“I have seven buttons!” – IOTW Report

“I have seven buttons!”

What is happening is not unlike people who tattoo themselves all over their body, gauge their ears, and put rings and studs on their face, all the while saying they are expressing their individuality.

Their individuality is banal, not at all unique. They just look like thousands of other “individuals.”

The same is true of the idiot above.

SHE would never be wearing a button announcing her “preferred pronouns” if it wasn’t the “current thing.”

She is a cabbage patch doll. A mood ring. A pet rock. She is pants lowered under the butt so we can all see her underpants.

31 Comments on “I have seven buttons!”

  1. This is mental illness trying to convince everybody else that they’re right in some pathetic effort to convince themselves they’re OK cuz deep down they know they’re AFU!

  2. Matt Walsh just tweeted that we really should stop using the word gender. Gender refers to word types, particularly in the Romance languages like tio or tia for uncle or aunt. Sex is male and female, and we should stick with the word sex. I agree.
    Haven’t seen 57 bathroom options yet…

  3. If I am ever confronted by one of these freaks I’m going to refer to “it” as either “XX” or “XY”.
    “Hey XX! Come over here and make me a sammich”.

  4. Why is it no one ever wants to be surgically altered to be one of the other 57 sexes? Why is it always either male or female? Another thing, why is archeologists and anthropologists only ever find remains of males or females and never any one of the other sexes?

  5. Look at me!! Look at me!!!

    And you know she (intentional tweak) would probably be offended if someone actually looked at the buttons. “Why are you staring at my chest?”

  6. @aleon April 7, 2022 at 1:05 pm

    > Hey Planned Parenthood, you missed one.

    We’ll get to it. As soon as Conservatives(TM) get in stop blocking the boxcars.

  7. MY son Thomas had his tongue pierced about 20 years ago when he was 19 while at the same time dying his hair Smurf blue which my father-in-law mocked him unmercifully for and told his grandson that he was an idiot. Anyway, his tongue got infected and my brother-in-law a doctor who is also named Thomas and is my son’s namesake had to treat my son for his infected tongue and threatened to take a pair of pliars and rip the stud out of his tongue. He was able to take care of my son’s tongue without any further damage and threatened him with the riot act if he ever did anything that stupid again. Fortunately, he listened to his uncle and took him seriously because he knew that he wasn’t kidding. Since then my son has been more or less responsible and now that he has 3 young kids of his own, two girls and a boy he will now probably worry that one of his kids might be eventually as stupid as he was back then. And we’re all here to remind my grandkids of their dads stupidity to keep them from doing the same thing. Ain’t families great for keeping our neer do well children in line when they need it the most.

  8. I know that my son liked my dad better than his other grandfather but he also knew that they were both old school and would kick his ass if they had to in order to keep him in line. My father-in-law was a school teacher in a Parochial school and also the Vice Principal and believe me he could put the fear of God into all of his 9 kids just by standing up and unbuckling his belt slowly. And my sainted mother-in law (a nurse) wasn’t a slouch either, she had a wicked backhand and could whip up her slip on tennis shoes in a heartbeat and smack the shit out of her kids so fast it’d make their heads spin. I was also on the receiving end of my moms backhand once when she got home from work and I didn’t turn Country Joe and the Fish on the Woodstock album fast enough for her to hear “Gimme an F, what’s that spell” and bam she smacked me clear across the room. After that I kept my music more or less quietly to myself.

  9. The Prog of the West has become the Reverse Animal.

    While all other members of the animal kingdom try to evolve and adapt to their respective environments over which they have no control, the Prog of the West instead strives to adapt and control its environment in order to make its own adaptation unnecessary.

    Jobs — if they are sought out at all — are sought out not by how much work can be accomplished in a day, but by how many benefits and how much PTO the employer can provide.

    Families no longer need to arrive at a consensus when selecting an evening’s television programming now that every member has their own personal screen.

    The Prog of the West has adapted and controlled so much of its life and livelihood for the sake of comfort and convenience that anything that causes even the slightest discomfort or inconvenience is seen as a terrible horrible no good very bad thing. It can no longer tolerate being told “no” when it makes demands. It has become an ill-tempered, spoiled brat that stamps it foot and screams when it doesn’t get its way. It lacks the will to seek alternatives, the wisdom to actually find them, and the strength to implement them.

  10. Sadly, all that we’re experiencing is the Devil’s work:

    Mass stupidity, out of control political corruption, insane propaganda outlets, lies, deceit, inflation (read “Faust”), Globaloney Warming Bullshit Hoax, Coof Hoax, Illegal-Alien Invading Rat-People, Tyranny, Oppression, Blabbing about Socialism while stealing everything in sight, NWO, The Great Reset, Digital Money, Pedophilia, Perversion, and, of course, that pervert-loving, despicable, shameful, Affirmative Action addition to the SCROTUS.

    This once great nation is gone (as we knew it, not in an absolute sense).
    The remaining Americans better get their shit together.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Not sure, but I think it was Will Rogers that said;
    “The only thing a non-conformist hates worse than a conformist, is a non-conformist that doesn’t abide by the prevailing standards of non-conformity.”

  12. She is the human version of a liberal’s car with stupid stickers all over the back of it.

    The message I read when I see a multitude of buttons on someone is to not engage with them or take them seriously. I am not going to stare at your chest looking for instructions on how to play along with your mental illness. You aren’t that interesting anyway.

    I have no obligation to help you with your delusions. In fact, I am doing you a favor by sticking to reality. When a kid thinks he’s batman or superman, I may play along – for a little bit. Just to have some fun. But we both know he isn’t either.

    You, on the other hand, have no fun in you at all. You just want to be an irritation and so you are treated as such.

    It’s like if you feed the bears, they’ll keep coming back for more. And bring their buddies while they’re at it.

    Don’t feed this odd bear if you want it to go away.

  13. @ Dadof4

    An irritation….or perhaps even a pest in a more broader definition. There’s an entire cottage industry for dealing with pests…..exterminators. Perhaps that is an option.

    Afterall, we may be human, but we’re still animals. In parts of the animal kingdom, those that are detrimental to the survival of the herd, pack, colony etc. are killed for the benefit of the same.

    And to be honest, it and it’s ilk have pretty much taken reason off the table, and there’s not a whole lot of avenues left. And coincidentally, isn’t there a high percentage of suicides common in this group? So would it not actually be a service to them? 🤔


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