I have to talk to Trump… we were just Russian-botted for the last 45 minutes. – IOTW Report

I have to talk to Trump… we were just Russian-botted for the last 45 minutes.

sorry folks.

51 Comments on I have to talk to Trump… we were just Russian-botted for the last 45 minutes.

  1. “I think it was the Dems. I don’t think they liked your joke about mooshelle and the stripper pole.”

    Thanks a lot PHenrey, I just ate. Now I have emptied my stomach and have to eat again. Even if it wasn’t your comment, why would you talk about that hag stripping? I may not sleep tonight.

  2. These Russian bots are probably “guns for hire” there’d be no money or etc. in randmonly hitting a conservative site… congrats, you’ve made some politically connected enemies!!

  3. well, i am NOT getting rid of my way cool russian bot hoodie from mark dice……

    these must be those OTHER russian bots, not the cool ones like me…… 🙂

  4. All you’ve got to do is get ahold of The Donald, he’ll call Vlad and put a stop to this.

    Remember when Obama told the Russians “to cut it out”? Haha!

  5. PHen,

    That’s the joke that got Jim Treacher in trouble when he repeated it on Twitter.
    As much as he’s a #NeverTrump schmuck, he never threw me under the bus and pointed at me and said “it was HIS JOKE!!!”

    For context,
    After Wanda Sykes did her White House Correspondence Dinner suckfest for Obama, I felt it needed to be redone properly.
    So I wrote a roast.
    I handed it off to Hippie Critic and he did the voiceover.

    The joke was –
    “I hear Barack bought a stripper pole for Michelle for the bedroom. It didn’t work out. First time she hung off the pole she was attacked by tiny biplanes.”

    Treacher was crucified and called a racist.

  6. Fur you have been on the map for a long time, “Garland” and before. Could be the mussie’s but not likely.
    This is a redirect from the dark web,I would bet money on it. This is a hit from the US. Who have you pissed off on the left; Everyone. You Tube, Google, Facebook, all of these people bounce back and forth between the companies and have the same point of view, destroy the right. ( The ones who are tasked with shutting down sites like iOTW and others)
    Watch for more of this they will be using the top conservative blog list to take them all down.
    The IG report is coming out in 9 days they do not want anyone to see it, and we will read about it here. That can not happen,according to them, they will stop at nothing.
    Lots of sites have been hit in the last few days.
    Hope you can stay on line.

  7. I hear you, Geoff.
    Something happened at our previous server that was, to my mind, not kosher.
    We were squeezed out, and I have to think they no longer wanted us “for whatever reason.”

    All you need is for a few employees to decide they hate your site and they can cause a lot of trouble.
    They don’t necessarily have to sabotage you, all they have to do is Serpico you.
    When you get in trouble they just stand around, not help, and watch you take a bullet to the face.
    We were there for years and then in the last year and a half we were getting timeouts, and errors. Then a little bit more, than a little bit more, then ALL THE TIME.
    Gee, what happened a year and a half ago???

  8. So weird. I’ve been getting spammed by Russia on my portfolio site. I had to put an IP blocker on it because I’m sick of the spam filling up my inbox.
    I assume the hits from China means they are stealing my art.

    Glad you are back in business!

  9. ‘Where, oh where, are you tonight?
    Why did you leave me here all alone?
    I searched the world over & I thought I found True Love
    You met another & Pffffffft … you were gone’

  10. Someone needs to light the “ Jester “ symbol in the sky. He has been quiet for a long time 😉

    Word on the metaphorical street is there is a bit of panic in the leftist sphere.

    There is a nasty rumor some of them got a taste of what’s coming down the pike…..it is bad. They are not sure how to disrupt and corrupt the info and it’s flow. They are lashing out in diffent direction because they don’t have a real course of action or plan.

    But, the dude might have been high on shrooms for all I know. But it is interesting.

  11. Lot’s of weird shit going on these days. The Trump Team is successfully and quietly dismantling the SWAMP. Remember, the other side never even gave losing a consideration. What would save the left right now? Martial Law. Watch your six.

  12. “There is a nasty rumor some of them got a taste of what’s coming down the pike…..it is bad.”

    Yes, go read 8 Chan. Those guys are getting really good at this. Plus that actress that just got arrested for Child Trafficking is naming names. Some of those names are very very important international people.

  13. Mr. hat can you talk to some of the other sites that have been hit and ask them how they fought back, to protect themselves.
    Geller,Bonnie at BNI,Jim Holt at Gateway? (and others)
    Also The Treehouse, he is in your neck of the woods, what kind of firewall does he have, he is enemy number one of the deep state.
    Is he ex CIA and has cover or does he have a supper dupper firewall.
    I know that many, many people would love to kill him for the on point reporting that he has been doing.
    And yes I also know that many would love to kill you also, that is a fact.
    Stay safe in the next weeks, we will say some prayers for you and I hope others will too.
    Sorry to be so blunt, but we worry about you.

  14. It’s all up to to how good a job your server does in identifying a DDOS and how quickly they can respond.
    If the left shows up at a Ben Shapiro rally and shouts them down so no one can hear them, do you not think they are spending time and resources to “shout down” a website they cannot stand?
    Of course they are.

    The left is all about suppressing information. It’s what every left-wing regime does once they get a foot on your neck. They pull the plug on information sharing.
    It’s in their DNA.

    A fun day for us is debating the left and winning the argument.
    A necessary day for the left is shutting down your website, pulling you off of Facebook, bouncing you from Twitter.

    Even if I didn’t know anything about either party accept for this fact, I would side with the right by default because the left is obviously wrong, paranoid and totalitarian.

  15. BFH,
    There was an earlier question about tube links still ok to post. I need another brain to figure out all the apps that want to be my newest player friend, if I just let them into my place. Can Tubular bells still root here along with new bloomers?
    Jan 28, 2008 – 4min – Uploaded by leadIT5022
    Brains, courage and Heart.


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