavy lever action bumper jacks. No jack stands at all. The car was swaying precariously side to side on that jack. Alarmed, I warned them that the car could easily fall on top of them. One replied, “Sir, jack stands cost too much money.” I walked away amazed at their ignorance.

  7. When I was a kid, the hippies across the street would tip their VWs all the way onto their sides on top of old mattresses and then yank the engines out through the bottom. They couldn’t afford a scissor jack because it would cut into their drug budget.

  8. Jethro, I remember a long-haired hippie had his van up on blocks and someone revving the engine while he was underneath. Got his pony tail caught up in the drive shaft and it scalped him. Knocked him out cold. Quickest hippie haircut ever.

  9. I live in Arkansas, so I know LOTS of people like this.
    Can’t count the times I’ve been injured on the job because shop owners wouldn’t purchase the tools & equipment needed.
    One thing California had going for it was safe working conditions. Of course, that’s probably exploded into police state over-regulation now. Have to buy a special license just to fart in a tire store now.

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